This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > February 19, 2008, minutes |
ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Chairman McCray called the meeting to order at 2:01 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Chairman McCray announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. He advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. He also advised that cell phones that are set on “vibrate” cause microphone interference and requested that they be placed in the “off” position. 4. Approval of Minutes On motion to approve the minutes of the February 5, 2008 Regular Meeting: unanimously approved. 5. Communications Board Secretary Boomer stated that Item 10.1 C, the Alice Montross claim and the discussion regarding anticipated litigation in closed session had been removed from the agenda at the request of the City Attorney’s office. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members Vice Chairman Nolan stated that he hopes to have the report regarding an executive policy oversight committee ready for the next meeting. This committee will assist the Board in being more efficient. 7. Executive Director’s Report (For discussion only)
Executive Director/CEO Ford welcomed Directors Jerry Lee and Bruce Oka to the SFMTA Board. Executive Director/CEO Ford announced the unveiling of the Connected Bus that highlights the use of technology to make our City greener. San Francisco is one of three cities worldwide chosen to participate in the program. Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer, and Bill Hooper, Clear Channel, provided an update on the status of the Transit Shelter Agreement. 8. Citizen’s Advisory Council Report Daniel Murphy, Chairman, CAC, presented the CAC’s recommendations and welcomed Directors Lee and Oka to the Board. 9. Public Comment Barry Taranto welcomed the new directors and expressed hope that the board will be able to improve how taxi service is provided. He stated that the issue regarding enforcement of white zones is at an all-time high. Town cars are blocking a taxi’s ability to carry passengers at every hotel during the day and in the evenings, particularly during conventions. Mr. Taranto insisted that the SFMTA hire one more PCO to tag white zone violators in evening. The SFMTA doesn’t need bus rapid transit. They just need better enforcement of double parked cars during peak hours. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE SFMTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO OR CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CALENDAR ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 1 SOUTH VAN NESS AVE. 7th FLOOR. CONSENT CALENDAR 10. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board and will be acted upon by a single vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (10.1) Requesting the Controller to allot funds and to draw warrants against such funds available or will be available in payment of the following claims against the SFMTA:
Item 10.1 C was removed from the agenda. RESOLUTION 08-023 (10.2) Approving the following traffic modifications:
RESOLUTION 08-024 (10.3) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute and file applications for funding under the FTA Section 5307, FTA Section 5309 FG, and/or Surface Transportation Program of SAFETEA-LU in the amount of $59,403,116 for the Central Control & Communications Facility; Subway Public Announcement & Passenger Display Systems Replacement; Cable Car Infrastructure Rehabilitation Program; Cable Car Vehicle Renovation; Escalator Rehabilitation; Historic Vehicle Rehabilitation; Motor Coach Replacement – 45-40’ Alternate Fuels Vehicles; Overhead Rehabilitation Program; Rail Replacement Program; Wayside Fare Collection Equipment Rehabilitation and Replacement; Wayside/Central Train Control Program; Woods Division Vehicle Lifts Rehabilitation and Replacement; Miscellaneous; Security Improvements & Graffiti Prevention and Neoplan Clean Diesel Vehicle Rehabilitation. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-025 (10.4) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to accept and expend $36,000 in Regional TFCA funds for the 7th Avenue Traffic Calming Project. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-026 (10.5) Amending seven resolutions previously adopted by the SFMTA Board of Directors by deleting language regarding required approval by the Board of Supervisors to accept and expend the requested grant funds. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-027 (10.6) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute Agreement Modification No. 1 to Contract No. 4128-06/07, Environmental Review of the Bicycle Plan Projects to Wilbur Smith Associates for an additional amount not to exceed $176,000 for a total contract amount not to exceed $476,000. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and amendment.) (Carter Rohan) RESOLUTION 08-028 No public comment. On motion to approve the Consent Calendar (Item 10.1 C removed): ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka REGULAR CALENDAR 11. Selecting the Central Subway Project Alternative 3B, Fourth/Stockton Alignment with semi-exclusive surface rail operations on Fourth Street as the Locally Preferred Alternative. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, alternative alignment and financial plan.) (Carter Rohan) John Funghi, Project Manager, Central Subway Project, presented the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Mr. Zhong, CTA President, stated that the CTA has 600 members who support the Central Subway. Chinatown is very popular for national tourism and it’s important to have the subway come to Chinatown. Residents want to have better transitions. This will boost our economy and will bring more people to shop in Chinatown. Buses are too crowded. This will relieve congestion on Stockton Street. Please support the project. Linda Mjellem, Union Square Association, expressed support for the Central Subway Project. The Fourth St. alignment makes sense for a number of reasons. They have one objection regarding the plan to place the stairway on the east side of Geary. There is very little passageway even with a bulb out. That plan should be deleted. Ms. Mjellem urged the SFMTA to continue to work with the architects of Union Square to insure that any structures are complementary to the design of Union Square. The project team has done a wonderful job of reaching out to all communities. Mark Guth, Blatteis & Schnur, stated that they bought a building at Market and Ellis which is undergoing a major remodel. The Central Subway plans show that a portion of their basement will be required by the SFMTA for utilities. Mr. Guth asked the Board to direct their engineers that work will be done entirely under the pavement or will not require the building owners to remove our equipment. Art Michel, Central Subway Community Advisory Group, expressed support for the project. It compliments the current east-west subway. Their main concern is with two car platforms. If we block ourselves in, we can’t expand in the future. We don’t know what will develop in 15-20 years. Mr. Michel stated that it’s a good project but it would be better if it served Fisherman’s Wharf and North Beach but realizes that funds aren’t available at this time. Rose Pak, Chinese Chamber of Commerce, stated that 24 years ago transportation staff discussed this project with the Chinese Chamber of Commerce. They have always been involved in the discussions about bringing the line into Chinatown and have carried the bulk of the weight in pushing this project through. Chinatown should get exactly what Union Square is getting with respect to platform length. Gordon Chin, Chinatown Community Development Center, stated that they have been working on this project for a long time and are overjoyed to be at this point. Mr. Chin expressed appreciation for a tremendous project. Much progress has been made since Mr. Ford came to San Francisco. There are still areas of concern. Mr. Chin urged the Board to support the alignment and the RFP for construction design. Harvey Louie, President, Chinatown TRIP, stated that they wholeheartedly support this alternative. This is a good solution for traffic congestion, parking, pedestrian safety and connectivity. During commute hours, Chinatown and especially Stockton Street are very congested. David Chiu, expressed appreciation to staff. After 25 years, 150 community meetings, 17,000 signatures and countless hours of analysis, it is time to turn this project into a reality. He stated that the Central Subway Citizen’s Advisory Group is in strong support of moving forward with the Central Subway project and the decision to make the 4B alternative the locally preferred alternative. Amy Chung, Chinatown Merchant, stated that bus routes have been notoriously overcrowded. There is no room on the streets and trucks can’t get through. Fix this leg of the Muni and you will fix congestion in the rest of the city. Ms. Chung asked the SFMTA to extend capacity to make sure our future is taken care of. A single exit may create a problem due to all the foot traffic at one location. Donna Chen, Ping Yuen Resident Improvement Association, stated that they have supported this project for 20 years. Please support 3B. We have a large number of passengers who depend on Muni daily but the buses are crowded. This will speed things up Arnold Lee, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, expressed support for light rail on Stockton St. He added that we need to think about the future in terms of the Chinatown station. Buses are currently full and two car trains will not be enough. Larry Yee, Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, stated that they have been advocating for this project for many years. Please support Alternative 3B. This will be safer and will relieve a heavily traveled corridor where people are at risk. Please move the resolution forward. Eddy Zheng, Community Youth Center stated that safety is important and violence can happen at crowded stations and bus stops. Many new immigrants face language barriers and must use public transportation. It is important to work together to make this a reality. Bonnie Shiu, Visitaction Valley Parents Association, stated that they were proud of the progress made. Families, seniors, children make this commute daily. Ms. Shiu requested that the SFMTA keep the community engaged to ensure smooth progress. Benjamin Lee, Chinese Photographic Society, stated that he wanted to address the public art of the Chinatown station. This vote is a foregone conclusion that we’re gong to get this station. Chinatown artists envision the Chinatown station as living art museum. He expressed hope that there will be a permanent gallery for art exhibitions. Sabine Chen, Chinese Cultural Center expressed support for the 3B Alternative. The Chinatown Station will be an integral part of the community. The community needs to have ownership of the public art in that station and must be kept engaged in the choice of the public art that will be displayed. Howard Strassner stated that Board members shouldn’t select the best route of a bad project. Picking a route based on a false premise is the wrong choice. Congestion charging has reduced traffic in London. This is no way to build a subway. Norman Fong stated they gathered 17,000 signatures in support of the project. This is the only way to address congestion on Stockton Street. The North Beach community supports this project. Michael Kwok, S.F. Elders, stated that they need accessible and working transportation. We need to make elevators fully accessible. This is a vision project and hopes it will be fully accessible. Mr. Kwok requested that the Board support the project. Richard Dreyer stated that they’re working on a retail project on the north east corner of Stockton and Union Square. There is not adequate space for an access stairway at that location. David Schoenbrun, TransDef, stated that TransDef is extremely troubled by this project and they don’t believe it is the best method of providing the mobility that residents of Chinatown need. A shallower tunnel serving trolley buses would benefit Chinatown and other bus lines in the northern part of the city. This won’t achieve the level of ridership expected due to time it takes to get to the platforms. RESOLUTION 08-029 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka The Board took a five minute break. 12. Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to advertise a Request for Proposals for Contract No. CS-149, Professional Program Management and Construction Management Services for Central Subway, Third Street Light Rail Project Phase 2, to evaluate proposals and to negotiate a contract with the selected Consultant for an amount not to exceed $82,000,000, and for a term not to exceed five years with an option to extend the term for an additional five years. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, RFP and financial plan.) (Carter Rohan) No public comment. Chairman McCray requested that the proposers are made aware of the SFMTA’s commitment to maximum diversity and expressed hope that the proposals will reflect the city’s diverse population. Exec. Director Ford called attention to the Board’s Communication Policy which sets parameters for potential bidders and proposers. This will be a competitive process and potential bidders/proposers may only contact the person named in the RFP. RESOLUTION 08-030 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 13. Approving the Request for Proposals for the selection of a professional parking management firm for the combined management of the Sutter Stockton and the Union Square Garages, and authorizing its release by the City of San Francisco Uptown Parking Corporation. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and RFP.) (Sonali Bose) Chairman McCray requested that items 13, 14 and 15 be called together. Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer, presented the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENTS: Spencer Sechler, CityPark, expressed appreciation for the changes in the RFPs. This will allow quality parking operators to be included in the process. Mr. Sechler suggested that the RFPs be released in a staggered fashion which will also allow for these garages to not be undergoing a transition to a different provider at the same time. Mr. Sechler also request that the word “audited” in the Fifth and Mission RFP be removed to comply with the spirit of the changes. Jim Hornback thanked the Board for the process and for the changes. The changes were reasonable, and staff was responsive to us. Mr. Hornback requested a staged release of the RFPs. RESOLUTION 08-031 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 14. Approving the Request for Proposals for the selection of a professional parking management firm for the management of the Ellis-O’Farrell Garage, and authorizing its release by the City of San Francisco Ellis-O’Farrell Parking Corporation. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and RFP.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-032 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 15. Approving the Request for Proposals for the selection of a professional parking management firm for the management of the Fifth & Mission/Yerba Buena Garage, and authorizing its release by the City of San Francisco Downtown Parking Corporation. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and RFP.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-033 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 16. Recommending that the SFMTA Executive Director/CEO request the Director of the Office of Contract Administration to execute Contract Modification No. 4 to Contract No. 86091, Security Guard Services (Armed and Unarmed) for the Revenue & Cost Accounting Sections to increase the total contract value by $1,360,000, for a total contract amount of $13,600,000 and extend the term of the contract through August 31, 2008 or until a new security guard services contract is awarded. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and amendment.) (Sonali Bose) No public comment. RESOLUTION 08-034 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 17. Presentation and discussion regarding a pilot program for free standing information kiosks. (Explanatory documents include a staff report.) (Sonali Bose) Murray Bond, Manager, Strategic Communications, presented the staff report. No public comment. 18. Presentation and discussion regarding the SFMTA’s FY09 and FY10 operating budgets. (No explanatory documents.) (Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer, presented the staff report. No public comment. In response to a question by Vice Chairman Nolan, E.D. Ford stated that staff will cost out those Blue Ribbon Committee recommendations that we contemplate moving forward on and provide options for FY10. Chairman McCray requested a prioritized list of all programs requested by each division for FY09. Director Beach requested that, to the extent possible, staff provide reports prior to the March 4th meeting. 19. Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to establish and approve special event parking rates at SFMTA administered off-street parking facilities under certain conditions including: the special event rate may either be available to the general public or may be limited to attendees of a special event sponsored or benefiting a not-for-profit, charitable organization or association; attendees at these events may be required to present evidence of attendance; the event occurs within a half mile of the parking facility; the rate must not breach any contractual obligations or City rules and regulations; the rate must be in effect only on the day(s) and time(s) of the special event; the rate must not be less than twenty percent of or more than the posted eight hour rate; and the rate must not exceed fourteen consecutive days without approval by the SFMTA Board of Directors. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) No public comment. RESOLUTION 08-035 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 20. Discussion and vote pursuant to Administrative Code Section 67.10(d) as to whether to conduct a closed session and invoke the attorney‑client privilege. On motion to invoke the attorney-client privilege: unanimously approved. RECESS REGULAR MEETING AND CONVENE CLOSED SESSION – 4:49 p.m. CLOSED SESSION 1. Call to Order Chairman McCray called the closed session to order at 4:51 p.m.
2. Roll Call Present:
Also present:
3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3), the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in Closed Session to discuss and take action on attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation:
A. Estate of Edward Badelalla vs. CCSF, Superior Ct. #457289 filed on 10/24/06 for $750,000 RESOLUTION 08-036 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka B. Gary Parent, vs. CCSF, Superior Ct. Claim #445170 filed on 9/26/05 for $250,000 RESOLUTION 08-037 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka 4. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9, and Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3) the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in closed session to discuss attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Anticipated Litigation: __X___ As defendant _____ As plaintiff This item was removed from the agenda at the request of the City Attorney. ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE OPEN SESSION – The closed session was adjourned at 5:01 p.m. 21. Announcement of Closed Session. Chairman McCray announced that the Board met in closed session to discuss the Badelalla and Parent cases with the City Attorney. The Board voted unanimously to settle the cases. 22. Motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. On motion to not disclose the information discussed: unanimously approved. ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 5:02 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq.] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site:
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