This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > EMSC February 25, 2009, minutes |
City and County of San Francisco Regular Meeting Minutes Wednesday, February 25, 2009 at 4:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call EMSC Members present at Roll Call: Steve Ferrario, Daniel Weaver, Ruth Wheeler and Jamison Wieser. EMSC Members present but absent at Roll Call: Greg Riessen arrived at 4:01 p.m. SFMTA CAC Members, not on this committee, but also present: Norman Rolfe and Dorris Vincent. 2. Public Comment concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda: None 3. Adopt minutes of January 28, 2009 On motion to adopt the minutes of January 28, 2009: Adopted 4. Report of the Chairman: Dan Weaver No report was presented. 5. Geneva Historic Car Enclosure (Discussion/Action) Lisa Chow Lisa Chow, Project Manager, provided preliminary design drawings of the proposed car enclosure for the historic street cars. The contract of $6,935,000 was awarded to Shimmick Construction to perform final design and construction. The Notice to Proceed was issued in November 2008. Construction is expected to take place from January to December 2010. During construction, historic streetcars will be sheltered at the Muni Metro East facility. 6. Phasing in of Muni Metro East and the future re-rail of the Green Division (Discussion/Action) John Byrd John Byrd, Deputy Director, Rail Operations, stated that during the re-rail project at the Green Division, 80 trains will be moved to the Muni Metro East facility, with some trains stored at Sixth and King Streets. However, the budget deficit has resulted in a hiring freeze. To accommodate an 80 car operation, the MME maintenance staffing shortage must be resolved. 7. Balboa Park Tour (Discussion/Action) Frank Markowitz Frank Markowitz, Senior Planner, Capital Planning, stated that the Balboa Park Station Capacity Study will develop “fast track” improvement projects consistent with the Better Neighborhoods Station Area Plan’s long-term vision for the Balboa Park station and Green Division. The study will take into account SFMTA storage and maintenance needs for LRV and historic cars, the feasibility of proposed joint development projects from a real estate and design perspective, and how proposed projects will work with other potential usages. There will be a technical advisory committee with representatives from BART, Caltrans, the Department of Public Works, City College of San Francisco, and other organizations. Steve Ferrario stated that decking over the Green Division yard with housing would not be feasible due to noise-pollution and vibration. Mr. Ferrario stated that the rail fleet is growing. Before getting rid of transit properties, the SFMTA needs to identify where trains will be housed. Mr. Markowitz stated that the Balboa Park Station Capacity Study is looking at system and storage needs. The EMSC departed for a tour of the Balboa Park Station and Green Division. 8. Committee Members’ Questions/Information Requests (Discussion) 9. Schedule Upcoming Meetings and Agenda Items (Discussion/Action) Next regular meeting: March 25, 2009, at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3075, at 4:00 p.m. • Maintenance for historic streetcars 10. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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