This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > January 14, 2008, minutes |
City and County of San Francisco DRAFT MINUTES
Wednesday, January 14, 2008, at 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call SFMTA CAC members present at Roll Call: Daniel Murphy (Chair), Steve Ferrario (Vice Chair), Mary Burns, Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Griffith Humphrey, Cesar Perez, Greg Riessen, Norman Rolfe, Daniel Weaver and Jamison Wieser. SFMTA CAC members present, but absent at Roll Call: Griffith Humphrey arrived at 5:37 p.m. and Bruce Oka arrived at 6:15 p.m. SFMTA CAC absent: Emily Drennen and Dorris Vincent. SFMTA staff and other city departments present: Caroline Celaya (SFMTA CAC Liaison), Javad Mirabdal (SFMTA – Planning), Matthew Lee (SFMTA – Transit Planner), Murray Bond (MTA Deputy Director – Strategic Communication), John Katz (SFMTA Sr. Project Planner – Construction Division) and Debra Reed (SFMTA CAC Secretary). Community representatives present: None 2. Adopt minutes of December 6, 2007: Motion to adopt minutes: unanimously approved. (Drennen and Vincent – Absent with notification) 3. Public Comment concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda: none 4. Report of the Chairman: Daniel Murphy Mayor Gavin Newsom accepted the resignation of three SFMTA Board Members, Directors Leah Shahum, Peter Mezey, and Wil Din. Mayor Newsom’s new appointments are Bruce Oka, a member of the SFMTA CAC; Jerry Lee, a member of the TA CAC; and Malcolm Heinicke, a labor lawyer and Taxicab Commissioner. Confirmation of the nominees is pending before the Board of Supervisors. The legislation that brings the Taxicab Commission into the SFMTA is pending and expected to have a July 1, 2008 effective date. Per the Charter, the SFMTA CAC will also serve as the Taxicab Citizens Advisory Council. Chairman Murphy will be planning additional CAC meetings devoted to reviewing Transit Effectiveness Policy recommendations. The Planning and Marketing Committee will discuss the Central Subway EIR on Thursday, January 17, 2008. The Central Subway EIR will be reviewed by the SFMTA CAC in February 2008. The reopening of the Metro subway for night operations during the overhead wire replacement project will be delayed for a few months in order to tamp rails. Chairman Murphy was pleased to receive staff responses to recent SFMTA CAC recommendations. Chairman Murphy expects that the SFMTA CAC will be soon receiving staff responses to previous 2007 recommendations. 5. Temporary Transbay Terminal (Discussion/Action) Javad Mirabdal, John Katz and Matthew Lee Mr. Katz reviewed the temporary transit terminal plans for SFMTA, SamTrans, AC Transit and Golden Gate Transit during the five-year reconstruction project of the Transbay terminal. The project is expected to commence in 2009. Mr. Lee reviewed routing changes for the 108-Treasure Island line that would be before the SFMTA Board on Tuesday, January 15, 2008. Mr. Mirabdahl spoke about traffic planning. Questions and Comments Mary Burns asked about plans for the parking lot. Mr. Lee said that the lot would be demolished for future redevelopment projects. Dan Weaver asked about publicity planning for Transbay patrons. Mr. Lee said that the Transbay Joint Powers Authority (TJPA) has already held two workshops. The TJPA is planning mailings to surrounding businesses as well as leaflets that would be distributed at the terminal. The Transit Effectiveness Policy group is also aware of the project. Murphy asked about cost impacts to the SFMTA. Mr. Katz said that the TJPA will cover capital costs. There would be an increase in SFMTA’s operating costs. 6. Communications Plan (Discussion/Action) Murray Bond Mr. Bond reviewed a handout entitled, “SFMTA Communications Plan: Enhancing the Quality of Life in San Francisco, December 4, 2007.” Questions and Comments Chairman Murphy announced that CAC members Jamison Wieser and Dan Weaver volunteered to work on the scanning project outlined in the handout. Norman Rolfe observed that paid advertisement on car cards had drastically diminished when compared to previous years. Joan Downey suggested posting public service notices urging patrons to keep their feet off vehicle seats. Ms. Downey also suggested that the SFMTA use newspaper columns to notify the public of construction projects, detours, special events, etc. Dan Weaver stated that handout should specify plans for notifying the public of service stoppages and delays utilizing cell phones, e-mail and text messaging. Mr. Bond said that he was working with a consultant to develop an E-Alert communication system to announce system failures and stoppages. People would be able to signup to be electronically notified of service changes. Greg Riessen suggested that the Agency should take advantage of CBS for television and radio advertisements. 7. Committee Reports: 8. Council Members’ Questions and Comments: (Discussion) § Dan Weaver asked about accidents that were not included in the SFMTA staff report. - A person was injured on a ramp and needed assistance. - One person killed after Christmas 2007 along the 9X route. - One 70-year-old person killed in the crosswalk by a SFMTA transit vehicle crossing Ocean Avenue at Capitol Street. § Mr. Weaver said that SFMTA DPT should evaluate the intersection at Ocean Avenue and Capital Street for a traffic count-down signal installation. § Mr. Weaver received his request for information regarding vehicles blocking Muni included in the January 14, 2008 Staff report. He requested additional information regarding what priority is assigned to Muni complaints by Enforcement as compared to priorities for citizen complaints. 9. Agenda Planning for the Next Regular Meeting Tentatively Scheduled: Next regular meeting: February 7, 2008 at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3074, at 5:30 p.m. § Transit Effectiveness Policy 10. The meeting was adjournment at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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