MM TR-17 as set forth in the Final EIR enumerates specific service improvements for SFMTA to make in the Project area to satisfy transit demand.  These service improvements are intended to augment existing transit service provided by SFMTA.  Over time, SFMTA may adjust transit service in the City in response to changing needs or actions taken by other transit service providers in the area.  As a result of such adjustments,  SFMTA may determine that the same transit service goals identified for the Project area can be achieved in alternative ways.  To provide SFMTA the ability to adjust the specific transit service solutions implemented for the Project area while achieving the same goals for transit service improvement as identified in the Final EIR, MM TR-17 is modified as shown, with additions [begin addition] underlined in bold italicized type [end addition] and deletions denoted by [begin deletion] strike-through [end deletion]:

MM TR-17

Implement the Project's Transit Operating Plan.

The Project Applicant shall work with SFMTA to develop and implement the Project's Transit Operating Plan. [begin addition] Upon completion of the Project build out, [end addition] [begin deletion] Elements [end deletion][begin addition] elements [end addition] of the Project Transit Operating Plan shall include:

·       Extension of the 24-Divisadero, the 44-O'Shaughnessy, and the 48-Quintara-24th Street into Hunters Point Shipyard.


·       Increased frequency on the 24-Divisadero to 6 minutes in the AM and PM peak periods.


·       Extension of the 29-Sunset from its current terminus near the Alice Griffith housing development, near Gilman Avenue and Giants Drive, into the proposed Candlestick Point retail area. The 29-Sunset would operate a short line between Candlestick Point and the Balboa Park BART station. This would increase frequencies on the 29-Sunset by reducing headways between buses from 10 minutes to 5 minutes during the AM and PM peak periods between Candlestick Point and the Balboa BART station. Every other bus would continue to serve the Sunset District (to the proposed terminus at Lincoln Drive and Pershing Drive in the Presidio) at 10-minute headways.


·       Convert T-Third service between Bayview and Chinatown via the Central Subway from one-car to two-car trains or comparable service improvement.


·       Extension of the 28L-19th Avenue Limited from its TEP-proposed terminus on Geneva Avenue, just east of Mission Street, into the Hunters Point Shipyard transit center. The 28L-19th Avenue Limited would travel along Geneva Avenue across US-101 via the proposed Geneva Avenue extension and new interchange with US-101, to Harney Way. East of Bayshore Boulevard, the 28L-19th Avenue Limited would operate as BRT, traveling in exclusive bus lanes into the Candlestick Point area. The BRT route would travel through the Candlestick Point retail corridor, and cross over Yosemite Slough into the Hunters Point Shipyard transit center.


·       The 28L-19th Avenue Limited would operate a short line to the Balboa Park BART station.  This would increase frequencies on the 28L-19th Avenue Limited by reducing headways between buses from 10 minutes to 5 minutes for the segment between Hunters Point Shipyard and the Balboa Park BART station. Every other bus would continue to the Sunset District (to the proposed terminus at North Point Street and Van Ness Avenue) at 10-minute headways. If the TEP-proposed extension of the 28L has not been implemented by the SFMTA by the time implementation of this measure is called for in the Transportation Study (Appendix D), the Project Applicant shall fund the extension of that line between its existing terminus and Bayshore Boulevard.


·       New CPX-Candlestick Express to downtown serving the Candlestick Point site, traveling along Harney Way (with potential stops at Executive Park), before traveling on US-101 toward downtown, terminating at the Transbay Terminal.


·       New HPX-Hunters Point Shipyard Express to downtown serving the Hunters Point Shipyard site, traveling from the Hunters Point Shipyard Transit Center, along Innes Avenue, with stops at the India Basin and Hunters View areas, before continuing along Evans Avenue to Third Street, eventually entering I-280 northbound at 25th/Indiana. The HPX would continue nonstop to the Transbay Terminal in Downtown San Francisco.


[begin addition] The SFMTA may modify or refine components listed above as needed to address changes in the operating environment and service demands, using SFMTA's service planning methodology and public review process, provided that the modifications result in:

·       Similar or higher transit mode share to what was projected in the DEIR.  As shown in Table III.D-5 in the DEIR, the proposed Project is anticipated to generate approximately 20 percent of its external person-trips via transit during the weekday PM peak hour.  If modifications to the transit service described above are proposed, SFMTA (or other agency, as appropriate) shall demonstrate that the changes would still provide for a weekday PM peak hour transit mode share for external trips (i.e., outside of the Candlestick Point-Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II Development Area) of approximately 20 percent or greater.

·       Adequate capacity to serve projected transit ridership.  Table III.D-17 in the DEIR presents the transit ridership and capacity utilization percentages for three study area cordons.  The cordons are described on page III.D-66 of the DEIR and illustrated in Figure 19 in the Project's Transportation Study (included in Appendix D of the DEIR).  As shown in Table II.D-17 in the DEIR, most of the study area cordons are projected to operate well within SFMTA's 85 percent capacity utilization standard.  If modifications to the transit service described above are proposed, SFMTA (or other agency, as appropriate) shall demonstrate that the changes would not cause capacity to deteriorate such that the study area cordons as defined in Table III.D-17 in the DEIR would operate above SFMTA's capacity utilization standard.  

·       Similar or less severe traffic impacts than identified in Impacts TR-3 through TR-16 in the DEIR.  Specifically, if modifications to the transit service described above are proposed, SFMTA (or other agency, as appropriate) shall demonstrate that vehicular traffic congestion (i.e., intersection level of service) would be similar to or better than conditions identified in the DEIR at study intersections along major transit corridors in the study area including Palou Avenue, Gilman Avenue, Harney Way, and Innes Avenue/Hunters Point Boulevard/Evans Avenue.

Before implementing any major service changes to the expected components of the Transit Operating Plan, the SFMTA shall submit a memorandum to the San Francisco Planning Department's Environmental Review Officer, describing the proposed changes and technical analysis demonstrating compliance with the criteria above,

Nothing in this measure requires the SFMTA to provide any service in advance of the schedule for Transit Improvement Phasing set forth as Table 5 in the Transit Operating Plan or in excess of the criteria set forth above. [end addition]

Funds for the implementation of this mitigation measure are expected to be generated from a combination of Project revenues that accrue to the City, and other funding sources. With the implementation of MM TR-17, as proposed for modification, Project-generated transit trips would be accommodated within the existing and proposed transit capacity, and, therefore, Project impacts on transit capacity would be less than significant and the Project’s contribution to cumulative impacts on transit capacity would be reduced to less than significant.  The SFMTA Board recognizes that MM TR‑17 is partially within the jurisdiction of SFMTA.  The SFMTA Board adopts MM TR-17 as modified and agrees to participate in implementing this mitigation measure.