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Disabled Parking Violation Penalty IncreasesNew Civil Penalty Amounts to Take EffectAmendments to the California Vehicle Code (CVC) to address the problem of disabled parking placard abuse will become effective January 1, 2010. The amendments authorize the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) to adopt increased fines and penalties for various disabled parking violations in the form of a civil penalty of not less than $250 and not more than $1,000, and allows SFMTA parking control officers to cite disabled parking violations by issuing a parking citation. On January 5, 2010, the SFMTA Board of Directors will consider a proposed base civil penalty of $750 for the following CVC Section 22511.57 violations:
Additional language specific to CVC Section 22511.57 includes use of a valid license plate or placard when it is displayed on a vehicle that is not being used to transport, and is not in the reasonable proximity of, the person to whom the special license plate or placard was issued. The SFMTA Board of Directors will also consider adopting an additional assessment of 10% for violations of CVC Sections 22507.8, 22511.57 and 22522. This 10% additional penalty assessment is mandated by CVC Section 40203.6. Proposed penalty amounts
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