This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > June 26, 2009, minutes |
ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order In the absence of Chairman Nolan, Vice Chairman McCray called the meeting to order at 9:07 a.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Vice Chairman McCray announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. He advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. He also advised that cell phones that are set on “vibrate” cause microphone interference and requested that they be placed in the “off” position. 4. Approval of Minutes On motion to approve the minutes of the June 16, 2009 Regular Meeting unanimously approved (Heinicke, Nolan-absent). 5. Communications Board Secretary Boomer stated that stated that the resolution for Item 12 contained two errors that staff would like to correct through an amendment to the resolution regarding Project 1-3, deleting the removal of bus zones on North Point St. and Project 2-1, Second Street, creating a white zone rather than a yellow zone on 2nd St. near Natoma. She also stated that Item 17 regarding the award of Contract No. 1220, Muni Traction Power Station E and Richmond Substations Upgrade Project had been removed from the agenda at the request of staff. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members None. 7. Executive Director’s Report (For discussion only)
Debra Johnson, chief of staff/director of Administration discussed the SFMTA’s contingency plans in the event of a BART strike. James Dougherty, chief safety officer, discussed the recent WMATA collision and the steps that the SFMTA has taken to review equipment, training and procedures. 8. Citizens’ Advisory Council Report None. 9. Public Comment None. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE SFMTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO OR CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CALENDAR ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 1 SOUTH VAN NESS AVE. 7th FLOOR. REGULAR CALENDAR 11. Adopting the California Environmental Quality Act Findings and the 2009 San Francisco Bicycle Plan, including all of its near-term projects and minor improvements. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, Bicycle Plan and CEQA findings) (Carter Rohan) Board Secretary Boomer read a letter from Chairman Nolan regarding his support for the Bicycle Plan and projects and expressing regret that he was unable to attend the meeting. Carter Rohan, senior director, Transportation Planning and Development, presented the staff report. Mike Farrah, director, Mayor’s office of Neighborhood Services spoke on behalf of Mayor Newsom and expressed support for the Bicycle Plan and legislative projects. Jared Blumenfield, director, Dept. of the Environment, expressed appreciation for the work done and urged approval of items 11 and 12. Ed Reiskin, director, Dept. of Public Works (DPW), expressed DPW’s support for the plan and projects. Susan Mizner, director, Mayor’s Office on Disability (MOD), stated that there is no discrepancy between people with disabilities and cyclists. MOD has confidence in the design of the projects. Mitch Katz, director, Dept. of Public Health, stated that there has been exponential growth in obesity, hypertension and diabetes due to changes in the environment. These projects will enable people to get places by riding a bicycle. Vice Chairman McCray set a time limit of two minutes and requested that people who were opposed to either Item 11 or 12 speak first. PUBLIC COMMENT: Speakers in support of item 11: Bert Hill, Adrienne Johnson, Cameron Chan, Steve Hall, Sherry Shannon, Rafael Cabrera, Lainie Motamedi, Nik Kaestner, Don Willenburg, Dave Pugh, Gary Groff, Dale Butler, Heidi Wilcox, Ralf Muehlen, Jack Sylvan, David Giesen, Sean Flanagan, Cheryl Brinkman, Henry Hodes, Shirley Johnson, Luigi Zamora, Adam Smith, Michael Gordon, Michael Lighter, Thomas Holstrom, Sean Benward, Jennifer McLaughlin, Ryan Nielsen, Ian Thomas, Brian Hopper, Gregg Reissen, James Morrison, Rob Forbes, Denyse Trepanier, Joe Westersund, Beth Byrne, Scott Sharpe, Steve Shapiro, David Gartner, Steve Chapman, John Paolini, Riyad Ghannam, Erin Reisin, Christine Osorio, Melissa Gordon, Ben Caldwell, Justin Eichentaub, Rebecca Johnson, Ruby Pap, Maureen Gaffney, Scott Madden, Ramon Solis, Wesley McCullough, Monica Nolan, Rez Sacharoff, Michael Scheper, David Keenan, David Carroll, Sarah Stewart, Regina Sinskey, Rachel Kraai, Tony Robbins, Kerry Zobel, Stuart