This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. Engineering Hearings > January 13, 2012, Hearing Notice |
The Sustainable Streets Division of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency will hold a public hearing on Friday, January 13, 2012, at 10:00 AM, in Room 416 (Hearing Room 4), City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, San Francisco, CA 94102, to consider the following proposals: Mission Bay Parking Management Plan ESTABLISH – PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 11 PM, MONDAY - SUNDAY) Bryant Street, 700 block, both sides, between 5th Street and 6th Street Brannan Street, 600 block, north side between 5th Street and 6th Street 6th Street, 500 block, both sides between Bryant Street and Brannan Street 7th Street, 500 – 600 blocks, both sides between Bryant Street and Townsend Street 7th Street, 700 block, west side between Townsend Street and King Street 7th Street, 800 block, both sides, between King Street and Berry Street 7th Street, 1200-1300 blocks, both sides between Irwin Street and 16th Street Mission Rock Street, 500 block, both sides between 3rd Street and 4th Street China Basin Street, 500 block, both sides between 3rd Street and Mission Bay Street Mission Bay Boulevard North, north side between Terry Francois Boulevard and Longbridge Street Mission Bay Boulevard South, south side between Terry Francois Boulevard and Longbridge Street Terry Francois Boulevard, east side, between Illinois Street and China Basin Street Terry Francois Boulevard, west side, between Illinois Street and Mission Bay Boulevard South Terry Francois Boulevard, west side, between Mission Bay Boulevard North and Mission Rock Illinois Street, 400-500 blocks, both sides between 16th Street and Mariposa Street ESTABLISH – PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (4-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 11 PM, MONDAY - SUNDAY) Channel Street, 300 block, both sides between 4th Street and Mission Bay Circle 4th Street, 1100-1300 blocks, both sides between Channel Street and Mission Bay Boulevard North 4th Street, 1400-1700 blocks, both sides between Mission Bay Boulevard South and 16th Street 4th Street, 1800 block, west side, between 16th Street and Mariposa Street RESCIND – 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT 7AM OR LATER to 10PM, EVERYDAY Channel Street, 300 block, both sides between 4th Street and 6th Street 4th Street, 1100-1300 blocks, both sides between Channel Street and Mission Bay Boulevard North 4th Street, 1400-1700 blocks, both sides between Mission Bay Boulevard South and 16th Street Mission Rock Street, 500 block, both sides between 3rd Street and 4th Street China Basin Street, 500 block, both sides between 3rd Street and 4th Street Mission Bay Boulevard North, north side between 4th Street and Terry Francois Boulevard Mission Bay Boulevard South, south side between 4th Street and Terry Francois Boulevard Terry Francois Boulevard, east side, between Illinois Street and China Basin Street Terry Francois Boulevard, west side, between Illinois Street and South Street Terry Francois Boulevard, west side, between Mission Bay Boulevard South and China Basin Street Illinois Street, 400-500 blocks, both sides between 16th Street and Mariposa Street ESTABLISH – PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY) Bryant Street, 900 block, both sides between 7th Street and Langton Street Bryant Street, 900 block, south side between Langton Street and 8th Street King Street, 600 block, both sides between 7th Street and Division Street Berry Street, 500 block, both sides between 7th Street and De Haro Street Hooper Street, 0 block, both sides between 7th Street and 8th Street Irwin Street, 0 block, south side between 7th Street and 8th Street Hubbell Street, 0 block, both sides, between 7th Street and 8th Street Division Street, 0 block, both sides, between De Haro Street and 8th Street Alameda Street, 1700-1800 blocks, both sides, between De Haro Street and Henry Adams Street 15th Street, 0-100 blocks, both sides, between Carolina Street and Rhode Island Street 16th Street, 800-900 blocks, south side, between Mississippi Street and Missouri Street 16th Street, 1000-1400 blocks, both sides, between Missouri Street and De Haro Street 17th Street, 1000-1600 blocks, both sides, between Pennsylvania Avenue and Carolina Street Mariposa Street, 1000 block, both sides between Pennsylvania Avenue and Mississippi Street Mariposa Street, 1100 block, south side between Mississippi Street and Texas Street Rhode Island Street, 0-100 blocks, both sides, between Division Street and 15th Street De Haro Street, 0-200 blocks, both