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Minutes of the SFMTA
Muni Accessibility Advisory Committee
August 18

Call to order:

A monthly meeting of the SFMTA Muni Accessibility Advisory Committee was held at the SFMTA Headquarters in San Francisco, CA on August 18. The meeting convened at 1:05 p.m., Chair Elizabeth Dawson presiding and Roland Wong Secretary.

Members in attendance: 

Les Clark, Jan Copriviza, Elizabeth Dawson, Ed Evans, Jessica Ellis, Randall Glock, Jean Kempf, Miro Kielbus, Dave Longa, Jeanne Lynch (via phone), Bruce Morgan, Vernon Smith (via phone), Roland Wong, Byron Yan, Kevin Lee, Joseph Flanagan

Members not in attendance:    

Barbara George*, Melvin Galloway, Marc Grossman*, Roger Rose*


SFMTA staff in attendance:

Matt West, Virginia Rathke, Annette Williams

Public in attendance:

F. Ross Woodall

Approval of Minutes and Agenda

Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded to approve the minutes of the July 21 meeting.

Motion carried

Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded to insert the Reading of the Draft Bylaws in-between item 6 and item 7 on today’s agenda and approved the agenda as amended.

Motion carried


1. On August 27 the Inbound 5 Fulton Line will be permanently rerouted down McAllister Street from Hyde to Market. The bus stop on Market, between 7th and 8th will be discontinued. A new bus stop will be established on McAllister at Leavenworth.

2. SFMTA is in the final stages of creating an Attendant Clipper Card for use by attendants. RTC Card holders with an attendant symbol on their RTC Cards may purchase an attendant card for three dollars in the near future. This card can only be used by the attendant when in the presence of the RTC Card holder. Misuse will result in the card’s termination. More information will be provided by SFMTA Staff as this project gets underway.

3. SFMTA Accessible Services Staff is in the process of applying for a New Freedom Fund Grant to explore the creation and construction of additional Key Stops on our surface LRV lines.

4. Mr. Woodall resigned from the SFMTA MAAC in July. We are presenting him with an award thanking him for his many years of training new operators.

5. There are two locations where there are shelters that have been deemed problematic by members of the community:

a. Turk at Hyde: Supervisor Jane Kim is asking to hear from members of the Senior and Disabled Community regarding the possible removal of this shelter.

b. Columbus at Union: A discussion will be held at the meeting of the Mayor’s Disability Council on September 9 from 1:30 – 3:30 p.m. This meeting will be held in City Hall, room 421.

Access Recognition Award

Mr. Lee presented Mr. Duane Allen with the Access Recognition Award for the outstanding service he provided to Mr. Lee during the Cable Car shut down in June.

Unfinished Business

1. Letter to SFPD

This item was tabled pending subcommittee formation

2. Announcements in the Subway

This item was tabled pending subcommittee formation

New Business

1. Formation of subcommittees and goal planning for FY2011-2012

Motion: Moved by Mr. Longa that we discontinue discussion of these goals and instead send out the list of goals to our members so that they can vote on the top two or three that are most important to them.

Motion carried

2. Reading of the draft bylaws

Motion: Moved by Mr. Longa to table this item until the September meeting as we are almost out of time.

Motion carried


Meeting adjourned at 3 p.m.

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