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Minutes of the SFMTA
Muni Accessibility Advisory Committee
October 20, 2011

Call to order:

A monthly meeting of the SFMTA Muni Accessibility Advisory Committee was held at the SFMTA Headquarters in San Francisco, CA on October 20. The meeting was convened at 1:00 p.m., Chair Elizabeth Dawson presiding and Roland Wong, Secretary.

Members in attendance:

Elizabeth Dawson, Ed Evans, Jean Kempf, Miro Kielbus, Bruce Morgan, Roland Wong, Kevin Lee, Byron Yan, Jeanne Lynch, Randall Glock, David Longa, Jan Corpriviza, Les Clark, Jessica Ellis, Marc Grossman, Roger Rose

Members not in attendance:

Vernon Smith*, Joseph Flanagan,* Melvin Galloway,


SFMTA Staff in attendance:

Matt West, Virginia Rathke, Annette Williams, Cesar Cabatbat, Monica Collins

Approval of agenda and minutes:

  • Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded by Mr. Wong to approve the agenda of October 20 meeting.
  • Motion was made by Mr. Glock and seconded by Mr. Morgan to approve the agenda of September 15 meeting.

Public comment:

No public was present; there was no public comment.

Welcome to Mr. Ed Reiskin

SFMTA Director of Transportation:

The SFMTA’s new Director of Transportation, Mr. Ed Reiskin, dropped by during our meeting and introduced himself. MAAC welcomed Mr. Reiskin to attend to future MAAC meetings.

SFMTA Access Recognition Award:

  • Monica Collins was given a SFMTA Access Recognition Award nominated by Ms. Dawson for making riders feeling welcomed and thanking passengers for riding Muni on the 38-Geary line.
  • Cesar Cabatbat was given a SFMTA Access Recognition Award for announcement of stops along the subway in the trains by Mr. West.

Mr. Evans suggested having honorable drivers like Ms. Collins to participate in Muni operator training to set an example for operators.

SFMTA Access Recognition Award Nominees:

  • Ms. Lynch has an operator who drives the 2-Clement.
  • Mr. Wong has a driver who operates the L-Taraval who called Central Control office to inquire if an elevator at Powell Station was in service.
  • Mr. Lee also has a new operator who drives 38-Geary assist a pedestrian who appeared lost.

Members will provide information of the operators to Mr. West for follow-up.

FTA Rail Station Compliance Report:

Ms. Rathke provided information on the FTA Rail Station Compliance Report.

SFMTA Centennial Plan:

Murray Bond presented the SFMTA Centennial Plan to celebrate the Market Street Railway on December 29, 2012.

Reading of SFMTA-MAAC Bylaws:

Mr. West introduced the first of three (3) readings of the SFMTA – MAAC Bylaws. The MAAC Bylaws Subcommittee is comprised of Mr. Wong, Mr. Lee and Mr. Longa. Ms. Dawson provided input to the MAAC Bylaws.

The following sections of the SFMTA-MAAC Bylaws are to be brought to the Bylaws Subcommittee for clarification:

Article III. Section 2. Qualifications

Article IV. Section 1, C. Secretary: add timely matter in conjunction with SFMTA MAAC Staff.

Article IV. Section 1, D. Delegates

MAAC will resume the first reading at the next meeting with Article VI. Subcommittee.

Officer Report:

Ms. Dawson thanked the Bylaws Subcommittee for the work done on the bylaws.

New Business/Member Comments:

  • Mr. Evans commented about the removal of bus shelters and wonder if the removal to be appealed.
  • Mr. Glock commented that the bus shelter issues has been brought up to MAAC numerous times and if members feel strongly about issues, please attend these meetings and voice your concerns.
  • Ms. Corpriviza clarify that sometime members are busy and may not have the time to attend meetings outside of MAAC.


  • October 25, Cameron Beach Yard Dedication at Geneva Yard
  • October 26, MAAC Bylaws Subcommittee
  • October 26, SFMTA CAC Engineering Subcommittee
  • October 28, Communications Committee
  • November 2, 5 to 6 p.m. (TBA): MAAC Operations Subcommittee
  • November 17, 1 – 3 p.m.: MAAC meeting


The meeting was adjourned at 3 p.m.

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