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SFMTA MULTIMODAL ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE February 16, 2012 Minutes Call to order: A monthly meeting of the SFMTA Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Committee was held at the SFMTA Headquarters in San Francisco. The meeting was convened at 1:07 p.m., Chairman Kevin Lee presiding and Roland Wong, Secretary. Attendance: Members in attendance: Kevin Lee, Jean Kempf, Miro Kielbus, Bruce Morgan, Roland Wong, Byron Yan, Jeanne Lynch, Randall Glock, David Longa, Marc Grossman, Joseph Flanagan, Les Clark, Vernon Smith (via phone), Ed Evans, Jessica Ellis Members not in attendance: Jan Corpriviza*, Elizabeth Dawson*, Melvin Galloway *Excused Guests in attendance: Eric P. Scott, Jane Redmond SFMTA Staff in attendance: Matt West, Virginia Rathke, Annette Williams, Lea Militello Approval of agenda and minutes: Motion was made by Mr. Longa and seconded by Mr. Morgan to approve the agenda of Feb. 16 meeting. Motion was made by Mr. Longa and seconded by Mr. Morgan to approve the minutes of Jan. 19 meeting. Presentations: Transit Fair Inspector Update New Deployment Strategy Lea Militello | (415) 701-5247 Ms. Militello talked about the changes made to proof of payment program and transit fare inspectors. There are 40 inspectors that ride on Muni lines daily who check for proof of payment (POP). If a passenger doesn't show POP then they will be issued a citation. At the beginning f the program the focus was only on the more problematic lines. This did not deploy the inspectors throughout the systemaddress problems throughout the system. The new strategy is to deploy the inspectors throughout the Muni system. Saturation Strategy: A group of inspectors board a train or bus and if a passenger doesn't show POP; they are requested to step off the bus. If a passenger cannot produce a valid POP, then they are cited. SFPD is present to help assist in citations if need be. This new strategy has shown an increase in citations of fare invaders. Mr. Glock expressed concern of POP Inspectors grabbing his arm to request proof of payment. Another groups of POP Inspectors ask passengers for POP when he has already paid or tagged the fare, and been asked the the station before. He does agree that more enforcement is needed, and that city enforcement is a good goal. Mr. Kielbus wanted to clarify the policies for payment via the Clipper Card. If you have a monthly pass, do you need to tag the card? Also, he has noticed that many of the Clipper readers are out of service, or only work intermintiently. There is also a lot of fare evaision on the streetcars; many people entering the back door do not pay their fare. Mr. Longa noticed that a recent saturation held the bus up for 3 lights – any way we could speed up the process? Mr. Lee had concerns that people might alert their friends to a saturation’s location. Other Business: Installation of bulb out request Mr. Evans requested that bulb out be installed at Turk at Jones Streets and Ells at Polk in an effort to widen the sidewalk so that a transit shelter can be placed upon it. (ACTION) Mr. West will follow up with the bus shelter staff. MAAC Bylaws Subcommittee Mr. Longa read the amended sections of the SFMTA MAAC Bylaws starting on page 11, section 7. Quorum Page 11. Article V. Section 7. Quorum Motion carried. No comments. Page 12. Article VI. Subcommittee Motion to amend section 1 to remove the word limited and written as 'Membership shall be SFMTA - MAAC members. Guests are invited to participate as non-voting. Section 2. Mention carried. Article VII. Bylaws Motion carried. Article VIII. Amendments Section 1. Motion carried. Section 2. Motion carried with the word 'present' be removed. Abstained: Mr. Glock Opposed: Ms. Lynch Moved by Mr. Kielbus to fix some typos: Page 9 last sentence, Article IV. Section 3, Item B, word correction: "absece" to "absence" and "form" to "from". Motion carried Moved by Mr. Longa and seconded that the word "present" be removed in Article VII, Section 1. Motion carried. A motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded by Mr. Wong to adopt and ratify the SFMTA-MAAC Bylaws as written with the aforementioned grammar corrections. Motion Carrried. Ms. Lynch abstaining. Mr. Kielbus suggested that the SFMTA-MAAC Bylaws be made available at the committee meetings for reference. Announcements: Mr. Kielbus asked about the monthly P pass that the Muni is still offering the A Pass and the there is a disparity of seniors and people with disabilities do not have the same service using BART within San Francisco and Muni. He has concerns concerns with equal access. Ms. Williams updated the committee that the agency sold about 800 of 1000 P passes and that it would cost $400,000 to put it on Clipper. Ms. Lynch requested that members receive the current SFMTA MAAC roster. Ms. Lynch expressed the slope at Geary between Polk and Van Ness be investigated for safety. Also there is no NextBus sign at the bus shelter. Mr. West will follow up California Pacific Medical Center (CPMC) construction project. Mr. Yan asked about the bus stop consolidation project working group. Mr. West indicated that the TTRP Working Group met before the MAAC meeting and there will be more detailed discussion about the project. Mr. Wong brought up about accessible fare gates. Currently the Muni Metro stations have 1 ADA accessible fare gate nearest to the station agent booths. Often times passengers with disabilities have to wait to enter or exit the gate when the gate is obstructed by others passengers. The thought of 2 accessible fare gates would improve access. This issue is on the Mayor's Disability Council's agenda and will be discuss on Friday, 2/17/12. Mr. Scott (member of the public) announced that there is a Central Subway Advisory Committee on 2/16/12 6 p.m. in Chinatown. Mr. Evans expressed concern of the 3rd floor men's restroom about poor lighting, lock, and the weight of the door. Mr. Evans said that there is a Community Resource Fair on 2/17/12 1 – 4 p.m at 201 Turk Street. Mr. West announced on February 25, 9 a.m., MAAC members are invited to check the in-between car barriers located near Caltrans at 4th and King. Mr. West announced that Mr. Flanagan was appointed Vice Chair of the Metropolitan Transportation Authority. If members have concerns with the Van Ness BRT Project, Mr. Flanagan can assist. Congratulations to Mr. Flanagan. Adjournment: Mr. Lee made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 2:50 p.m. and Mr. Wong second. Motion carried. The next SFMTA MAAC meeting is on March 15, 2012 1 - 3 p.m. |
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