This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) > March 15, 2007, minutes |
MUNI ACCESSIBILITY ADVISORY COMMITTEE (MAAC) Minutes of March 15, 2007 Members Present: Rae Chamberlain, Les Clark (Vice-Chair), Janet Copriviza, Ed Evans (Chair), Paul Fichera, Melvin Galloway, Ed Harley (Secretary), Jean Kempf, Jeanne Lynch, Bruce Morgan, Bruce Oka, Vernon Smith, Arden Wheeler Absent:Jean Ellis-Jones, Barbara George, Dave Longa (Excused) Accessible Services Staff Present: Jamie Osborne, Virginia Rathke Guests: Larry Davis (Muni), Alice Fialkin (Muni Flynn Division), Ian McLean, Adrian Moy (Muni Safety / Training), Roger Rose (ILRC), Raymond Vega Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 1:00PM. Introductions: Introductions were made in lieu of a roll call. Reading and approval of agenda: The agenda was approved as presented. Approval of the minutes from February 15 MAAC meeting: The minutes for the February 15 MAAC meeting were not available for the March 15 meeting. They will be distributed prior to the April 19th meeting. Comments from the Chair: MAAC Chair, Ed Evans, reported he has had a lot of problems on MUNI this past month. He feels that there is a greater need for enforcement of proof of payment because people are not paying their fare. He would also like to see better training for those operators that are not following the rules, enforcing the fares, and paying attention to the needs of senior and disabled people in regard to seating on the buses. Larry Davis, MAAC Access Recognition Award Presentation Muni operator, Larry Davis, received an award for his exemplary service to senior and disabled riders. MAAC member Rae Chamberlain nominated Mr. Davis. She indicated that he was “one of the nicest drivers I've met.” Mr. Davis’ division superintendent, Alice Fialkin, also spoke about his work. Adrian Moy, SFMTA Deputy Director of Safety and Training Adrian Moy spoke to the committee about his history with Muni, his experiences working with people with disabilities and his six months of work as SFMTA Deputy Director of Safety and Training. Mr. Moy indicated that he knows MUNI is struggling with issues such as the number of trained operators, the availability of equipment, interdepartment communications and planning, vehicle scheduling and overcrowding. Mr. Moy reported that as SFMTA’s deputy director of safety and training, his goal is to convince operators that we need to engage with customers and that we need to be sensitive to their needs. He noted that it will take a lot of hard work, and a lot of SFMTA reminding operators and staff the importance of serving all riders. Mr. Moy then responded to questions from MAAC members and guests. MAAC Elections for 2007 officers Bruce Oka reported that the nominating committee recommended the following: MAAC Chair :: Les Clark MAAC Vice-Chair :: Vernon Smith MAAC Secretary :: Paul Fichera There were no other nominations for the MAAC committee. A motion was made to accept the recommendations as made by the nominating committee. The motion was seconded and carried by the committee. MAAC Member nominations Bruce Oka reported that the nominating committee recommended that all of the MAAC members whose terms were up in 2007 be reinstated. MAAC members expressed concerns that the transit worker’s union (TWU local 250A) representative, Jean Ellis-Jones, had not attended MAAC meetings since February 2006. They requested that MAAC write a letter to TWU local 250A president, Irwin Lum, to ask that he send an official representative. MAAC 2007 goal planning Jamie Osborne reviewed the MAAC 2007 goal setting worksheet that was distributed to members at the February meeting. He allowed members time to complete the worksheet during the meeting and solicited completed worksheets. He indicated that the committees responses would be complied and utilized to set the MAAC agenda for the 2007 year. Update on MTC’s “My 511” system Jamie Osborne gave the committee an update on MTC’s upcoming “My 511” system. He read a letter that was sent by MAAC and he read the response letter from MTC. He thanked committee members and guests (specifically Ian McLean and Jessie Lorenz) for their support of the issue. He indicated that the letters written by MAAC and the Lighthouse for the Blind and visually impaired had a positive result. MTC was not going to take the current system of giving real-time vehicle location information off line. MTC indicated that they will work with MAAC and other community focus groups to develop an accessible / usable system for all users. He promised to keep the committee updated on progress with the project and took questions. (Both letters will be included with April 2007 MAAC Minutes). Pat Henry, ADA Complaints for December 2005-2006, January 2006-2007 Pat Henry was unable to attend the February MAAC meeting. However, Jamie Osborne shared the complaint numbers from December 2005-2006 and January 2006-2007 with the committee. Vernon Smith, MAAC vice chair, shared his positive experience with a recent complaint hearing. Nominations for Muni Accessibility Advisory Recognition Award MAAC guest, Roger Rose, indicated that he had an operator in mind that he would like to nominate for an award. Mr. Rose did not have the operator’s name, identification number or contact information, so he agreed to collect that information and report back the committee. Member’s Questions and Comments 1. Jeanne Lynch indicated that the Senior Action Network, the Bicycle Coalition, the Department of Public Health, and SFMTA are collaborating on an education campaign about bicycles on the sidewalk. She passed out materials about the campaign to the committee. 2. Vernon Smith reported that he is concerned about people exiting the light rail vehicles. He’d like MAAC members to write a letter to the SFPD requesting more enforcement of codes prohibiting cars from going around stopped light rail vehicles. He is tired of almost getting nailed by cars when he exits a streetcar. 3. Virginia Rathke indicated that she wanted to thank Ed Evans for serving as MAAC chair over the past year. Public Comment: The public may comment on any issue affecting Muni that is not on today’s agenda. 1.) Ian McLean reported that he was surprised to find that all calls to Muni Information 415-673-6864 were being forwarded to 311. 2.) Raymond Vega announced that there is now a smooth surfaced trail at Land’s End. He suggested that people with mobility disabilities (especially wheelchair users) who want to have access to the outdoors should contact the Golden Gate National Recreation Area and voice their support for the maintenance and development of accessible trails. Items for Next Agenda: 1.) Arden Wheeler – I would like to talk about the safety signs at cable car boarding areas. 2.) Jamie Osborne – Ed Evans asked me to look into a transit study by the SFCTA in the “Little Saigon” area of the Tenderloin District. I will ask them if they’d like to present to MAAC about how their findings will effect the many riders with disabilities who live in the area. Announcements: 1. Jamie Osborne reported that the Muni rail rodeo event was happening on April 28th. Anyone who is interested in attending should contact him. 2. Jamie Osborne reported that the new T-Third light rail line will be officially opening on April 7th. He noted that all MAAC members will be invited to the opening celebration on Saturday, April 14th. Adjournment: At 3:15PM, the meeting was adjourned. The next regularly scheduled meeting is Thursday, April 19, 2007, at 1:00PM. ACCESSIBLE SERVICES |
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