This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > June 14, 2007, minutes |
City and County of San Francisco FINAL MINUTES Thursday, June 14, 2007, at 5:30 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call MTA CAC Members Present at Roll Call: Daniel Murphy (Chair), Steve Ferrario (Vice Chair) (departed at 7:00 p.m.), Mary Burns, Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Emily Drennen, Bruce Oka, Norman Rolfe, and Jamison Wieser. MTA CAC Members Present, but absent at Roll Call: Daniel Weaver arrived at 5:52 p.m. MTA CAC Absent: Griffith Humphrey, Cesar Perez, Greg Riessen, and Dorris Vincent. MTA Staff (San Francisco Municipal Railway [MUNI] and Department of Parking and Traffic [DPT]) Present: Judson True (MTA CAC Liaison), Peter Straus (Planning), Julie Kirschbaum , and Debra Reed (MTA CAC Secretary). Community Representatives Present: One person 2. Public Comment – Concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda: None 3. Report of the Chair: Daniel Murphy (MTA CAC Chair) This special CAC meeting regarding the Charter Amendments allowed council members a week’s time to read and prepare for council discussion and action. Staff-Initiated Items4. Charter Amendments (Discussion/Action) Judson True Discussion ensued regarding both: ¨ The Charter Amendment titled “MTA Budget to be Accountable to Mayor and Board of Supervisors; Shared Jurisdiction; Compliance with Voter-Approved Ordinances; Controller to Administer MTA Quality Review” authored by Supervisors Jake McGoldrick and Gerardo Sandoval, and ¨ The Charter Amendment titled “Emissions Reduction and Transit Reform” authored by Supervisor Aaron Peskin. The following recommendations were made: Mary Burns moved: Motion 070614.02 The MTA CAC opposes the Charter Amendment titled “MTA Budget to be Accountable to Mayor and Board of Supervisors; Shared Jurisdiction; Compliance with Voter-Approved Ordinances; Controller to Administer MTA Quality Review.” 2nd by Norman Rolfe CAC passed (Ayes – Murphy, Ferrario, Burns, Cimento, Downey, Oka, Rolfe, Weaver, and Wieser) (Nay – Drennen) The CAC approved of the following Charter Amendment with a few recommendations for changes. Art Cimento moved: Motion 070614.03: The MTA CAC supports the Charter Amendment titled For Emissions reduction and Transit Reforms in its draft current as of June 14, 2007. 2nd by Steve Ferrario CAC passed unanimously (Ayes – Murphy, Ferrario, Burns, Cimento, Downey, Drennen, Oka, Rolfe, Weaver, and Wieser) Emily Drennen moved: Motion 070614.04 The MTA CAC recommends that the preamble make reference to bicycles, pedestrians, and the Transit First Policy. 2nd by Mary Burns CAC passed unanimously (Ayes – Murphy, Ferrario, Burns, Cimento, Downey, Drennen, Oka, Rolfe, Weaver, and Wieser) Art Cimento moved: Motion 070614.05 The MTA CAC recommends that the Board of Supervisors consider additional governance changes that would reduce overlapping activities and costs between the TA and the MTA by bringing such functions in under the MTA. 2nd by Bruce Oka CAC passed unanimously (Ayes – Murphy, Ferrario, Burns, Cimento, Downey, Drennen, Oka, Rolfe, Weaver, and Wieser) Emily Drennen moved: Motion 070614.06 The MTA CAC recommends that the specific appeals process described in section 8A.102 (b) 9 for parking and traffic control device related decisions be left out of the Charter and established by ordinance by the Board of Supervisors. 2nd by Joan Downey CAC passed unanimously (Ayes – Murphy, Burns, Cimento, Downey, Drennen, Oka, Rolfe, Weaver, and Wieser) (Minus Steve Ferrario, departed at 7:00 p.m.) Council-Initiated Items5. Council Members’ Questions and Comments: No questions and comments from the CAC 6. Agenda Planning for the Next CAC Meeting: Thursday, July 5, 2007, 5:30pm, 1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3074 7. Adjournment: 7:08 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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