City & County of San Francisco
Municipal Transportation Agency
Citizens’ Advisory Council (SFMTA CAC)
Notice of Cancellation
The Citizens’ Advisory Council meeting scheduled for
Thursday, May 1, 2008
has been cancelled.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, Conference Room 3074
San Francisco, California
Daniel Murphy (Chairman), Steve Ferrario (Vice Chairman), Mary Burns, Art Cimento, Joan Downey, Emily Drennen, Griffith Humphrey, Cesar Perez, Greg Riessen, Norman Rolfe, Dorris Vincent, Daniel Weaver, Jamison Wieser and Ruth Wheeler
Engineering, Maintenance & Safety (EMSC)
Daniel Weaver (Chairman), Steve Ferrario and Jamison Wieser
Finance & Administration (FAC)
Daniel Murphy (Chairman), Emily Drennen and Griffith Humphrey
Operations & Customer Service Committee (OCSC)
Joan Downey (Chairman), Mary Burns, Daniel Murphy and Norman Rolfe
Planning & Marketing Committee (PMC)
Jamison Wieser(Chairman), Emily Drennen and Norman Rolfe
Notices of meeting and agenda, and minutes are available at the San Francisco Public Library (Main), 100 Larkin Street - Government Section (5th Floor) and on SFMTA’s website at www.sfmta.com/cac.
Written reports and background materials for calendar items are available for public inspection and copying at 1 South Van Ness Ave, 7th Floor, during regular business hours.
The SFMTA CAC may be contacted as follows:
Municipal Transportation Agency Citizens’ Advisory Council
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor – San Francisco, CA 94103-5417
Phone 415-701-4666 FAX 415-701-4502
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue