This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > Citizens' Advisory Council January 6, 2011, Agenda |
SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY CITIZENS’ ADVISORY COUNCIL NOTICE OF MEETING AND CALENDAR Thursday, January 6, 2011 Room 3074 1 South Van Ness Avenue REGULAR MEETING 5:30 P.M. COUNCIL MEMBERS Daniel Murphy (Chair), Daniel Weaver (Vice Chair), Mary Burns, Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Steve Ferrario, Griffith Humphrey, Cesar Perez, Greg Riessen, Janel Sterbentz, Susan Vaughan, Dorris Vincent, Ruth Wheeler, and Jamison Wieser COUNCIL LIAISON Roberta Boomer COUNCIL SECRETARY Yvette Torres ORDER OF BUSINESS
Members of the public may address the Citizens’ Advisory Council on matters that are within the CAC's jurisdiction and are not on today's calendar. REGULAR CALENDAR
Motion 101104.01 The SFMTA CAC recommends that given increasing Muni Metro service demands, the J-Church line be equipped with low-floor streetcars so it can operate on Market Street. This will free up 20% of the tunnel capacity. This tunnel capacity can be utilized for increased service on the N-Judah and other lines as required. This idea should be studied as part of the current Better Market Street Study. In addition, the J-Church can terminate at a number of alternate locations, including Transbay Terminal and Caltrain. Motion 101117.01 The SFMTA CAC recommends that after the bus operations are relocated from the Kirkland Yard, that new facilities be built on that site to accommodate the F and E Line Streetcars. This new building should be large enough to store the entire historic rail vehicle fleet, as well as providing light maintenance shops and a possible public display area. This new structure will result in considerable cost reductions in operations and maintenance, as well as increasing the vehicle’s life, as pull-in and pull-out mileages are significantly reduced.
Motion 101109.01 The SFMTA CAC recommends that specific addresses not be asked of callers when an intersection is sufficient to service the call, and that specific addresses of city-run parking facilities not be asked of callers when the facility can be identified from an intersection alone, as such addresses are frequently not posted or not obvious at such facilities. The SFMTA CAC further recommends that, whereas PCOs should ticket all illegal parking at a reported location, dispatch of a PCO never be made contingent on the caller providing the make, model, color, description, or license plate number of the illegally parked vehicle except with regard to blocked driveway calls. Motion 101109.02 The SFMTA CAC recommends that, when valet parking services or automotive service businesses park cars illegally, that the agency work with the San Francisco Police Department to make an effort to identify and fine the valet service or automotive service business as opposed to the business’s customers. Motion 101109.03 The SFMTA CAC encourages the SFMTA to increase the staffing levels of PCOs up to the 2008 staffing level.
ADJOURN Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue |
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