This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > April 5, 2010, minutes |
City and County of San Francisco Minutes Monday, April 5, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call SFMTA CAC members present at Roll Call: Mary Burns, Daniel Murphy, Greg Riessen, Susan Vaughan, Dorris Vincent, Daniel Weaver, Ruth Wheeler and Jamison Wieser SFMTA CAC members absent at Roll Call: Griffith Humphrey SFMTA CAC members absent: Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Steve Ferrario, Cesar Perez and Janel Sterbentz 2. Adopt minutes of February 4, 2010: On motion to adopt the minutes of February 4: Adopted 3. Public Comment: None. 4. Report of the Chairman: Daniel Murphy No report. 5. Staff Report (Discussion/Action) The staff report was provided. 6. FY 11/12 Operating Budget (Discussion/Action) Griffith Humphrey arrived at 5:50 p.m. Sonali Bose, CFO/director, Finance and Information Technology, stated that the deficit for Fiscal Year 2010 is around $20 to $28 million. The reserve fund balance has been exhausted. Changes to the December 1 service modifications increased the deficitbecause funding was not identified. SFMTA’s attempts at labor concessions are ongoing. Transit operator salaries will increase as mandated by the Charter. Six hundred staff positions will be reduced by the end of the fiscal year, including 280 layoffs. On March 30, the Board of Supervisors passed a resolution requesting that the SFMTA create a discount pass for low-income youth. Ms. Bose gave an overview of the SFMTA’s Operating Budget for Fiscal Years 2011 and 2012. Possible items to resolve the projected budget deficits include: o State Transit Assistance o Automatic Index Pricing on fares for Fiscal Year 2012 o Wrapped-window advertisements o Installation of at least 1,000 additional parking meters o Reduction of department work orders o Elimination of free on-street parking for city vehicles Ms. Bose will present the SFMTA’s Operating Budget for Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012 with solutions for projected deficits to the SFMTA Board on April 6. Dan Weaver stated that charging for the Translink card is counter productive. Charging for paper tickets in order to get people to use the Translink card is useful. Ms. Bose stated that the $5 initial fee for the Translink card was set by the Metropolitan Transportation Commissionand is being re-evaluated. Jamison Wieser suggested displaying advertisements on paper tickets and designing collectable transit cards. Sue Vaughan asked about extending parking meter hours. Ms. Bose stated that Sunday parkingwill be evaluated in five pilot areas of the city. Dorris Vincent stated that sidewalk parking is prevalent. Ms. Bose stated that safety and enforcement issues should be referred to Deputy Chief John Murphy and Director Jim Dougherty. Motion: 100401.01 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board put a measure on the ballot, either on its own or in conjunction with the Board of Supervisors, which will raise revenues sufficient to reduce the agency's dependence on other city, state, and federal sources for its operating budget. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.01: Adopted Nayes – Vincent Motion: 100401.02 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA exercise its powers under existing labor agreements to reinstate the use of part-time transit operators where doing so would reduce operating cost. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.02: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.03 Whereas other departments of the City and County of San Francisco charge the SFMTA for services rendered to the agency, the SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA charge the full market rate of reserved or unreserved on-street parking spaces used by other city departments, and honor only those free parking placards issued by the SFMTA itself. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.03: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.04 The SFMTA CAC recommends that parking meter hours be extended to evenings and Sundays where vacancy rates fall below 20%, and that the SFMTA do pilot projects extending meter hours in other commercial districts. Dorris Vincent moved to amend the motion to add the language “preferably in conjunction with SFpark.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.04, as amended, reads as follows: The SFMTA CAC recommends that parking meter hours be extended to evenings and Sundays where vacancy rates fall below 20%, and that the SFMTA do pilot projects extending meter hours in other commercial districts, preferably in conjunction with SFpark. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.04 as amended: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.05 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA seek enforcement of the existing Planning Code provisions that garages and parking lots in C-3 zoned areas charge only hourly rates for parking, and that the SFMTA seek to have such provisions applied to garages and parking lots citywide. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.05: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.06 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board add the 1,000 metered spaces being recommended by staff for meter installation for Fiscal Year 2011, and that the SFMTA identify another 1,000 spaces for meter installation for Fiscal Year 2012. Sue Vaughan moved to amend the motion to include the language “at least.” Chairman Murphy moved to amend the motion to change the word “add” to “install.” Ruth Wheeler moved to amend the motion to remove the language “the 1,000 metered spaces being recommended by staff for meter installation for Fiscal Year 2011, and that the SFMTA identify another 1,000 spaces for meter installation for Fiscal Year 2012” and add the language “as possible of the 5,000 staff-identified metered spaces: at least 1,000 metered spaces in Fiscal Year 2011, and at least 1,000 metered spaces in Fiscal Year 2012.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.06, as amended, reads as follows: The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board install as many as possible of the 5,000 staff-identified metered spaces: at least 1,000 metered spaces in Fiscal Year 2011, and at least 1,000 metered spaces in Fiscal Year 2012. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.06 as amended: Adopted Nayes – Burns Motion: 100401.07 Although the SFMTA CAC prefers to avoid window advertising wraps, given current financial circumstances, the SFMTA CAC recommends that such wraps be adopted in preference to transit service reductions, and recommends that such wraps should be adopted only for the period of the current fiscal crisis. Mary Burns moved to amend the motion to remove the language “the period of the current fiscal crisis,” and insert the language, “Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.07, as amended, reads as follows: Although the SFMTA CAC prefers to avoid window advertising wraps, given current financial circumstances the SFMTA CAC recommends that such wraps be adopted in preference to transit service reductions, and recommends that such wraps should be adopted only for Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.07 as amended: Adopted Nayes – Riessen Motion: 100401.08 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board adopt a formula setting pass prices at a fixed multiple of the cash fare for that particular fare category, with a provision for rounding. Jamison Wieser moved to amend the motion to add the language, “and a formula setting the discount cash fares at fixed multiples of the adult cash fare.