sides between Division Street and 16th Street Carolina Street, 0-200 blocks, both sides, between Channel Street and 17th Street 8th Street, 1000 block, both sides, between 15th Street and Irwin Street Wisconsin Street, 100 block, both sides, between 16th Street and 17th Street Arkansas Street, 0 block, both sides, between 16th Street and 17th Street Arkansas Street, 100 block, west side, between 17th Street and 18th Street Connecticut Street, 0 block, both sides, between 16th Street and 17th Street Connecticut Street, 100-150 block, east side, between 17th Street and approximately 125 feet south of 17th Street Connecticut Street, 250-350 blocks, west side, from approximately 85 feet north of 18th Street to approximately 85 feet south of 18th Street Connecticut Street, 250 block, east side, from approximately 85 feet north of 18th Street to 18th Street Missouri Street, 0-150 blocks, both sides, between 16th Street and approximately 180 feet south of 17th Street Missouri Street, 250-350 blocks, west side from approximately 85 feet north of 18th Street to approximately 85 feet south of 18th Street. Missouri Street, 300 block, east side, from 18th Street to approximately 85 feet south of 18th Street. Mississippi Street, 0-250 blocks, both sides, between 16th Street and approximately 150 feet south of Mariposa Street Pennsylvania Avenue, 100 block, both sides, between 17th Street and Mariposa Street Pennsylvania Avenue, 200 block, east side, between Mariposa Street and approximately 260 feet south of Mariposa Street Texas Street, 100 block, east side, between 17th Street and approximately 260 feet south of 17th street Texas Street, 100 block, west side, between 17th Street and approximately 85 feet south of 17th Street Texas Street, 250-350 blocks, both sides, between approximately 85 feet north of 18th Street to approximately 85 feet south of 18th Street 18th Street, 1300-1400 blocks, both sides, between Texas Street and Connecticut Street 18th Street, 1500 block, south side, between Connecticut Street and approximately 115 feet west of Connecticut Street Pennsylvania Avenue, 300 block, east side, between 18th Street and approximately 200 feet south of 18th Street Pennsylvania Avenue, 600-700 blocks, both sides, between approximately 115 feet north of 22nd Street and 23rd Street 22nd Street, 600-700 blocks, both sides between Illinois Street and Tennessee Street 22nd Street, 800 block, south side, between Tennessee Street and Minnesota Street 22nd Street, 800 block, north side, from Tennessee Street to approximately 67 feet west of Tennessee Street 22nd Street, 900-1100 blocks, both sides, between Minnesota Street and Pennsylvania Avenue 23rd Street, 700-1500 blocks, both sides, between Illinois Street and Pennsylvania Avenue Iowa Street, both sides, between 22nd Street and 23rd Street Indiana Street, 500-700 blocks, both sides, between Mariposa Street and 20th Street Indiana Street, 800-900 blocks, west side, between 20th Street and 22nd Street Indiana Street, 800-900 blocks, east side, from approximately 480 feet north of 22nd Street to 22nd Street Indiana Street, 1000-1100 blocks, both sides, between 22nd Street and 23rd Street. Minnesota Street, 1000 block, west side, between 22nd Street and approximately 165 feet south of 22nd Street Minnesota Street, 1000 block, east side, between 22nd Street and approximately 100 feet south of 22nd Street Minnesota Street, 1000 block, terminus, approximately 165 feet south of 22nd Street Tennessee Street, 1200 block, both sides, between Tubbs Street and 23rd Street 3rd Street, 2300 –2600 blocks, both sides, between approximately 600 feet north of 22nd Street to approximately 600 feet south of 22nd Street Illinois Street, 600-800 blocks, both sides, between Mariposa Street and 20th Street Illinois Street, 900-1000 blocks, east side, between 20th Street and 22nd Street Illinois Street, 1100-1200 blocks, both sides, between 22nd Street and 23rd Street Minnesota Street, 500-700 blocks, west side, between Mariposa Street and 20th Street Minnesota Street, 500 block, east side, between Mariposa Street and 18th Street Tennessee Street, 600 block, west side, between Mariposa Street and approximately 300 feet south of Mariposa Street Tennessee Street, 700 block, east side, between 18th Street and 19th Street Tennessee Street, 700 block, west side, between approximately 200 feet south of 18th Street to 19th Street. Tennessee Street, 800-950 blocks, both sides, between 19th Street and approximately 330 feet south of 20th Street 3rd Street, 2100 block, both sides, between 18th Street and 19th Street 18th Street, 500-600 blocks, both sides, between Illinois Street and Tennessee Street 18th Street, 700 block, between Minnesota Street and approximate 135 feet east of Minnesota Street 19th Street, 500-800 blocks, north side, between Illinois Street and Indiana Street 19th Street, 500-600 blocks, south side, between Illinois Street and Tennesee Street 19th Street, 800 block, south side, between Minnesota Street and Indiana Street 20th Street, 500 block, south side, between Michigan Street and Illinois Street 20th Street, 600 block, both sides, between Illinois Street and 3rd Street 20th Street, 700 block, south side, between 3rd Street and Tennessee Street
RESCIND – 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT 7AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Bryant Street, 700 block, both sides, between 5th Street and 6th Street Bryant Street, 900 block, both sides between 7th Street and Langton Street Bryant Street, 900 block, south side between Langton Street and 8th Street 7th Street, 500 – 600 blocks, east side between Bryant Street and Townsend Street
RESCIND – 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT 9AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY De Haro Street, 200 block, both sides between 15th Street and 16th Street
RESCIND – 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT 7AM to 3PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 6th Street, 500 block, west side between Bryant Street and Brannan Street
RESCIND – 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT 9AM to 5PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 18th Street, 600 block, north side, between 3rd Street and Tennessee Street RESCIND – 3-HOUR TIME LIMIT 7AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY Rhode Island Street, 100 block, east side, between Alameda Street and 15th Street 15th Street, 100 block, north side, between De Haro Street and Rhode Island Street RESCIND – 1-HOUR TIME LIMIT 9AM to 5PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 8th Street, 1000 block, east side, between Irwin Street and 16th Street ESTABLISH- RESIDENTAL PARKING PERMIT ZONE ‘X’(2-HOUR PARKING, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, EXCEPT VEHICLES WITH AREA “X” PERMIT) 18thStreet, both sides, from Tennessee Street to 100 feet westerly (along the frontages of the adjacent homes, #694 Tennessee & #700 Tennessee Street) Tennessee Street, west side, from 18thStreet to 125 feet northerly (along the frontage of homes from #670 to #694 Tennessee Street) Tennessee Street, west side, from 18thStreet to 200 feet southerly (along the frontage of homes from #700 to #740 Tennessee Street) Tennessee Street, east side, from 18thStreet to Mariposa Street (entire east side of the street)
ESTABLISH – METERED MOTORCYLE PARKING (VARIABLE RATE AREA, NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 11 PM, MONDAY - SUNDAY) 16th Street, south side, from Owens Street to 30 feet westerly (approximately 30-foot zone, 7 spaces) ESTABLISH – METERED MOTORCYLE PARKING (VARIABLE RATE AREA- NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY - SATURDAY) 22nd Street, south side, from approximately 145 feet east of Pennsylvania Street to approximately 30 feet easterly (approximately 30-foot zone outside Caltrain Station, 7 spaces, located under cover of freeway overhead) ESTABLISH- METERED COMMERCIAL LOADING ZONE (VARIABLE RATE AREA) Minnesota Street, 700 block, east side, from approximately 195 feet north of 20th Street to 20th Street 22nd Street, 600 block, both sides from approximately 100 feet west of Illinois Street to Illinois Street
RESCIND-4 HOUR TIME LIMIT FOR NON-PERMIT VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT ZONE ‘X’ ESTABLISH- 2 HOUR TIME LIMIT FOR NON-PERMIT VEHICLES IN RESIDENTIAL PARKING PERMIT ZONE ‘X’ Minnesota Street, 600-700 blocks, east side, between 18th Street and 20th Street. 19th Street, 700 block, south side, between Minnesota Street and Tennessee Street Minnesota Street, 800-900 blocks, both sides, between 20th Street and 22nd Street Minnesota Street, 1000 block, east side, between 22nd Street and approximately 185 feet south of 22nd Street 22nd Street, 800 block, both sides, between Minnesota Street and Tennessee Street Tennessee Street, 1000-1100 blocks, both sides, between approximately 516 feet north of 22nd Street to approximately 550 feet south of 22nd Street
