The Director of Parking and Traffic will hold a public hearing on Friday, April 17, 2009, at10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, SanFrancisco, CA 94102, to consider the following proposals:
Oakdale Avenue, south side, from Ingalls Street to 100-feet easterly.
16th and Rhode Island Streets;
Alemany Boulevard and San Juan Avenue;
Ashton and Ocean Avenues;
California and Pierce Streets (removes center islands on California Street);
Capitol and Ocean Avenues; and
Divisadero and Grove Streets intersection.
No Parking Vehicles Over 6-Feet - RESCIND
Mason Street, west side, from Filbert Street to 34-feet northerly;
Mason Street, east side, from Filbert Street to 33-feet southerly;
Tow-Away No Stopping Anytime – ESTABLISH
Mason Street, west side, from Filbert Street to 17-feet northerly;
Mason Street, east side, from Filbert Street to 17-feet southerly;
California Street, north side, from Pierce Street to 40 feet easterly;
California Street, south side, from Pierce Street to 37 feet westerly.
Right Turn Only - ESTABLISH
Pierce Street, northbound and southbound, at California Street.
BUS STOP – RESCIND (Treasure Island bus stop changes)
9th Street, at Avenue C, mid-block, south side;
9th Street, at Avenue E, southeast corner;
Avenue B at Gate View, northwest corner (Southern intersection).
BUS STOP – ESTABLISH (Treasure Island bus stop changes)
9th Street, at Avenue E, southwest corner;
Avenue B at 12th Street, west side of street.
Athens Street, west side, from Italy Avenue to 10 feet northerly;
Athens Street, east side, from Italy Avenue to 10 feet southerly.
Laguna Street, north crosswalk, at Clay Street.
Residential Permit Parking AREA “V” (2-HOUR time limit, 8 am to 6 pm, Monday through Friday - RESCIND
San Miguel Street, east side, between Tara Street and Mount Vernon Avenue;
San Miguel Street, north side, between Tara Street and approximately 135 feet east of Tara Street.(This legislation corrects previous legislation, which intended to establish residential permit parking regulation on the residential side of the street.)
Residential Permit Parking AREA “V” (2-HOUR time limit, 8 am to 6 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH
San Miguel Street, west side, between Niagara Avenue and Mount Vernon Avenue (300 block, even numbers). (This legislation formally establishes residential permit parking on the residential side of the street, which was previously established in error on the opposite side of the street.)
Residential Permit Parking AREA “T” (4-HOUR time limit, 8 am to 3 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - RESCIND
Balceta Avenue, between Woodside Avenue and Laguna Honda Boulevard, (1-99 Block).
Residential Permit Parking AREA “T” (2-HOUR time limit, 8 am to 3 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH
Balceta Avenue, between Woodside Avenue and Laguna Honda Boulevard, (1-99 Block).
Residential Permit Parking AREA “F” and “N” (3-HOUR time limit, 9 am to 6 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - RESCIND
Arguello Boulevard, west side, between Lake Street and Washington Street (frontage of 199 Arguello Boulevard);
Lake Street, north side, between Arguello Boulevard and 2nd Avenue, (frontage of 2 Lake Street).
Residential Permit Parking AREA “F” and “N” (4-HOUR time limit, 9 am to 6 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH
Arguello Boulevard, west side, between Lake Street and Washington Street (frontage of 199 Arguello Boulevard);
Lake Street, north side, between Arguello Boulevard and 2nd Avenue, (frontage of 2 Lake Street).
Residential Permit Parking AREA “F” and “N” (2-HOUR time limit, 9 am to 6 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - RESCIND
2nd Avenue, east side, at Lake Street to 100 feet northerly (0-99 Block).
Residential Permit Parking AREA “F” and “N” (4-HOUR time limit, 9 am to 6 pm, MONDAY through FRIDAY - ESTABLISH
2nd Avenue, east side, at Lake Street to 100 feet northerly (0-99 Block).