City and County of San Francisco
Municipal Transportation Agency
Citizens’ Advisory Council
Thursday, August 2, 2012, at 5:30 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, Union Square Conference Room
San Francisco, California
1.Call to Order:
Vice Chairman Weaver called the meeting to order at 5:52 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
SFMTA CAC members present at Roll Call: Mark Ballew, Steve Ferrario, Katie Haverkamp, Susan Vaughan, Dorris Vincent, Dan Weaver, Roland Wong, and Frank Zepeda
SFMTA CAC members absent at Roll Call: Daniel Murphy
SFMTA CAC members absent: Art Cimento, Joan Downey, and Marc Salomon
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound-producing devices during the meeting.
The CAC Secretary made the announcement.
4. Approval of Minutes:
Public Comment:
On motion to approve the minutes of July 5, 2012: Approved
Ayes –Ballew, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Vaughan, Vincent, Weaver, Wong, and Zepeda
Nayes – None
Absent – Cimento, Downey, Murphy, and Salomon
5. Report of the Chair (For discussion only):
6. Motion to amend the CAC’s Rules of Order, Article IV – Meetings, Section 2, regarding the meeting room for the CAC regular meetings
Chairman Murphy stated that in order to give the public advanced notice of the meeting room change, this item is continued to the next meeting.
Public Comment:
7. Public Comment:
Edward Mason commented that there are no NextMuni predictions for substitution buses or re-routed buses for rail construction projects.
8. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Transportation Sustainability Program. (Alicia John-Baptiste, Chief of Staff, S.F. Planning Department)
Daniel Murphy arrived at 6:00 p.m.
Alicia John-Baptiste discussed the objectives of the Transportation Sustainability Program (TSP). This program would allow the City to fund the transportation system as a whole (streets, bikes, and pedestrians). Ms. John-Baptiste discussed the citywide impact fee on residential and commercial development. Revenue from the funds is anticipated at $1.4 billion.
Ms. John-Baptiste discussed the four categories of expenditures in the plan. The first category would support Muni Operations and Capital Improvement projects, with focus on TEP improvements. The second category would be for other capital projects. The third category would be for BART and Caltrain. The fourth category would allow funding for expanding the bicycle network. Ms. John-Baptiste stated that the adoption of the plan is anticipated for winter in 2013.
Edward Mason commented on the infill of housing and growth of population in the Church street neighborhood.
Sarah Hagstrom commented on the square footage for the TIDF fee.
9. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Geary Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project. (Andrew Lee, Transit Planner, Sustainable Streets and David Parisi, San Francisco County Transportation Authority)
Andrew Lee discussed the four conceptual alternative designs for the Geary BRT project. Some BRT features may include: keeping current bus service; new bus passing zones; restriction or turn lanes at some intersections; new traffic signals, Transit Signal Priority; real-time information; and low-floor buses.
Mr. Lee stated that there have been three public outreach workshops along the Geary corridor to get from residents and merchants. David Parisi stated that the decision of the final design alternative would be made by 2013.
Public Comment:
10. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the draft policies for On-Street Parking Management. (Jay Primus, SFpark Manager, Finance & Information Technology)
Jay Primus summarized the draft policies. The document will be presented to the SFMTA Board on September 4.
Chairman Murphy moved that the SFMTA Board postpone action until the CAC can review the full policy.
Public Comment:
Motion 120802.01
The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board postpone acting on the Draft Policies for On-Street Parking Management until the SFMTA CAC has been presented with the complete document, not just a summary, and has had an opportunity to make an informed recommendation to the Board.
On motion to approve Motion 120710.01: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Vaughan, Vincent, Weaver, Wong, and Zepeda
Nayes – None
Absent – Cimento, Downey, and Salomon
11. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations from the Operations and Customer Service Committee (OCSC).
Public Comment:
Motion 120710.01
The SFMTA CAC recommends offering an abbreviated commercial bus driver’s training program to get additional rail service drivers faster.
On motion to approve Motion 120710.01: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Vaughan, Vincent, Weaver, Wong, and Zepeda
Nayes – None
Absent – Cimento, Downey, and Salomon
Motion 120710.02
The SFMTA CAC recommends that Muni needs to be especially sensitive when construction projects take place overnight. Notices for all affected addresses need to get out early enough so that residents can make plans to be away. Notices need to be emailed, on doorsteps, on the web, and applicable social media.
Council member Ferrario moved that the motion be amended to include adding the U.S. mail.
On motion to amend Motion 120710.02: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Vaughan, Vincent, Weaver, Wong, and Zepeda
Nayes – None
Absent – Cimento, Downey, and Salomon
Public Comment:
The motion as amended reads as follows:
Motion 120710.02
The SFMTA CAC recommends that Muni needs to be especially sensitive when construction projects take place overnight. Notices for all affected addresses need to get out early enough so that residents can make plans to be away. Notices need to be U.S. mailed, e-mailed, on doorsteps, on the web, and applicable social media.
On motion to approve Motion 120710.02 as amended: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Vaughan, Vincent, Weaver, Wong, and Zepeda
Nayes – None
Absent – Cimento, Downey, and Salomon
12. Committee Members’ request for information. (For discussion only)
- Steve Ferrario would like to know if travel information for the buses temporarily re-routed could be placed in the NextMuni system and cited, for example, the buses along the Mission corridor and Central Subway project.
- Susan Vaughan stated on July 23rd, she was on an outbound 22 Fillmore bus on Hayes at Fell Street. Everyone had to get off the bus, yet, this incident did not appear in the Daily Ops Report. Ms. Vaughan sent an email to Sonya Banks asking why this did not appear and has not had a response to her request.
- Susan Vaughan would like to know who was involved in drafting the TIDF/TSP plan. Ms. Vaughan would like to know their names and affiliation of those involved.
- Dan Weaver stated on July 29th, there was heavy traffic along the Embarcadero, which was closed for a marathon. Mr. Weaver would like to know why there were no postings or warnings in place and no direction of traffic by DPT parking control officers.
- Dorris Vincent stated that the police have been blocking Muni bus lanes. Ms. Vincent would like to know if this can be discussed at a CAC meeting. Chairman Murphy replied that this had been brought up recently at an OCSC meeting and that a motion was passed recommending more traffic training for the SFPD and SFFD.
Public Comment:
13. Schedule upcoming calendar items. (For discussion only)
Next regular meeting: Thursday, September 6, 2012, at 5:30 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, Union Square Conference Room #7080
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue
ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Yvette Torres
SFMTA CAC – Secretary
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue