This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > Feb. 26, 2010, notice of appeal |
NOTICE OF APPEAL PROCESS FOR ENVIRONMENTAL EXEMPTION DETERMINATIONS MADE BY THE SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY (SFMTA) AND THE DEPARTMENT OF CITY PLANNING Please be advised that on February 26, 2010, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors intends to approve increases to cash fares, transit passes, and fees, fines, rates, and charges that support transit service, as well as overall reductions in the level of transit service. The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) provides a statutory exemption from environmental review for the reduction or elimination of transit service and increases to fares, fees, rates and charges that support transit service if implemented as a result of a declared fiscal emergency. On April 21, 2009, the MTA Board of Directors declared a fiscal emergency for 2009-2010 under California Public Resources Code section 21080.32 and CEQA implementing guidelines, Title 14 of the California Code of Regulations section 15285. The San Francisco Planning Department has determined that the increases to cash fares, transit passes, and fees, fines, rates, and charges that support transit service, as well as overall reductions in the level of transit service the SFMTA intends to approve on February 26, 2010 continue to be statutorily exempt from CEQA review based on the SFMTA's declaration of fiscal emergency, since these actions must be implemented in order to continue to address the existing fiscal emergency. Please be advised that SFMTA will hold its decision to approve transit service reductions and increases to fees, fines, rates and charges that support transit service in abeyance for 20 days after February 26, 2010, for members of the public to appeal the environmental exemption determination to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. With respect to cash fare and transit pass increases, SFMTA will hold its decision in abeyance for 30 days after February 26, 2010, for members of the public to appeal the environmental exemption determination to the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. Additional information can be obtained on |
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