This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > February 5, 2009, |
City and County of San Francisco Regular Meeting Minutes Thursday, February 5, 2008 at 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order/Roll Call SFMTA CAC members present at Roll Call: Mary Burns, Steve Ferrario, Griffith Humphrey, Daniel Murphy, Cesar Perez, Norman Rolfe, Dorris Vincent, Daniel Weaver and Ruth Wheeler SFMTA CAC members present, but absent at Roll Call: Greg Riessen arrived at 5:35 p.m. SFMTA CAC members absent: Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Emily Drennen and Jamison Wieser Chairman Murphy acknowledged the presence of Tom Nolan, Chairman, and Bruce Oka, Director, SFMTA Board of Directors. Mr. Nolan commended the CAC for its work. He stated that the $26 million from Proposition A is nearly exhausted. Chairman Murphy stated that the CAC wants the Board of Directors to scrutinize services provided to the Agency through work orders with City departments. Chairman Murphy stated that the CAC wants the Board of Directors to place an initiative on the ballot by November 2010. 2. Adopt minutes of January 8, 2009 On motion to adopt the minutes of January 8, 2009: Adopted 3. Public Comment concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda Martin Smith, Luxor Cab, stated that each large cab company should get 15 to 20 fleet medallions to bolster taxi service to outer areas of the city. He suggested that the SFMTA brainstorm with the cab companies for revenue ideas. Carl Macmurdo, Medallion Holders Association, stated that there will be problems if the responsibility for medallion sales were transferred to the City. The Taxi Commission’s interpretation requiring medallion holders to drive is being litigated. Diane Ehrlich, Lake Merced Hill, stated that the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) decision to delete the 18-46th Avenue and the 88-BART Shuttle lines will leave the community without service to Stonestown, West Portal, and other areas. Long walks to and from stops are difficult for seniors, disabled persons and others. Victoria Isyanova stated that removing bus service to her neighborhood would make transportation difficult for students. Steve Heide, Merced Extension Triangle Neighborhood Association (METNA), stated that he obtained an overwhelming response in favor of the 54-Felton reroute to the BART station. Chairman Murphy assigned the matter to the PMC. Marc Christensen, METNA, stated they would like to see the 54-Felton line matter resolved. The community wants a stop at Arch and Alemany for the 28-19th Avenue Limited. Chairman Murphy assigned the matter to the PMC. Mr. Christensen stated that the Lake Merced community is in favor of the 17-Park Merced service to Daly City BART, replacing the 18-19th Avenue line along John Muir Drive. The problem with service along Lake Merced Boulevard is that many patrons must walk a half mile to the 17-Park Merced stop. Chairman Murphy assigned the matter to the PMC. 4. Report of the Chairman: Daniel Murphy Chairman Murphy stated that Tom Nolan is serving as Chairman of the SFMTA Board of Directors, and James McCray is serving as Vice Chairman. Chairman Murphy reviewed information from the Sunshine Ordinance Article II: Public Access to Meetings, with the CAC with regard to conducting business discussions in view of the public. Chairman Murphy appointed Ms. Vincent to serve as a member on the PMC and Ms. Wheeler to serve as a member on the EMSC. 5. Staff Report (Discussion/Action) The staff report was provided. 6. FY09/FY10 Budget review (Discussion/Action) Sonali Bose Sonali Bose, CFO/Director, Finance and Information Technology, presented the FY09/FY10 budget. This is the first two-year budget. The $40 million shortfall for FY09 is due to funding reductions from the State and the General Fund, as well as a drop in citation revenue. San Francisco General Hospital wants compensation for services it provides. Ms. Bose stated that cuts in expenditures and a freeze on 465 jobs are being offset by overtime payments for service delivery and special events. Work order payments to other City departments are increasing by $12.9 million. Ms. Bose stated that an additional $4.5 million must be paid to the State’s courthouse construction fund. The Taxi Commission budget will be incorporated into the SFMTA budget. Ms. Bose stated that a $58.5 million deficit is projected for FY10. 7. FY09 Q1 Service Standards Report (Discussion/Action) Travis Fox Travis Fox, Manager, Performance Monitoring and Customer Services, presented the FY09 Q1 Service Standard report. Mr. Fox stated that the passenger service reporting is being expanded to include complaints such as NextMuni problems. Chairman Murphy asked about the Service Standards Report as a management tool. Mr. Fox stated that Ken McDonald, Chief Operating Officer/Director, Service Operations, uses the data. 8. E-Alert Update (Discussion/Action) Murray Bond Murray Bond, Deputy Director, External Affairs, stated that E-Alert is on hiatus due to budget cuts. Dan Weaver moved the following recommendation: MOTION: The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA continue the E-Alert program as soon as possible, given its low cost and high utility to passengers. On motion to continue the E-Alert program: Adopted 9. Communications Plan Update (Discussion/Action) Murray Bond Murray Bond, Deputy Director, External Affairs, presented the Communications Plan. Mr. Bond stated that the Marketing division bartered with promoters of events and festivals for advertisement publicizing Muni as the mode of transportation. The SFMTA publicized the “Stop-Look-Listen” campaign through commercials on television, radio, and the SFGate Web Site. The Bike Campaign promoted safety at night and respect for the rights of all. A campaign was launched to promote safety for parking control officers and fare inspectors. Staff supplemented announcements for the Central Subway and track work with community meetings for public comment and questions. 10. Committee Reports: Dan Weaver stated that there will be an EMSC meeting and tour at 4:00 p.m. on February 25, 2009, at the Green Division. 11. Committee Members’ Questions/Information Requests: (Discussion) Mary Burns stated that three to four times a day, the St. Francis intersection is blocked by an M-Oceanview train followed by a K-Ingleside train. Ms. Burns would like to discuss the policy when more than one train crosses an intersection. Chairman Murphy assigned the matter to the EMSC. Norm Rolfe asked about the signal timing system plans at St. Francis Circle. Chairman Murphy assigned the matter to the EMSC. Dan Weaver asked about cleaning standards for CBS Outdoors. 12. Agenda Planning for the Next Regular Meeting Tentatively Scheduled: Next regular meeting: March 5, 2009 at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3074, at 5:30 p.m. 13. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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