City and County of San Francisco
Municipal Transportation Agency
Citizens’ Advisory Council
Engineering, Maintenance and Safety Committee
Wednesday, May 23, 2011, at 5:00 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 6th Floor, Candlestick Conference Room #6052
San Francisco, California
1. Call to Order
Chairman Weaver called the meeting to order at 5:08 p.m.
2. Roll Call
EMSC Members present at Roll Call: Steve Ferrario and Daniel Weaver
EMSC Members absent: None
CAC members not on this committee, but also present: Mark Ballew, Joan Downey, and Dorris Vincent
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting.
The CAC Secretary made the announcement.
4. Approval of Minutes:
This item is continued to the next meeting.
5. Report of the Chairman (For discussion only):
6. Public Comment:
Edward Mason commented on the New Jersey transit system’s public announcement system. Their public announcement system adjusts its volume when making announcements based on background noises.
7. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding implementation of the Strategic Plan. (Darton Ito, Manager, Capital Planning Systems)
Motions from OCSC meeting of May 8, 2012 under Objective 2.2:
Objective 2.2.3 – Facilitate the movement of transit vehicles with consistent enforcement of transit-only lanes and traffic laws
Motion 120508.09
The SFPD needs additional transit focused training emphasizing the importance of mass transit and other non-automobile forms of transportation to San Francisco.
Objective 2.2.4 – Identify opportunities to prioritize transit during regular service and special events
Motion 120508.10
The Agency should track lessons learned from special event operations.
Objective 2.2.11 – Develop system of accountability for supervisors, controllers, Central Control, maintenance, etc.
Motion 120508.11
PSRs regarding service problems should reflect on street supervisors, not just operators.
Objective 2.2.13 – Enforce leave paperwork deadlines
Motion 120508.12
Given the high rate of absenteeism at Muni, this should be made a very high priority.
Objective 2.2.15 – Improve dynamic supervision and service management, including a fully operational line management center
Motion 120508.13
This strategy should explicitly include re-designation of vehicles at Embarcadero station.
Motion 120508.14
The process for towing vehicles blocking transit lines should be streamlined. Operators should be able to summon tow trucks directly, and tow trucks should prioritize this type of call.
Timothy Papandreou discussed various goals in the Preliminary Unconstrained List of Actions for FY2012/13-FY 2013/14. Strategic Plan actions discussed were: Objective 1.1: Improve security for transportation system users; Objective 1.2: Improve workplace safety and security; Objective 1.3: Improve the safety of the transportation system; Objective 2.2: Improve transit performance; and Objective 3.1: Reduce the Agency’s and the transportation system’s resource consumption, emissions, waste, and noise.
Chairman Weaver inquired if Muni looks at accidents for patterns. Mr. Papandreou stated that safety analysis is done for trends.
Committee member Ferrario stated the actions are incomplete regarding graffiti and would like to know what Muni’s plans are to prevent and correct it.
Public Comment:
Edward Mason commented on accumulating all data and cloud computing. He inquired if Muni is going in that direction and labor regarding transmitting data.
8. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the Muni+ application. (Deana Desedas, Marketing Manager, Administration, Safety & Training)
Deana Desedas gave an overview of the Muni+ application and its features that is being tested. Initially, testing of the application was done by 50 employees for their feedback. As of the third week of application testing for phase two, there are almost 3,400 people who have downloaded the app. Ms. Desedas stated that the application may get to the final phase for use by September.
Public Comment:
9. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the subway platform display and public announcement system design. (Frank Lau, Project Manager, Capital Programs & Construction)
Frank Lau discussed the subway platform display signs that will be replaced. The new display signs will be in full color, LED, with 6mm current technology, which will look better than the current display signs. The new display signs will have the ability to show special alerts to passengers and will be double-sided.
Steve Ferrario left the meeting at 6:32 p.m. Chairman Weaver appointed Joan Downey as Pro Tem.
Public Comment:
Motion 120523.01
The SFMTA CAC recommends that the subway platform have at least three or more new destination signs per direction in preparation for double-berthing and/or coupling.
On motion to approve Motion 120523.01: Approved
Ayes – Downey and Weaver
Nayes – None
Absent - Ferrario
10. Committee Members’ request for information
11. Schedule upcoming calendar items (For discussion only)
Next regular meeting: June 27, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 6th Floor, Candlestick Conference Room #6052
12. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 6:44 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Yvette Torres
SFMTA CAC - Secretary
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue