City and County of San Francisco
Municipal Transportation Agency
Citizens’ Advisory Council
Thursday, November 3, 2011, at 5:30 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, Room 3074
San Francisco, California
1. Call to Order:
Chairman Murphy called the meeting to order at 5:47 p.m.
2. Roll Call:
SFMTA CAC members present at Roll Call: Joan Downey, Steve Ferrario, Katie Haverkamp, Daniel Murphy, Greg Riessen, Susan Vaughan, Dorris Vincent, and Dan Weaver
SFMTA CAC members absent at Roll Call: Mark Ballew
SFMTA CAC members absent: Mary Burns, Art Cimento, Marc Salomon, and Jamison Wieser
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting.
The CAC Secretary made the announcement.
Mark Ballew arrived at 5:50 p.m.
4. Approval of Minutes:
Council member Ferrario suggested that the minutes be revised with respect to item #7. He moved that the third sentence, “We support increasing the cash fare to encourage use of a Clipper card” be deleted from Motion 110831.01.
On motion to approve the minutes of October 6, 2011: Approved as amended
Ayes – Ballew, Cimento, Downey, Ferrario, Murphy, Riessen, Salomon, Vincent, and Weaver
Nayes – None
Absent – Burns, Haverkamp, Vaughan, and Wieser
Public Comment:
5. Report of the Chair (For discussion only):
Chairman Murphy discussed the Cameron Beach Yard ceremony.
Chairman Murphy would like one of the committees to discuss the Strategic Plan at their November meeting. The EMSC Chairman stated he will place it on the agenda.
Chairman Murphy stated that today will be Council member Riessen’s last meeting and wished him well in his future endeavors. Council member Riessen replied that it has been fun and enjoyable.
Public Comment:
6. Public Comment:
Katherine Howard, Golden Gate Park Preservation Alliance, stated that she heard there was a proposal to move the 29 Sunset bus stop at 19th Avenue and Lincoln Way, into Golden Gate Park. Ms. Howard discussed impacts to the park. This item will be discussed at the OCSC meeting in January 2012.
7. Discussion and possible action regarding recommendations from the Engineering, Maintenance and Safety Committee (EMSC).
Motion 111026.01
The SFMTA CAC recommends that the SFMTA prioritize the re-tracking of the Twin Peaks Tunnel in order to lift the speed restriction.
Council member Weaver stated that the tracks in the tunnel, west of the curve, had not been upgraded and he would like to make it a priority. John Haley stated that this is one of the top three track projects currently being done. Mr. Haley added that this was an issue Director Beach felt strong about and one of the best ways to memorialize him would be to fix the track.
On motion to approve Motion111026.01: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Downey, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Riessen, Vaughan, Vincent, and Weaver
Nayes – None
Absent – Burns, Cimento, Salomon, and Wieser
Public Comment:
8. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding update on the Nx Judah Express. (John Haley, Director, Transit Services)
John Haley stated that the Nx Judah Express debuted on June 13th to alleviate weekday peak hour service on the N Judah line. During the first month of service, there were 5,000 boardings a week and in its fifth month, ridership had increased to 7,000 boardings. Ridership has exceeded staff expectations and travel time is faster than projected. On December 6th, staff will make a recommendation to the SFMTA Board that this service be made permanent.
Public Comment:
Motion 111103.01
The SFMTA CAC recommends that the Nx Judah Express be made a long-term part of the SFMTA service plan. The SFMTA CAC recommends that the agency reaffirm its century-long commitment to increasing the streetcar fleet in order to provide service up to the demand levels on the Metro system.
On motion to amend Motion111103.01: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Downey, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Riessen, Vaughan, Vincent, and Weaver
Nayes – None
Absent – Burns, Cimento, Salomon, and Wieser
9. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the SFMTA Bond Issue/List of Transit Projects. (Sonali Bose, Director, Finance & Information Technology)
Sonali Bose provided a list of recommended projects for bond proceeds to finance projects. The included projects are: Systemwide Transit Access and Reliability Program; Muni Metro Sunset Tunnel Rail Rehabilitation; Muni Metro Turnback Rehabilitation; Muni Metro System Public Announcement and Public Display System Replacement; Muni Metro Green Yard Facility Rail Replacement; Muni Metro System-wide Rail Grinding Program; and the Metro System Eureka Curve Rail Rehabilitation.
Ms. Bose stated that the projects identified had to be ready to go because of constraints of the bonds and that 90% of work has to be done within three years after financing.
Council member Vincent inquired what methodology was used to identify the seven projects. Darton Ito, Manager, Long Range & Capital Planning, replied that staff prioritized projects on the basis of safety and the timeline for completion.
Public Comment:
Roland Wong commented that when LRVs are on the surface, there are no voice announcements and would like to know if staff will improve the communication system on the trains. Mr. Wong states this is a barrier for people with disabilities and at times, bus operators do not call out key stops or transfer points.
Ollie Graves commented that it sounds weird to him to fund projects that will take 30 years to pay back. It should not take a million dollars to upgrade signage.
Edward Mason stated that during contract closeout, water seepage was observed and declared to the Board of Directors. It took $10M to fix a water problem on Folsom Street due to the Muni Metro Turnback. He expressed hope that the problem would be solved.
Motion 111103.02
The SFMTA CAC recommends adoption of the SFMTA Proposed Revenue Bond list of capital improvement projects as presented to the SFMTA CAC on November 3, 2011.
On motion to amend Motion111103.01: Approved
Ayes – Ballew, Downey, Ferrario, Haverkamp, Murphy, Riessen, Vaughan, Vincent, and Weaver
Nayes – None
Absent – Burns, Cimento, Salomon, and Wieser
10. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding the SFMTA Centennial communications plan. (Murray Bond, Deputy Director, Administration Division)
Murray Bond stated that the centennial anniversary will be celebrated between Christmas and the New Year in 2012. Mr. Bond provided an overview of Muni’s history and described the uniqueness of the Agency. The centennial celebration will provide an opportunity to inform and educate people about the system and to celebrate transit. Mr. Bond will be providing a plan of events to Council members who are interested in assisting with the celebration festivities.
Chairman Murphy suggested that this topic be further discussed at the next meeting.
Public Comment:
11. Continue discussion and possible action regarding the CAC Taxi Committee. (This item was continued from the July 7, 2011 meeting.)
Chairman Murphy continued this item to the next meeting.
12. Committee Members’ requests for information. (For discussion only)
- Joan Downey would like to know if charter buses are charged for using curb space at Muni bus stops.
- Susan Vaughan would like to know if charter buses are ticketed when parked at bus stops because people who park in bus stops are given a ticket. She stated that when she was in Noe Valley, a bunch of people exited a large bus at the Castro and 24th Street bus stop that prevented a 24 Divisadero bus from stopping in the bus stop.
- Susan Vaughan would like to know who designs and approves the designs of bike racks at public spaces. Ms. Vaughan stated they are pretty, but not functional.
- Susan Vaughan would like to know the communication system between Muni and 311. Ms. Vaughan would like to know how Muni corrects errors in the 511 system and the integration between the SFMTA and 511.
- Dan Weaver would like to know if there is a program to install NextBus signs at bus stops that do not have them, such as, Forest Hill.
- 13. Schedule upcoming calendar items. (For discussion only)
Next regular meeting: Thursday, December 1, 2011, at 5:30 p.m.
1 South Van Ness Avenue, 3rd Floor, Conference Room 3074
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue
ADJOURN: The meeting was adjourned at 8:03 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by:
Yvette Torres
SFMTA CAC - Secretary
Accessible meeting policy – One South Van Ness Avenue