This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > June 1, 2010, minutes |
ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Chairman Nolan called the meeting to order at 12:06 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Chairman Nolan announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. He advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. He also advised that cell phones that are set on “vibrate” cause microphone interference and requested that they be placed in the “off” position. 4. Approval of Minutes PUBLIC COMMENT: Peter Witt stated that he doesn’t see any reference to his 150-word statement in the minutes but he does see extra words omitted. He asked whether it wouldn’t be easier and less work if his statement would be included after his name. 100 extra words were omitted from his public comment on Item 9. Mr. Witt reviewed the words that were missing. The minutes are misleading if there is no reference to his written statements. Mark Gruberg stated that he was looking at the April 20th meeting. He was referred to as Barry Gruberg so he requested that his name be corrected. On motion to approve the minutes of the May 4, 2010 Regular Meeting: unanimously approved. 5. Communications Board Secretary Boomer stated that Item 13 regarding the performance audit had been removed from the agenda at the request of staff. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members Director Beach stated that staff had previously indicated that the speed in the Twin Peaks Tunnel would be raised effective May 1. This did not occur. He requested that staff bring a report to the Board within the next two months. He also requested that a discussion regarding funding of Caltrain be agendized for a future meeting. Chairman Nolan requested that the recent memo regarding taxi driver safety be provided to Dave Schneider. 7. Executive Director’s Report (For discussion only)
Executive Director/CEO Ford presented special recognition awards to Julio Orozco, car cleaner, Green Maintenance Division, Transit Operations; Sheila Feliciana, transit operator, Flynn Division, Transit Operations; Tammy Scott, transit operator, Potrero Division, Transit Operations; and Marina Villena, Accessible Services, Administration, Taxi and Accessible Services. Exec. Director/CEO Ford “sunshined” labor agreements between the SFMTA and IBEW Local 6, TWU Local 200, and TWU Local 250 for automotive service workers and transit fare inspectors. Mr. Ford also discussed the SFMTA’s FY10 budget; SFparkimplementation, the FTA triennial audit; rehabilitation of SFMTA vehicles; the status of capital projects at St. Francis Circle and at Church and Duboce; the hiring of an executive director for the High Speed Rail Authority. No public comment. 8. Citizens’ Advisory Council Report Daniel Murphy, chairman, Citizen’s Advisory Council, presented the report. Chairman Nolan requested a report regarding the number of CAC recommendations that have been accepted by the SFMTA. PUBLIC COMMENT: Peter Witt wondered if the CAC gives taxi advice and how the Board gets public input. Maybe the public doesn’t know that the SFMTA took over the taxis. Maybe the public doesn’t have any complaints. Nevertheless, there is no public input. Maybe the CAC should get a copy of his survey that he’s been doing every year for the past 13 years. The public can take a taxi to Coit Tower in addition to a bus. 9. Public Comment Mark Gruberg stated that he recently found a notice of public hearings for the sale of taxi medallions. This notice was put up on May 27th for a hearing on the 28th. The notice doesn’t contain the names of the recipients who will to be considered. There are other hearings scheduled this week. In the code, there is a provision for a 30-day notice and a 3-day notice. This one month notice is really important. People can’t tell in three days if a person is qualified for a medallion. This looks like they’re trying to pull a fast one. Emil Lawrence expressed agreement with Mr. Gruberg. There has been a lack of due process. Part of the problem with the CCSF/SFMTA bankruptcy is that there are unqualified individuals who are dealing with the unions. He inquired about Ms. Johnson’s background and stated that the unions will wipe the floor with her as they’ve done in the past. Hundreds of people have told him that he’s the only one who is asking the right questions. Bob Planthold spoke about continued instances of unresponsiveness to accessible issues. He has spoken about bicycles at bus stops for months yet nothing has been done. There is a mid-block curb ramp in front of a middle school that is confined to weekday use when school is in session but the school is a polling place as well as a site for NERT training drills and weekend activities. He gets no answers from the SFMTA, the Mayor’s office on Disability or the Department of Public Works. Those agencies aren’t talking to each other. Herbert Weiner asked why the meetings were being held at noon rather than at 2 pm and why public testimony is being limited to two minutes when the public previously had three minutes. The reason is due to the Board’s fear of the public. This is undemocratic but not surprising. Barry Taranto stated that it’s absurd to limit the public to two minutes. It robs the public of their chance to