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City and County of San Francisco Engineering, Maintenance & Safety Committee (EMSC) FINAL Minutes Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 3:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call (Agenda Item 1). The regular meeting of the Engineering, Maintenance & Safety committee (EMSC) was called to order at 3:10 p.m., Wednesday, April 11, 2007. Daniel Weaver (Chair) presided. A quorum was present including the following: EMSC Members Present at Roll Call: Daniel Weaver (Chair), and Jamison Wieser. EMSC Members Absent: Bruce Oka MTA CAC Members, not on this committee, but also present: Norman Rolfe MTA Staff (San Francisco Municipal Railway [MUNI] and Department of Parking and Traffic [DPT]) present: Larry Garnes (MTA Sr. Operations Manager – Bus Service Delivery), Bill Neilson (MTA Principal Engineer, Construction Division), Tony Young (MTA Planning – Transit Preferential Streets Group), Peter Albert (MTA Deputy Director, Planning), Debra Reed (MTA CAC Secretary), and Janet Martinsen (MTA CAC Liaison). Community Representatives Present: Edward Mason. 2. Public Comment – Concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda: No comments from the Public. 3. Adopt March 14, 2007 minutes: March minutes were adopted. 4. Report of the Chair: Daniel Weaver (EMSC Chair) - no report presented 5. 1 California Test (Discussion/ Action) An EMSC discussion ensued with Participating MTA staff – Larry Garnes. The 1 California pilot test was successfully ran during rush hours with an average for on-time performance of high 80s to the low 90s percentile. Many resources were poured into the test including 5 extra Muni inspectors and DPT assistance. During the 1980s Muni had 145 inspectors compared to today’s 45 inspectors. In light of Transit first, many of the key intersections and transit lanes were in need of traffic control. Prior to changes in the Union agreement, light duty operators were used to assist with traffic management when buses where pulling out of the yard for duty. Some cities had a much stronger Police Department support for their transit systems with security, POP, and enforcement for transit lanes, example BART had 200 police officers versus Muni’s MRT of 8 police officers. The key to a successful transit system would be ample operators, true police enforcement for security along with transit lanes and fare collection, vehicle availability, and supervision. Questions and Comments from the EMSC Dan Weaver asked why the 1 California line was picked for testing. Response: The line had good switchbacks and some supervision. Supervisors are instrumental in developing a team spirit among employees, disseminate information, line evaluation, monitor operator on-time performance, accident reports, investigate complaints, minor repairs, coordinate shuttles for trolley power outages, etc. Future pilot tests may be performed on other lines. Jamison Wieser asked when people became used to lane enforcement, did diamond and transit lanes get easier to enforce? Response: Yes, as people would notice cars being pulled over for diamond lanes violations, people began to avoid driving in transit lanes. 6. J Church Test (Discussion/Action) Jim Kelly was not present for this item 7. Metro, Stray Voltage, and DPW Water Pipes (Discussion/Action) An EMSC discussion ensued with participating MTA staff – Bill Neilson. KPIX television news presented a video that reported a high number of people along the 15th Avenue block between Taravel and Ulloa Streets experiencing corrosion on their water lines. This has not been noted elsewhere in San Francisco. The leaks that developed in their copper pipes resulted in water lose and large water bills. Water supply lines from meters to homes were then replaced with plastic pipe. As yet, the cause of the leaks has not been identified nor does it appear that the leaks are due to Muni. Copper as a soft metal is prone to corrosion in acidic soils. Also the electrical systems in houses built prior to the 1940s may be improperly grounded. At the time the houses were constructed, they may have used the water service as the ground for the electrical system. Later, when SFWD replaced the water service with plastic pipe, such houses would no longer be properly grounded. The MTA has asked the City Attorney’s Office who in essence is the Inspector General in these types of matters to look into the allegations. The City Attorney has hired a consultant to investigate. Public Comment Edward Mason noticed a main water line being replaced on Church Street using an anti corrosive wrap. Response: The use of an anti corrosive wrap is a good practice that would protect metal water pipes. However, it is not a historical practice for SFWD. 8. Planning Projects (Discussion/Action) An EMSC discussion ensued with participating MTA staff – Tony Young and Peter Albert. Various planning projects were described. ¨ Signal Priority or Preemption System: Optimize Transit signals with an emphasis to improve operations for Transit and emergency vehicles by minimizing and improving travel time. o Diesel buses communicate using infrared emitters (200 buses were outfitted) presently along Geary, Mission, and Potrero, o Trolley buses communicate using overhead pan switches, and o Street cars communicate using VTag, presently along Thirds Street and Embarcadero. 180 signal lights were programmed as of April 11, 2007. ¨ Various transit features such as bus bulbs, boarding islands, and bus lanes. ¨ Van Ness BRT project with Signal Preemption was to be going through Environmental Review. ¨ Geary BRT project with Transit Priority was to be going through Environmental Review. ¨ Phelan Loop: A candidate for TOD State Bond money, since it was a stop in front of a new housing development. ¨ TEP would explore better transit developments for corridors such as Ocean Avenue, Judah, and Taraval. Questions and Comments from EMSC Status on the temporary barricades along King Street. Response: Mr. Albert had an April meeting scheduled with Dan Cider (Director of City Green) and Dean Makris to discuss a permanent solution for the temporary barricades along King Street that would address pedestrian safety, transit safety and operations, vehicle safety, and landscaping. 9. Schedule Upcoming Meetings and Agenda Items: Next regular meeting: Wednesday, May 9, 2007, at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3075, at 3:00 p.m. ¨ J Church Test – Jim Kelly ¨ PUC Market Street Metro Station light study – Ted Aranas ¨ Irrigation system and landscaping at Green and Geneva facilities – Ted Aranas ¨ Project Planning Updates – Peter Albert and Lisa Pagon ¨ Phelan Loop at City College and TOD money, also stop under pedestrian bridge move to Howth Street ¨ Hybrid Buses (Clean Diesel, Batteries, Hybrids, Fuel Cells) – Bill Neilson may know the resource person. How Muni goes about selecting particular bus choices, setting up the procurement process, what the deployment is, when will the replacements phase out the busses from the 70s, What lines will this effect. 10. Adjournment: 5:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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