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.08, as amended, reads as follows: The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board adopt a formula setting pass prices at a fixed multiple of the cash fare for that particular fare category, with a provision for rounding, and a formula setting the discount cash fares at fixed multiples of the adult cash fare. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.08 as amended: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.09 The SFMTA CAC recommends adoption of the proposed reduction of work orders with other departments, and the proposed increases in cost recovery fees, excluding the Translink/Clipper Limited Smart Card fee and the cable car and historic streetcar rental fees. The SFMTA CAC also recommends adoption of increases to the disabled placard improper use fine and the creation of a San Francisco General Hospital daily parking rate. Mary Burns moved to amend the motion to add the language, “for hospital staff.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.09, as amended, reads as follows: The SFMTA CAC recommends adoption of the proposed reduction of work orders with other departments, and the proposed increases in cost recovery fees, excluding the Translink/Clipper Limited Smart Card fee and the cable car and historic streetcar rental fees. The SFMTA CAC also recommends adoption of increases to the disabled placard improper use fine and the creation of a San Francisco General Hospital daily parking rate for hospital staff. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.09 as amended: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.10 The SFMTA CAC recommends that transit service reductions be considered the absolute last resort for balancing the SFMTA budget. To that end, the SFMTA CAC recommends that as much service scheduled for reduction as of May 1, 2010 be restored, or the reductions be rescinded or avoided. The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board carefully review proposed service reductions for their compliance with Section 8A.103 (a) of the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. The SFMTA CAC further recommends that proposed service reductions be brought before the SFMTA CAC for review and recommendation before being implemented or considered by the SFMTA Board. Mary Burns moved to amend the motion to add the language, “as possible.” Without objection, Chairman Murphy stated that Motion 100401.10, as amended, reads as follows: The SFMTA CAC recommends that transit service reductions be considered the absolute last resort for balancing the SFMTA budget. To that end, the SFMTA CAC recommends that as much service as possible, scheduled for reduction as of May 1, 2010, be restored, or the reductions be rescinded or avoided. The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board carefully review proposed service reductions for their compliance with Section 8A.103 (a) of the Charter of the City and County of San Francisco. The SFMTA CAC further recommends that proposed service reductions be brought before the SFMTA CAC for review and recommendation before being implemented or considered by the SFMTA Board. Public Comment: None. On motion to adopt Motion 100401.10 as amended: Adopted Nayes – None Motion: 100401.11 The SFMTA CAC recommends that parking meter hours be extended to evenings and Sundays where vacancy rates fall below 20%, and that the SFMTA do pilot projects extending meter hours in other commercial districts. Ms. Bose stated that the Board of Directors suggested that staff create a parking pilot to extend parking meter hours. Chairman Murphy stated that because the motion has been overtaken by events, without objection, he tabled the motion. Public Comment: None. 7. FY11/12 Capital Budget (Discussion/Action) Frank Markowitz, senior transportation planner, Sustainable Streets Division, stated that the two-year Capital Budget has been renamed the Capital Program. He reviewed the status of the Fiscal Year 2009 and Fiscal Year 2010 Capital Program. Fiscal Year 2009 actual capital expenditures were $88 million as compared to the approved Capital Program expenditure limit of $762 million. Revenues were lower than expected. In particular, State Prop 1B Infrastructure Bonds and the Central Subway federal full-funding agreement were delayed. Local sales tax revenues were down. A number of projects were rescoped to fit available funding. The operating budget crisis and hiring freeze affected the ability to staff new or expanding projects, further delaying progress and expenditures. However, based on year-to-date performance, Fiscal Year 2010 capital expenditures are expected to reach $157 million as compared to the forecasted $353 million for Fiscal Year 2010. The proposed Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012 Capital Program includes an expenditure limit of $375 million in Fiscal Year 2011 and $377 million in Fiscal Year 2012. This will not fully meet capital needs, but is based on expected funding and staff and consultant capacity to manage projects and contracts. About $150 million is already under contract. Because there are a number of large projects that are maturing and entering major construction phases, capital expenditures should increase significantly. For example, groundbreaking for the Central Subway project was commenced recently. This project is scheduled to complete final design and start full-scale construction over the next two years. “State of Good Repair” projects, such as asset rehabilitation and/or replacement projects, are expected to be slightly higher than expenditures for “Enhancement and Expansion” projects. For example, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act funding of $72 million has been invested in vehicle rehabilitation, fare collection equipment replacement and traffic signal upgrades. Jamison Wieser departed at 8:04 p.m. The Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012 Capital Program will be submitted to the SFMTA Board in April for approval.The Capital Program includes assumptions for expenditures for major projects and programs. However, it does not itemize each project. That greater level of detail will be included in the 5 to 20-year Capital Investment Plan, which is expected to be submitted to the SFMTA Board this fall. It will be based on a new prioritization approach being developed in close cooperation with the CAC and other stakeholders. Dan Weaver moved the following recommendation: Motion: 100405.11 The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA Board approve the proposed Capital Program for Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012. On motion urging the SFMTA Board to approve the proposed Capital Program for Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012: Failed adoption Nayes – Vaughan Public Comment: None. 8. Committee Reports: 9. Committee Members’ Questions/Information Requests: (Discussion) 10. Agenda Planning for the Next Regular Meeting Tentatively Scheduled: Chairman Murphy appointed Vice Chairman Steve Ferrario to serve as chairman of a special CAC meeting in April to discuss the Fiscal Year 2011 and Fiscal Year 2012 Service Standards. Next regular meeting: May 6, 2010, at 5:30 p.m. 11. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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