This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. Engineering Hearings > March 6, 2009, Hearing Notice |
The Director of Parking and Traffic will hold a public hearing on Friday, March 6, 2009, at10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, SanFrancisco, CA 94102, to consider the following proposals: Residential Permit Parking AREA “S” (2-hOUR time limit, 8 am to 9 pm, monday through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH 22nd Street, both sides, between Castro and Noe Streets (3800 block). Residential Permit Parking AREA “J” (2-hOUR time limit, 9 am to 5 pm, monday through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH One-Way Street - establish Tow-Away, No PARKING Anytime - EXTEND UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING - establish No Parking Anytime - establish 45-DEGREE ANGLED PARKING – establish Parking Meter Area 3 (2 Hour time limit, 9 AM to 6 PM, Monday through Saturday) - establish Mission Street, east side, from Rolph Street to Allison Street. Bus Bulbs – ESTABLISH Mission Street, west side, from Geneva Avenue to 167 feet southerly (4-foot wide bulb replaces existing 160' bus zone). BUS ZONE – REVOKE BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH Tow-Away No Stopping Anytime – Establish Geneva Avenue, north side, from Mission Street to 51 feet westerly (in conjunction with removal of right turn pocket); Geneva Avenue, south side, from Mission Street to 140 feet westerly (in conjunction with bus zone relocation); Mission Street, east side, from Geneva Avenue to 90 feet southerly (in conjunction with addition of a northbound left turn pocket). BUS ZONES – REMOVE PART-TIME PASSENGER LOADING ZONE, 7:30 AM TO 9:00 AM AND 2:00 PM TO 3:00 PM, SCHOOL DAYS – ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "DD" – NEW (2-HR TIME LIMIT, 8:00 AM –4:00 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY - ESTABLISH AND 2-HR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS – RESCIND B. Meadowbrook Drive, between Eucalyptus Drive and Sloat Boulevard; C. Forest View Drive, between Eucalyptus Drive and Sloat Boulevard; D. Inverness Drive, between Eucalyptus Drive and Sloat Boulevard; E. 26th Avenue, between Eucalyptus Drive and Sloat Boulevard; F. 25th Avenue, between Eucalyptus Drive and Ocean Avenue; G. Eucalyptus Drive, north side, between 26th Avenue and Middlefield Drive; H. Ocean Avenue, south side, between 25th and 26th Avenues; and I. Ocean Avenue, between 26th Avenue and Sylvan Drive. Tow-Away No Stopping Anytime AND SIDEWALK BULB-OUTS - ESTABLISH Howard Street, south side, from 10th Street to 18 feet westerly (6-foot wide sidewalk bulb-out; removes parking meter #1401). Emergency Vehicle Signal GPS Receivers on existing traffic signal poles - install Polk Street at Broadway Street; Polk Street at Pacific Avenue; Polk Street at Jackson Street; Polk Street at Washington Street; Polk Street at Clay Street; Polk Street at Sacramento Street; Polk Street at California Street; Polk Street at Pine Street; Polk Street at Bush Street; Polk Street at Sutter Street; Polk Street at Post Street; Polk Street at Geary Street; Polk Street at O’Farrell Street; Post Street at Larkin Street; Post Street at Hyde Street; Post Street at Leavenworth Street; Post Street at Jones Street; Post Street at Taylor Street; Post Street at Mason Street; Post Street at Powell Street; Post Street at Grant Avenue; Post Street at Kearny Street. |
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