In 1999 San Francisco voters passed Proposition E, which combined the Municipal Railway (Muni) and the Department of Parking and Traffic (DPT) into a new agency called the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). The SFMTA is governed by a seven-member Board of Directors appointed by the Mayor. The SFMTA Board has the authority to appoint the Executive Director, approve the budget, and set agency policy.
In addition to the Board of Directors, the SFMTA has a number of boards and committees that are authorized to facilitate agency governance regarding a host of critical transportation areas. Some of these entities are internal to the agency, with members who are SFMTA staff. Others are interagency committees staffed by the SFMTA and other City departments. There are also a number of citizen boards and committees designed to provide public input and involvement in the governance of the agency.
Many of the governing bodies of the agency are structured for the public’s involvement and participation. Please use this section of the website to learn more about how the SFMTA is governed and to explore where you might make a contribution to our ongoing efforts to improve transportation in the city and county of San Francisco.
Members of the SFMTA board are as follows:
Chairman Tom Nolan joined the SFMTA Board of Directors in 2006. In 2009, Mr. Nolan was elected Chairman to the SFMTA Board of Directors and he currently serves as the SFMTA's representative on the Caltrain Joint Powers Board. Mr. Nolan is the former executive director of Project Open Hand. Mr. Nolan served two full terms as a member of the San Mateo County Board of Supervisors. He is a former member of the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, the Sam Trans Board and the Caltrain Joint Powers Board. Mr. Nolan has long been recognized as a champion of public transit and is a regular Muni rider.
Appointed to the Board in 2010, Vice Chairman Cheryl Brinkman describes herself as “multi-modal.” Her usual means of transportation in and around San Francisco is bicycling, taking Muni or walking and on rare occasion, driving. As a former chair of the Board of Directors of Livable City San Francisco, Ms. Brinkman was a driving force behind San Francisco’s very successful “Sunday Streets” events. Ms. Brinkman has long been involved with many pedestrian and bicycle organizations and committees as well as her neighborhood association including the San Francisco Bicycle Coalition, Walk SF, the Market Octavia Citizens Advisory Council and the Duboce Triangle Neighborhood Association. When visiting other cities across the globe, she makes it a point to use their public transportation systems or bicycle. She was elected Vice Chairman in 2012.
Joining the SFMTA Board of Directors in 2011, Leona M. Bridges grew up in San Francisco. She has used the public transit system throughout her life and continues to ride Muni, take taxis, ride bicycles, walk and park in city garages. She calls the 38 Geary her “public limo.” As an end user, it is very important to her that the SFMTA provide timely, reliable, affordable, accessible and safe ways for people to travel throughout the city. In addition, Ms. Bridges strongly believes that the SFMTA should maximize local employment and business opportunities.
Director Bridges is a former Managing Director for Barclays Global Investors of San Francisco and brings over 20 years of financial/investment management experience to the SFMTA.
Ms. Bridges holds a Bachelor of Arts degree from San Francisco State University and an MBA from Golden Gate University. She serves on numerous community and non-profit boards including: the San Francisco State University Foundation, West Bay Local Development Corporation, American Baptist Seminary of the West and Golden Gate University Ageno School of Business Advisory Council.
Malcolm A. Heinicke joined the Board of Directors of the SFMTA in 2008. Malcolm is an attorney at Munger, Tolles & Olson in San Francisco. Prior to joining the SFMTA Board, Mr. Heinicke was a Commissioner on the San Francisco Taxicab Commission and served as Chair of the Taxicab Charter Reform Working Group. Mr. Heinicke and his family live in San Francisco and regularly use Muni's light rail system as well as the City's taxicabs. As a Taxicab Commissioner, Mr. Heinicke focused on neighborhood and peak time service issues, and he is focusing on these same issues as a member of the SFMTA Board.
Jerry Lee, a native San Franciscan and Manager of Community Affairs for UPS, served as a special assistant to then Mayor Art Agnos from 1988 to 1992. His tasks included assisting in the establishment of the newly formed Department of Parking and Traffic and serving as Chairman of the Mayor’s Taxi Committee. He assisted in the development of the management structure for the 300+ parking control officers who were previously under the direction of the San Francisco Police Department and developed operating and cost controls for the Enforcement Division. In addition, he served as a member of the Citizen’s Advisory Committee for the San Francisco County Transportation Authority and was a member of the Self-Help for the Elderly Board of Directors. Director Lee grew up riding public transit and has continued to ride Muni throughout his life. His work at UPS has drawn on his first-hand knowledge of San Francisco’s streets as he has worked to insure that all delivery vehicles and other modes of transportation as well as MUNI vehicles flow as efficiently as possible through those same streets. Director Lee joined the SFMTA Board of Directors in 2008 and was elected Vice Chairman in 2010. He is the Chair of the Policy and Governance Committee.
As a pedestrian, a daily rider of Muni, and as a regular bicyclist, Director Joél Ramos, who joined the SFMTA Board in May 2011, contributes his experience as a customer to the SFMTA. Director Ramos is committed to assisting the SFMTA to make San Francisco’s streets safer for everyone but, in particular for seniors and pedestrians. His experience working with underrepresented and low-income communities will enrich the SFMTA’s ability to meet the needs of those communities.
Through his personal transit advocacy and professional work in community planning at TransForm, Mr. Ramos has been active on several other Bay Area committees that are committed to providing better pedestrian, bicycling, and transit infrastructure, as well as more affordable housing through transit oriented development. Since 2008, Director Ramos has been an active volunteer on the Geary Boulevard Bus Rapid Transit Community Advisory Committee.
Director Ramos graduated from San Francisco State University in 1998.
Cristina Rubke is a transplant from Southern California who came to San Francisco in search of an independent lifestyle made possible through an excellent public transportation system. Ms. Rubke is regular rider of the Muni Light Rail, particularly the N and T lines. An attorney at Shartsis Friese LLP, Ms. Rubke is active in the legal community including serving on the Bar Association of San Francisco’s judiciary committee and co-chairing its Disability Rights Committee. Ms. Rubke is an avid sailor who serves on the America’s Cup Organizing Committee and on the board of the Bay Area Association of Disabled Sailors. Prior to joining the SFMTA Board, she also served on the Better Market Street Project’s Citizen’s Advisory Committee. As a wheelchair user, Ms. Rubke has a keen interest in making the streets, sidewalks, and transit in San Francisco more accessible to everyone.
Ms. Rubke received her law degree from Santa Clara University in 2004.
Roberta Boomer, Secretary to the Board of Directors, is responsible for administering the affairs of the SFMTA Board of Directors/Parking Authority Commission and their committees. She also oversees the SFMTA’s response to all requests for public records and is the staff liaison to the SFMTA’s Citizen’s Advisory Council. From 2001 through 2006, Ms. Boomer served as Secretary to the Transbay Joint Powers Authority Board of Directors. In 2001, she was responsible for the Muni-wide effort to host the American Public Transportation Association (APTA) Annual Meeting and Roadeo for over 5,000 attendees. In 2008, she was responsible for coordinating all of the host activities and program planning for the APTA Rail Conference and Rodeo. Ms. Boomer joined Muni when it split from the Public Utilities Commission in 1994. Until the Charter Reform measure in 1997, she represented Muni on the Planning Commission. Prior to 1994, she served as the Legislative Aide to Supervisor Bill Maher and focused on traffic, transit, planning and economic issues. She came to city government in 1988 from the S.F. Chamber of Commerce where she created and directed their “Leadership San Francisco” program and coordinated the Chamber’s fund raising efforts. She has a degree in Psychology from Stanford University.
Ms. Boomer currently serves as the Vice Chairman of APTA’s Transit Board Support committee
Contact information for the Office of the SFMTA Board of Directors:
Phone: 415.701.4505
Fax: 415.701.4502
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