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To make a Rapid network, Muni is going to need programming beyond the Transit Effectiveness Project. SFMTA has on-going programs, new projects and may change policies to improve transit travel times.

Operational improvements, such as systemwide all-door boarding policies, strong enforcement of transit-only lanes, dynamic supervision and service management, in conjunction with small system capital improvements continue to enhance the Muni network and are geared to improve reliability and transit travel time. These improvements happen daily and are constantly being improved upon.

Network Enhancements can upgrade the existing network to make transit more legible and easy to use. Colorizing existing transit-only lanes, branding Rapid routes, and fare pre-payment are opportunities to better identify Muni corridors without intensive investment.

Transit Signal Priority requires coordination between bus equipment, traffic signal hardware and the Muni radio to give transit green signals as vehicles approach the intersection.  This effort has elements of implementation in a number of programs, such as SFgo and the Muni Radio Replacement. Other forms of transit signal priority are already implemented, such as signal timing programs on Third Street and Mission Street. Transit signal priority on the Rapid network, in conjunction with stop optimization of signals, will further reduce travel times.


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