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Minutes of September 20, 2007

Members Present:

Les Clark (Chair), Janet Copriviza, Edward Evans (Excused), Paul Fichera (Secretary), Melvin Galloway (ARC), Barbara George (JLMB), Ed Harley, Jean Kempf, Dave Longa, Jeanne Lynch, Bruce Morgan, Bruce Oka, Vernon Smith (Vice-Chair)


Rae Chamberlain (excused), Jean Ellis-Jones, Arden Wheeler (excused)

Accessible Services Staff Present:

Jamie Osborne, Virginia Rathke, Annette Williams


John Conklin (Muni Operator), Marisa Espinosa (SFMTA Planning), Randall Glock, Miro Kielbus (ASL Community), Irving Lind, Jim Lowe (Muni Planning), Bob Planthold (TEP-CAC), Roger Rose (SFILRC), Ursula Steck, Britt Tanner (SFTEP)

30-Foot Low Floor Hybrid / Translink Card Reader Demonstation

At 1:00PM, MAAC members met at the intersection of Market and Van Ness to demonstrate the accessibility features of the new 30-foot low-floor hybrid vehicle. As the coach that was brought to the demonstration did not have a Translink card reader installed, the discussion focused on the accessibility features and the floor layout for the wheelchair securement areas. Translink staff indicated that the correct coach card reader installed would be available following the meeting.

Call to Order

Following the outside demonstration, the MAAC meeting was called to order at 1:32PM.


Introductions were made in lieu of a roll call.

Reading and approval of agenda

The agenda was approved as presented.

Approval of the minutes from July MAAC meeting:

The minutes for the July 19, 2007 MAAC meetings were approved with corrections.

Comments from the Chair

MAAC Chair, Les Clark, indicated that he has been working with Accessible Services and the Green division to address the chronic issue of LRV operators not announcing transfer points, major destinations and points of interest. With the help of Accessible Services and Passenger Services, he has made many, many complaints about operator behavior in the past few months. Mr. Clark reported that much progress has been made, and that operators are improving their behavior.

One of the reasons that progress is being made, is that all ADA violation complaints result in a hearing. To the committee, he emphasized the importance of telling the Muni representative that the complaint was an “ADA violation.”

MAAC Access Recognition Award Presentation to John Conklin
Mr. Conklin is a light rail operator who has been with Muni since 1998. Miro Kielbus recommended that Mr. Conklin be recognized for the exceptional patience and customer service skills that he demonstrated while working on the J-Church line. Mr. Conklin thanked the committee for the award.

An award was also presented to an M-Oceanview light rail operator, Patricia Porter who had demonstrated great care when working with riders with disabilities. Ms. Porter was unable to attend the MAAC meeting.

Marisa Espinosa, Disabled Fast Pass Progress Update
Ms. Espinosa from SFMTA Special Projects, distributed resources to the committee about SFMTA’s efforts to enable the monthly Senior Fast Pass and Disabled Sticker users to utilize BART for free within the city limits of San Francisco (as non-disabled or senior Fast Pass users are allowed to do). She gave a brief history of the issue and described current implementation options.

She would like to prepare a proposal to move forward with the SFMTA board and wanted to get MAAC feedback on the various options. She recognized that the issue has been active for the past 20 years, but indicated that for the past several months, SFMTA has increased its attention to the issue. They have been actively working directly with BART staff to find common ground and identify a solution that will be acceptable for both agencies.

Ms. Espinosa walked MAAC members through the following options and gave the committee an inventory of each option’s perceived advantages and disadvantages. She addressed the following Criteria/Options:




Using regional “smart card” to accommodate adjustment to Senior and Disabled Fast Pass holder’s BART access

Paper Pass: Senior and Disabled Only

Return to using paper for Senior and Disabled that is enabled with BART access.

Paper Pass: Senior, Disable and Youth

Similar to above Paper Pass that also includes Fast Pass access for youth*.

* Please Note: BART and SFMTA have different guidelines for what ages are eligible to ride at the youth discount fare.

BART-only Smart Card

Using BART-only smart card along with Senior and Disabled Fast Passes


Ms. Espinosa took questions from MAAC members and guests.

Members indicated that that were in favor of ANY of the options as long as it was implemented in a timely manner. They expressed their frustration that they have been waiting “a long time” and that no progress has been made on this issue. Members also indicated that they were willing to pay an additional premium ($2 to $5) to get the BART access included with their Fast Pass.

Members also noted that they were in not in favor of including youth users if this would complicate BART and SFMTA negotiations and further delay the implementation of the program.

Britt Tanner, San Francisco Transit Effectiveness Project (SFTEP) survey results

Britt Tanner, SFTEP / SFMTA planning, presented MAAC members and guests with a detailed summary of the results of the TEP survey for seniors and people with disabilities.

Ms. Tanner indicated that SFMTA received 395 surveys in paper or via an internet form. Surveys were received in English, Spanish and Chinese. She noted that for the most part, results from the survey were similar to the TEP survey that was focused at non-disabled transit users. She reported the following conclusions:

• 2/3 of the survey respondents were regular riders. The most common trips were for work, medical and shopping purposes.

• “Unreliable service” was cited as the biggest challenge. “Pass-Ups due to crowding” and “standing at stop or on vehicle” also ranked high.

• Survey respondents indicated that of the issues that they felt encouraged people to take public transit: “Increased frequency of service”, “improved customer service” and “low senior/disabled fares” were the most popular (ranked in that order).

• “Bus shelters with seating” was indicated as more encouraging than “bus stop every 2 blocks or less”.

The TEP process will now focus on brainstorming service improvements based on the survey findings. They will continue the dialogue with the public about this process and will partner with seniors and people with disabilities to address their transit concerns.

Ms. Tanner encouraged MAAC members and guests to attend the following TEP meetings and public workshops:

Saturday, October 20 (morning) :: Excelsior District

10:00 am to 12:30 pm
Monroe Elementary School - Cafeteria
260 Madrid St. at Excelsior Ave. (Enter on Madrid)

The nearest Muni bus lines are: 14, 29, 49 and 52.

Saturday, October 20 (afternoon) :: Mission District

3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
St. Peter’s Catholic Church - Lower Hall
Alabama St. at 24th St. (Enter on Alabama)

The nearest Muni bus lines are: 9, 12, 27 and 48.

Monday, October 22 :: Inner Sunset

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
County Fair Building (Hall of Flowers) - Recreation Room
9th Ave. at Lincoln Way
(near entrance to San Francisco Botanical Gardens).

The nearest Muni lines are N-Judah, 6, 43, 44, 66 and 71.

Tuesday, October 23 :: Civic Center

6:00 pm to 8:30 pm
Bill Graham Civic Auditorium
99 Grove St. at Polk St.

The nearest BART and Muni station is Civic Center.
The nearest Muni bus lines are 9, 19, 21 and 49.

Ms Tanner noted additional questions about the TEP can be reached sent via e-mail to or via phone 415-701-4599 | TTY 415-701-2323. Spanish and Chinese speakers may call 415-226-1313.

Ms. Tanner responded to questions from the group.


Secondary to time constraints, the committee chose to move this item to the agenda of the October MAAC meeting.

Jamie Osborne, Transit Information Kiosk

Secondary to time constraints, the committee chose to move this item to the agenda of the October MAAC meeting.

Pat Henry, ADA Complaints for July 2005-2007

Secondary to time constraints, the committee chose to move this item to the agenda of the October MAAC meeting.

Member’s Questions and Comments

1. Ed Evans – At the Northwest corner of Hyde at Turk, SFMTA removed a bus shelter because of criminal activity. Removing this shelter did not stop the criminal activity. It did make things much more difficult for the many seniors and people with disabilities that live in the Tenderloin neighborhood. I’d like MAAC to discuss this issue at the next meeting and prepare a resolution condemning the removal of the stop.

2. Miro Kielbus – I’ve heard that there are problems with the new buses. The green light is too high for people to easily see. Also, On the articulated bus with the display that indicates the next stops and transfer points, I think that the stop name should be displayed for a longer period of time. It is now less than 2 seconds. This is important information for riders with hearing disabilities to see and they are not given enough time to read it. I suggest increasing the time to at least 5 seconds.

3. Paul Fichera – The shelter at Hyde and Turk was ordered to be removed by the Mayor’s office of neighborhood planning. I think that a letter from MAAC would appropriately address this.

Public Comment:

There were no public comment.

Nominations for MAAC Access Recognition Award

There were no nominations for the access recognition award.

Items for Next Agenda:

1. Les Clark – During the next meeting, I recommend that we nominate Roger Rose and Randall Glock to be members of MAAC.

2. Bruce Oka – On the next agenda I would like to have a discussion about allowing parents with children in strollers to use the wheelchair securement area.


1. Les Clark - We have two tickets to the Muni JLMB safety award dinner ceremony on October 6th. Please talk to Jamie Osborne if you are interested in representing MAAC at the meeting.

2. Jeanne Lynch – I resent the fact that we could not complete the agenda today. I think that agendas should be shorter and that we should make sure that we address all of the items.

3. Dave Longa – I think that we should have fewer speakers and that we should have firm time limits for each presentation.


At 3:10PM, the meeting was adjourned. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 18, 2007, at 1:00PM.


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