ESTABLISH – VARIABLE PRICING ZONE (AREA 5) Existing and new meters within the following boundaries will be updated to have variable pricing and longer time limits, replacing existing meter regulations. These areas will be proposed to be part of SFpark pilot areas. Variable price area for upcoming and existing meters shall include the area commencing at a point where the west line of 8th Street intersects the north line of Bryant Street, continuing east along the north line of Bryant Street, then south along the east line of the Embarcadero, then west along the south line of King Street, then south along the east line of 3rd Street, then east and then south along the east line of Terry Francois Boulevard, then south along the east line of Illinois Street, then west along the south line of 23rd Street, then north along the west line of Pennsylvania Avenue, then west along the south line of 19th Street, then north along the west line of Arkansas Street, then west along the south line of Mariposa Street, then north along the west line of De Haro Street, then west along the north line of 16th Street, then north along the west line of Kansas Street, then north along the west line of 8th Street, to the north line of Bryant Street, including both sides of all boundary streets. 17th & Folsom Parking Management Plan ESTABLISH – PARKING METER VARIABLE PRICE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) Capp Street, 0 block West side between 15th Street and 16th Street East side between Adair Street and 16th Street South Van Ness Avenue, 200 – 700 blocks East side of block between 13th Street and Erie Street Both sides of block between Erie Street and 14th Street East side of block between 14th Street and 15th Street West side of block from 14th Street to approximately 200 feet south of 14th Street West side of block from approximately160 feet north of 15th Street to 15th Street East side of block between 15th Street and 16th Street West side of block from 15th Street to approximately 126 feet south of 15th Street. West side of block between Adair Street and 16th Street East side of block between 16th and 17th Street West side of block from 16th Street to approximately 250 feet south of 16th Street East side of block between 17th Street and 18th Street East side of block between 18th Street and 19th Street Shotwell Street, 0 - 200 blocks and 400 block East side of block between 14th Street and 15th Street West side of block from 14th Street to approximately 175 feet south of 14th Street Both sides of block between 15th Street and 17th Street Both sides of block from 17th Street to approximately 140 feet south of 17th Street East side of block from approximately 280 feet north of 18th Street to 18th Street Both sides of block between 18th Street and 19th Street Folsom Street, 1700 – 2200 blocks Both sides of blocks between 13th Street and 19th Street Trainor Street, 0 block West side of block between 13th Street and 14th Street Harrison Street, 1700 – 2200 blocks Both sides of blocks between 13th Street and 18th Street Alabama Street, 100 block West side of block between 15th Street and Division Street 14th Street, 0 – 100 blocks Both sides of blocks between South Van Ness Avenue and Harrison Street 15th Street, 1100- 1300 blocks and 1400-1450 block Both sides of blocks between Shotwell Street and Harrison Street North side of block between Harrison Street and Alabama Street 16th Street, 2700-2800 blocks Both sides of blocks between South Van Ness Avenue and Harrison Street Enterprise Street, 0 block North side of block (off of Folsom near 16th) 17th Street, 3000 – 3100 blocks Both sides of blocks between Harrison Street and South Van Ness Avenue 18th Street, 3100-3200 blocks North side of block between Harrison Street and Folsom street North side of block between Shotwell Street and South Van Ness Avenue South side of blocks between Harrison Street and South Van Ness Avenue Treat Avenue, 300-400 blocks Both sides of blocks between 16th Street and 18th Street Erie Street, 100 block South side, from Mission Street to approximately 225 feet east of Mission Street Mariposa Street, 2800- 2900 blocks Both sides of blocks between Harrison Street and Florida Street Florida Street, 400 block Both sides, from 17th Street to Mariposa Street Alabama Street, 400 block Both sides, from 17th Street to Mariposa Street RESCIND – 1-HOUR TIME LIMIT 7AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY South Van Ness Avenue, 300-500 blocks East side of blocks between 14th Street and 17th Street Folsom Street, 2100 block East side of block between 17th Street and 18th Street RESCIND – 10-20 MINUTE TIME LIMITS 9AM to 6PM, MONDAY THROUGH SUNDAY 15th Street, 1200 block North side of block between Harrison Street and Alabama Street ESTABLISH – VARIABLE PRICING ZONE (AREA 5) Existing and new meters within the following boundaries will be updated to have variable pricing and longer time limits, replacing existing meter regulations. These areas will be proposed to be part of SFpark pilot areas. Variable price area for upcoming and existing meters shall include the area commencing at a point where the south line of 15th Street intersects the west line of Valencia Street, then north along the west line of Valencia Street, then east along the north line of Duboce Street and then 13th Street, then south along the east line of Harrison Street, then east along the north line of 17th Street, then south along the east line of Florida Street, then west along the south line of Mariposa Street, then south along the east line of Harrison Street, then west along the southern line of 19th Street, then north along the west line of South Van Ness Avenue, then west along the south line of 15th Street, and then north along the west line of Valencia Street to Duboce Street, including both sides of all boundary streets. 12th & Folsom Parking Management Plan RESCIND- 1-HOUR TIME LIMIT (7 AM TO 6 PM MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABLISH- PARKING METER – AREA 2 (2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) Folsom Street, 1100-1200 blocks, both sides from 6th Street to 8th Street ESTABLISH – METERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING Folsom Street, south side, from approximately 96’ to 110’ west of Sherman Street (3 motorcycle parking stalls between the driveways for 1067 and 1075 Folsom Street) ESTABLISH- PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) McCoppin Street, 0 block, both sides from Valencia Street to Gough Street (currently unregulated) Duboce Avenue, 0 block, both sides from Valencia Street to Stevenson Street (currently unregulated) 12th Street, 200 block, both sides from Howard Street to Folsom Street 13th Street, 100 block, north side, including both sides of service street, from South Van Ness Avenue to Folsom Street (currently unregulated) 13th Street, 0 block, both sides from Folsom Street to Harrison Street (currently unregulated) Harrison Street, 1500-1600 blocks, both sides from 13th Street to 11th Street (currently unregulated) Stevenson Street, south side from 12th Street to approximately150 feet west of 12th Street (currently unregulated) Colton Street, 0 block, south side from Brady Street to Colusa Place (currently unregulated) 12th Street, 100 block, south side from South Van Ness Avenue to Howard Street Juniper Street, 0 block, north side from Folsom Street to approximately 215 feet east of Folsom Street (currently unregulated) Plum Street, 0 block, north side from Mission Street to approximately 300 feet east of Mission Street Folsom Street, 1600 block, east side from 12th Street to 13th Street RESCIND- 1-HOUR TIME LIMIT (7 AM TO 6 PM MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABLISH- PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) 12th Street,100 block, north side from South Van Ness Avenue to Howard Street Harrison Street, 1400-1500 blocks, north side from 11th Street to 10th Street Folsom Street, 1200-1400 blocks, both sides from 8th Street to 11th Street RESCIND- 2-HOUR TIME LIMIT (7 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) ESTABLISH- PARKING METER VARIABLE RATE AREA (NO TIME LIMIT, 9 AM TO 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY) 12th Street, 300 block, south side from Folsom Street to Harrison Folsom Street, 1500 block, both sides from 11th Street to 12th Street Folsom Street, 1600 block, west side from 12th Street to 13th Street ESTABLISH – METERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING Folsom Street, south side, from 10th Street, 78 feet to 106 feet easterly (28-foot zone outside 1369 Folsom, 7 spaces) ESTABLISH – VARIABLE PRICING ZONE (AREA 5) Existing and new meters within the following boundaries will be updated to have variable pricing and longer time limits, replacing existing meter regulations. These areas will be proposed to be part of SFpark pilot areas. Variable price area for upcoming and existing meters shall include area commencing at a point where the south line of Duboce Street intersects with the west line of Valencia Street, then north along the west line of Valencia Street, then west along the south side of McCoppin Street, north along the west line of Octavia Street, then east along the north line of Page Street, then east along the north line of Market Street, then south along the east line of 8th Street, then west along the south line of Folsom Street, then south along the east line of 10th Street, then west along the south line of Harrison Street, then west along the south line of 13th Street, continuing to the southerly line of Duboce Street, including both sides of all boundary streets. |
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