This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Multimodal Accessibility Advisory Committee (MAAC) > Nov. 17, 2011, minutes |
SFMTA November 17, 2011 minutes Call to order: A monthly meeting of the SFMTA Muni Accessibility Advisory Committee was held at the SFMTA Headquarters in San Francisco. The meeting was convened at 1:05 p.m., Chair Elizabeth Dawson presiding and Roland Wong, Secretary. Attendance: Members in attendance: Elizabeth Dawson, Ed Evans, Jean Kempf, Miro Kielbus, Bruce Morgan, Roland Wong, Byron Yan, Jeanne Lynch, Randall Glock, David Longa, Les Clark, Jessica Ellis, Marc Grossman, Vernon Smith, Joseph Flanagan. Members not in attendance: Melvin Galloway, Kevin Lee*, Roger Rose*, Jan Corpriviza* *Excused SFMTA Staff in attendance: Matt West, Virginia Rathke, Annette Williams, Lulu Feliciano Comments from the Chair: Ms. Dawson thanked everyone for attending the meeting. Approval of agenda and minutes: • Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded by Mr. Morgan to approve the agenda of Nov. 17 meeting. • Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded by Mr. Morgan to approve the minutes of Oct. 20 meeting. Announcements: Ms. Feliciano announced that the Transit Effectiveness Project’s Environmental Impact Review is undergoing its public comment phase. MAAC members are encouraged to provide their comments by Dec. 9 at 5:00pm. An open house will be held at 1 South Van Ness on Dec. 6 and 7 for interested parties. Mr. West announced that there will be an open house held at the San Francisco Day School from 10:00am – 2:00pm on Saturday, December 3 to discuss proposals for bike treatments on Fell and Oak streets. This meeting was specifically held in the day time in response to previous comments that night meeting are often not attended by seniors and people with disabilities. MAAC members are encouraged to attend. Public comment: No public was present; there was no public comment. SFMTA - MAAC Access Recognition Award: • Danny Duncan was given a SFMTA Access Recognition Award nominated by Ms. Lynch...on the 2-Clement line. • Karl Sattler was given a SFMTA Access Recognition Award for helping a senior who appeared lost along Geary Blvd on the 38-Geary line by Mr. Lee. SFMTA - MAAC Access Recognition Award Nominees: • Mr. Evans has a recognition award for a group of fare inspectors. • Members will provide information of the operators to Mr. West for follow-up. Presentations: SFMTA LRV In Between Car Barrier Concept Mike Ellis, SFMTA Maintenance Mike Ellis gave a briefing on a proposed on car between car barrier. He stated that once a prototype is ready he will invite the MAAC to a predetermined location to try out the prototype in real life conditions. Michael Schwartz, Transportation Planner, SFCTA Mr. Schwartz presented the Draft Environmental Impact Statement/Report for the Van Ness BRT. Lighthouse for the Blind’s Mapping Project Frank Welti, Lighthouse for the Blind Mr. Welti presented the Lighthouse for the Blind’s Mapping Project with Braille mapping handouts for members to see. SFMTA - MAAC Bylaws Reading: Before the reading of the MAAC Bylaws, Mr. Smith asked why was it necessary to read three times before approval and ratify of the Bylaws by MAAC. Mr. West responded that the reason is to provide members an opportunity to review and provide feedback to MAAC before the MAAC Bylaws are approved and ratified. Mr. West apologized for not having copies of the SFMTA-MAAC Bylaws for the Board. Mr. West read the highlighted amended sections of the MAAC Bylaws were questioned by the Board from the previous meeting that was clarified by the MAAC Bylaws Subcommittee: • Article III. Section 2. Qualifications • Article IV. Section 1, C. Secretary: add timely matter in conjunction with SFMTA MAAC Staff. • ...write all correspondence in coordination with SFMTA Accessible Services Staff. • Article IV. Section 1, D. Delegates. The officer name Delegates was amended to Liaison. The description is define as: • Liaison. The duties of the liaison shall be to serve as Chair when both the Chair and Vice Chair are not present at a meeting; or to serve as Vice Chair if the Vice Chair is unable, either temporarily or permanently, to fulfill the office. The Liaison may also be called upon to serve as Secretary when the Secretary is not present or unable, either temporarily or permanently, to fulfill the office. MAAC will resume the reading of the MAAC Bylaws at the next meeting with Article VI. Subcommittee. The MAAC Bylaws Subcommittee will be scheduled to discuss the following: New business and members comments: • JFK Drive Bikeway Project. • Proof of Payments (POP)/Fare Inspectors. The next MAAC Meeting is on: Dec. 15, 1 – 3 p.m. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m. |
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