speak. He expressed concern about what Mark Gruberg said. The former Taxi Commission put out a notice ahead of time about medallion issuances and changes to color schemes. The public and the industry need the same leeway. He will urge the Mayor to put Dr. McCray back on the Board because he represented parking and traffic issues. He asked about enforcement reports and the article in the SF Weekly about the Parking Authority. Peter Witt presented the 13th annual customer survey and provided each Board member with a week’s worth of surveys. He hopes the Board appreciates it. He has years of empirical data from a thousand customers per year that show the facts and the dysfunctions. This is hard data that puts the finger on the pulse. (Mr. Witt provided a written statement of less than 150 words which are attached to these minutes.) Rua Graffis stated that a “Tea Party” is needed in San Francisco where they agree to not be taxed without representation. While she understands the SFMTA’s budget crunch, it’s no reason not to follow due process with regard to public notice. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE SFMTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO OR CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CALENDAR ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 1 SOUTH VAN NESS AVE. 7th FLOOR. CONSENT CALENDAR 10. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors and will be acted upon by a single vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board of Directors or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (10.1) Requesting the Controller to allot funds and to draw warrants against such funds available or will be available in payment of the following claims against the SFMTA:
RESOLUTION 10-070 (10.2) Approving the following traffic modifications:
Items 10.2 H, I, U, V, W and LL were removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of a member of the public. PUBLIC COMMENT on Item H, I, U, V, W and LL: Barry Taranto stated that LL should be clarified to read as 14th Street and not 14th Avenue. Regarding H and I, Mr. Taranto inquired as to why the speed limit was being changed. Regarding U, V and W, Mr. Taranto wondered how the modifications would work. On motion to approve Items H, I, U, V, W and LL: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Heinicke, Lee, Nolan and Oka RESOLUTION 10-071 (10.3) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to accept and expend up to $375,000 in Transportation Development Act, Article 3 funds for bicycle safety outreach and education programs and bicycle facility projects. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 10-072 (10.4) Approving the extension of the operating agreement between the Downtown Parking Corporation and Ampco System Parking for the management of the Fifth and Mission Garage on a month-to-month basis through May 31, 2011; the extension of the operating agreement between the Uptown Parking Corporation and City Park for the management of the Union Square Garage on a month-to-month basis through June 30, 2011; the extension of the operating agreement between the Ellis-O’Farrell Parking Corporation and Parking Concepts, Inc. for the management of the Ellis-O’Farrell Garage on a month-to-month basis through April 30, 2011; and the extension of the operating agreement between the Japan Center Parking Corporation and Parking Concepts, Inc. for the management of the Japan Center Garage on a month-to-month basis through June 30, 2011. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Bond Yee) RESOLUTION 10-073 (10.5) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute the Second Amendment to Contract #4009-08/09 with Cambridge Systematics for Transportation Nexus Studies, to increase the contract amount by $20,800, reallocate $47,409 from Task 4 (Public Meetings) to Task 3 (Auto Trip Mitigation Fee Nexus Study), and extend the completion date to July 28, 2010. (Explanatory documents include a staff report resolution and amendment.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 10-074 (10.6) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute and file appropriate applications/claims for Operating Assistance funds with Metropolitan Transportation Commission for Fiscal Year 2011, as follows: Transportation Development Act funding - $33,138,979; State Transit Assistance funding - $35,957,211; State Transit Assistance Population Based) Paratransit funding - $ 1,099,221; State Transit Assistance Lifeline funding $ 627,879; AB1107 Sales Tax funding - $26,000,000; and, Regional Measure 2 funding $2,687,501. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and opinion of counsel.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 10-075 (10.7) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to accept and expend $200,000 of RM-2 funds for a Safe Routes to Transit project to conduct a study for the proposed redesign of Market Street to improve multi-modal conditions. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, initial project report and opinion of counsel.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 10-076 (10.8) Approving the amendment to Section 1007 of Division II of the Transportation Code to prohibit bicycle riding on sidewalks unless otherwise permitted. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and amendment.) (Bond Yee) RESOLUTION 10-077 On motion to approve the Consent Calendar (Items H, I, U, V, W and LL severed): ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Heinicke, Lee, Nolan and Oka REGULAR CALENDAR 11. Presentation and Discussion of the Compliance Review of the SFMTA’s Work Orders for Fiscal Year 2009. (Explanatory documents include the audit and response) (Sonali Bose). Tonia Lediju, Controller’s Office, presented the staff report. Director Heinicke requested that staff report back in a month regarding the status of SFMTA’s efforts to secure written MOU’s with city departments including a clear scope of work, billing and accountability process. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bob Planthold stated that there is some inconsistent information provided. The numbers are not carefully explained. The Board is not asking what it is getting for the increases. He didn’t hear what the plan was to shift people to 511 and whether there was a projected reduction for 311 calls. He invited people to attend a meeting to explain the work orders. Barry Taranto stated that the report is well prepared and he appreciates the question on who has the authority regarding payment. The Board of Supervisors is concerned about Muni paying for things that it may not be getting. Privately, if people don’t pay they may be taken to court but this can’t be done with city departments. The SFMTA is paying “gobbles” of overtime to the police but they’re not doing anything. Herbert Weiner stated that he shares the Board’s concern about work orders. They should be thoroughly reviewed before they are signed. Work orders have not been adequately written. 12. Presentation and discussion of an Independent Audit of the SFMTA’s Financial Statements. (Explanatory documents include the audit.) (Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer and Steve DeVetter, KPMG, presented the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Emil Lawrence stated that he would like to have the documents that show what was taking place and what numbers were provided to the auditors. He inquired about an Examiner article that says there is a $22m problem with the Mayor and whether that was included in the audit. This audit is a total whitewash of the SFMTA’s budget. The Board’s position is to create transparency for the public. He requested documents a month ago but is still waiting to receive them. 13. Presentation and Discussion of the Limited Scope Performance Audit of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. (Explanatory documents include the audit and response.) (Brenda Walker) Item 13 was removed from the agenda at the request of staff. 14. Presentation, discussion and possible action regarding possible ballot measures that will generate revenue for the SFMTA. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer, presented the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Tim Leonoudakis urged the Board not to pursue an increase to the Commercial Off-Street Parking tax. This lost by a 63% majority in 2006 and polls show that this isn’t wanted and is punitive. There are other places to look for the money such as SFpark and demand pricing. “Transit First” development hasn’t been enforced. Before rolling out new taxes, the SFMTA should collect existing taxes. Chairman Nolan moved that the SFMTA Board of Directors urge the Board of Supervisors to seek voter approval to increase the Vehicle License Fee from 1.15% to 2% and increase the Commercial Off-Street Parking Tax from 25% to 35%: RESOLUTION 10-078 On motion to approve a resolution urging the Board of Supervisors to seek voter approval to increase the Vehicle License Fee from 1.15% to 2% and increase the Commercial Off-Street Parking Tax from 25% to 35%: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Lee, Nolan and Oka NAYES - Heinicke 15. Approving the following trial parking modifications:
PUBLIC COMMENT: Barry Taranto stated it is important to make a provision for taxis to park at Coit Tower so tourists and visitors will be welcome. RESOLUTION 10-079 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Heinicke, Lee, Nolan and Oka 16. Amending Transportation Code, Division II, Article 1100 governing Motor Vehicles for Hire, to authorize taxi drivers to charge $0.75 for payments made by credit or debit card, and authorizing a taxi company to collect $0.75 from a taxi driver for any credit or debit card transaction that the taxi company processes through the company’s credit card merchant account. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and amendment.) (Debra Johnson) PUBLIC COMMENT: Mark Gruberg expressed concern about the item. There is no question that the use of credit cards has increased but he is not sure that this is the way to solve the problem. It may put off customers. As a matter of safety, he would like to encourage the use of credit cards so a driver carries less cash but this fee may come out of the drivers’ tip. There could be issues for cab companies. He would rather see this go into a discussion of gates and meter rates. Barry Taranto stated that the use of credit cards has increased but wondered if $0.75 is enough. The amount is not enough to cover the cost of having to get cash back or revenue back from processing the transaction. The language should say “for each” not “any”. Charles Rathbone stated that at Luxor, credit card processing charges are going through the roof. A $3 per shift fee would be sufficient to cover the costs but his real preference would be to manage these costs through the gate fee. Although he has been pressing Ms. Hayashi to do something about credit card costs, he is not going along with this increase. He suggested that this matter be referred to the Taxi Advisory Committee. Rua Graffis stated that the way the legislation was written means that this charge could also be put onto debit cards. She wants to make sure it’s not allowed to be added to the paratransit debit card or this will wind up with a lawsuit. The whole idea is disturbing. At Green cab, the company eats the fee and other companies can do the same thing. At the direction of Chairman Nolan, Item 16 was returned to staff for additional discussion with the community. 17. Informational presentation and discussion regarding the SFMTA’s policy regarding time limits at parking meters and residential permit parking areas. (Explanatory documents include a staff report.) (Bond Yee) No public comment. 18. Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to exercise the option to extend the term of the contract by approving the “Amended and Restated Service Agreement and Property Use License for Towing, Storage and Disposal of Abandoned and Illegally Parked Vehicles” with TEGSCO, d.b.a. San Francisco AutoReturn for a five-year term, until July 31, 2015. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, and agreement.) (Sonali Bose) No public comment. RESOLUTION 10-080 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Heinicke, Lee, Nolan and Oka 19. Discussion and vote pursuant to Administrative Code Section 67.10(d) as to whether to conduct a closed session and invoke the attorney‑client privilege. On motion to invoke the attorney-client privilege: unanimously approved. RECESS REGULAR MEETING AND CONVENE CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 1. Call to Order Chairman Nolan called the closed session to order at 3:08 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
Also present:
3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3), the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors will meet in Closed Session to discuss and take action on attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation: A. Dewey and Grace Kim vs. CCSF, Superior Ct. #CGC8474673 filed on 4/25/08 for $3,250,000 RESOLUTION 10-081 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Lee, Nolan and Oka NAYES - Heinicke 4. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9, and Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3) the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors will meet in closed session to discuss attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Anticipated Litigation: __X__ As defendant or __X__ As plaintiff 5. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) and Administrative Code Section 67.8, the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors shall meet in closed session for: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR CCSF Representative: Debra Johnson and/or her designees Employee Organizations:
To discuss: _X_ Wages _X__ Hours _X__ Benefits _X__ Working Conditions _X__ Other ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE OPEN SESSION - The closed session was adjourned at 3:29 p.m. 20. Announcement of Closed Session. Chairman Nolan announced that the SFMTA Board of Directors met in closed session to discuss Kim vs. CCSF with the City Attorney. The Board of Directors voted to settle the case with Director Heinicke opposed. There was no discussion of anticipated litigation. The Board held a conference with their labor negotiator but took no action. 21. Motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. On motion to not disclose the information discussed: unanimously approved. ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors. Roberta Boomer STATEMENT SUPPLIED BY PETER WITT FOR INCLUSION IN THE SFMTA’s MINUTES OF JUNE 1, 2010. To ensure that the comments are accessible on-line, Mr. Witt’s statement is reproduced exactly as written below. A PDF of the actual statement provided will be added to the printed meeting minutes. To be enter into the minutes of MTA’s regular meeting of June 1 st h 2010 From Peter Witt Item 9 # Good moring Go- Lie- th Or Should I call you BP for short Here is the 13th S. F. Taxi Customer Survey I’ve sponcered. I broke it down by the week and each of you board members has a week’s worth (including Roberta ). Altogether two months and 1,038 customers responced. It took abut 6 hours to make a copy for you. I hope you can appreachate it. Do you know how much a marteking firm would charge for that. Let alone….Thirteen years of imperical data. I’m just the messenger.. so it must be the messeage that rings true, from 1,000 customers year after year after year. What are the facts and what are the disfuntions …..your suppose to be experts + informed How do you measure the results of your actions. …don’t you care ? Or is it that you prefer to work completely in the blind, tone def. |
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