This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Citizens Advisory Council (CAC) > OCSC March 17, 2008, minutes |
City and County of San Francisco Operations & Customer Service Committee (OCSC)Regular Meeting Minutes Monday, March 17, 2008 at 3:00 p.m. 1. Call to Order / Roll Call: Chairman Joan Downey called the meeting to order at 3:00 p.m. OCSC Members present at Roll Call: Mary Burns and Joan Downey. OCSC Members present, but absent at Roll Call: Norman Rolfe arrived at 3:03 p.m. OCSC Members absent: Daniel Murphy SFMTA CAC Members, not on this committee, but also present: Steve Ferrario (selected as pro-temp for Daniel Murphy) 2. Adopt Minutes of February 25, 2008: On motion to adopt February minutes: Approved, Ayes – Burns, Downey, Ferrario and Rolfe 3. Public Comment concerning any issue within the jurisdiction of the Council and not noted on the agenda: Rosie West said that the escalators run too fast and she does not know where elevators are located. Operators driving the M-Oceanview line often stop for a ten-minute delay in the morning on Randolph Street without announcing the reason for the delay. Passengers are bringing too many large strollers on rail cars which make it very hazardous for handicapped passengers. 4. Report of the Chairman: Joan Downey Chairman Downey stated that the Lighthouse for the Blind will be partnering with other agencies to use money donated for pedestrian safety towards a film project regarding sidewalk parking. She also stated that the Fix Masonic Street group needs support from the CAC. 5. Operations Update; Explain the Daily Service Report (Discussion/Action) John Byrd John Byrd, Deputy Director for Rail Operations, reviewed the Daily Service Report. 6. Service Standards: Q2FY2008 and Proposed FY2009 (Discussion/Action) Travis Fox Travis Fox, Principal Administrative Analyst, reviewed the Q2FY2008 Service Standards Report. Chairman Downey made the following recommendation: RESOLVED, That the SFMTA CAC recommends that A1: the on-time performance measure be defined as the schedule adherence for those lines with headways greater than ten minutes and defined as the headway adherence for those lines with headways less than ten minutes. On-time performance will be a composite number depending on the type of line. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That the SFMTA CAC recommends that A4: the SFMTA use Automatic Passenger Counter data for buses. Use passenger traffic checkers to collect more data for rail. Load factor should be a percent of peak-time runs where the load factor exceeds 85%. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That the SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA eliminate A5. FURTHER BE IT RESOLVED, That the SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA add the number of pedestrian deaths for DPT performance. On motion to adopt the recommended changes to the Service Standards Report: Adopted, Ayes – Burns, Downey, Ferrario and Rolfe Steve Ferrario made the following recommendation: WHEREAS, The service standards data and analyses are critical to improving SFMTA performance. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the SFMTA CAC recommends that additional resources and personnel be dedicated to this function. On motion to adopt the recommended changes to the Service Standards Report: Adopted, Ayes – Burns, Downey, Ferrario and Rolfe 7. Staff responses for Recommendations and Information Requests (Discussion/Action) None. 8. Committee Members’ Questions/Information Requests: (Discussion) There was a Muni bus dispatched to chauffeur Mayor Newsom while attending a press conference at the Hall of Flowers/County Fair Building. (from Joan Downey) 1. Who pays for the bus and the driver? 2. Is the driver from the extra-board that would have filled one of the missed runs if he had not been driving the mayor around? 9. Schedule Upcoming Meeting and Agenda Items • Vehicle Cleaning • Graffiti abatement • POP reports regarding fare 10. Adjournment: 5:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted by: |
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