Matthews, Raymond Lee, Kathy Kora, Michael Oar, Razzu Engen, Ed Pike, Phil Horne, Hank Cancel, George Lane, Jason Agar, Mark Dwight, James Decker, Cindy Asrir, Jamie Whitaker, Rhonda Winter, Lynne Howe, Michael Helquist, Brian Wilner Speakers opposed to item 11: Mary Miles Speakers opposed to specific projects in Item 12: Katy Liddell, Daniel Kassabian, Katherine Webster, Adam Block, Doug O’Neill, Leslie Hennessy, Robyn Kaufman, John Lum, May Mason, Barry Taranto, Jamie Whitaker, Brian Wilner Speakers in support of specific projects in item 12: Bert Hill, Sherry Shannon, Birgit Cory, Lainie Motamedi Dave Pugh, Heidi Wilcox, David Giesen, Michael Smith, Cheryl Brinkman, Henry Hodes, Shirley Johnson, Adam Smith, Krista Cavorti, Michael Lighter, Martin Castleberg, Sean Benward, Jennifer McLaughlin, Ian Thomas, Fran Taylor, David Baker, Brian Hopper, Gregg Reissen, James Morrison, Rob Forbes, Denyse Trepanier, Joe Westersund, Dan Winton, Beth Byrne, Scott Sharpe, Steve Shapiro, Katrina Dodson, David Gartner, Steve Chapman, John Paolini, Riyad Ghannam, Erin Reisin, Christine Osorio, Melissa Gordon, Ben Caldwell, Dan Sherman, Justin Eichentaub, Rebecca Johnson, Arina Reed, Ruby Pap, Andrea Dunlap, Maureen Gaffney, Scott Madden, Wesley McCullough, Monica Nolan, Rez Sacharoff, Michael Scheper, David Keenan, David Carroll, Sarah Stewart, Regina Sinskey, Scott Crosby, Tony Robbins, Kerry Zobel, Stuart Matthews, Raymond Lee, Kathy Kora, Michael Oar, Razzu Engen, Ed Pike, Kendra Allenby, Hank Cancel, George Lane, Jason Agar, Mark Dwight, Cindy Asrir, Rhonda Winter, Lynne Howe Herbert Weiner stated that the plan should be weighted against the needs of pedestrians. Chairman McCray closed public comment. Julia Friedlander, deputy city attorney, stated that nothing contained in either letter received from Mary Miles interfered with the Board’s ability to move forward. Debra Dwyer, Planning Department stated that additional information was provided to the Planning Commission last evening. She added that supplemental findings for the project were provided to the SFMTA Board including a memo that summarized the changes. Ms. Dwyer reviewed changes to the CEQA findings and EIR. Based on cursory review, Mary Miles’ letter contains little substantive information or changes the conclusion that the EIR is legally adequate. The Planning Commission addressed the issues raised, certified the EIR, adopted findings, and approved plan amendments. The Board took a recess and then convened closed session. RESOLUTION 09-105 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan 12. Approving, rescinding, revoking or ratifying the following regulations governing the movement and parking of vehicles as designated below: RATIFY: project 1-3 North point stREET bicycle LANES, THE EMBARCADERO TO VAN NESS AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH North Point Street, both directions between The Embarcadero and Van Ness Avenue. BUS ZONES – EXTEND: 1) North Point Street, north side, from 60 feet west of Polk Street to 100 feet west of Polk Street; 2) North Point Street, north side, from 70 feet east of Hyde Street to 120 feet east of Hyde Street; 3) North Point Street, south side, from 86 feet west of Hyde Street to 120 feet west of Hyde Street; 4) North Point Street, south side, from 80 feet west of Jones Street to 100 feet west of Jones Street; 5) North Point Street, north side, from 75 feet west of The Embarcadero to 80 feet west of The Embarcadero; and 6) North Point Street, south side, from 80 feet west of The Embarcadero to 100 feet west of The Embarcadero. BUS ZONES – RESCIND: 1) North Point Street, north side, from Larkin Street to 75 feet easterly; and 2) North Point Street, south side, from Larkin Street to 60 feet westerly. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME-ESTABLISH: North Point Street, north side, from Powell Street to 150 feet westerly. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT-REVOKE: North Point Street, eastbound approaching The Embarcadero. LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT –REVOKE: North Point Street, eastbound approaching The Embarcadero. APPROVE: Project 2-1 2ND StREET bicycle LANES, KING ST. to MARKET ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) 2nd Street, northbound, from King Street to Market Street; and 2.) 2nd Street, southbound, from Market Street to Townsend Street. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) 2nd Street, east side, from Mission Street to 100 feet southerly; 2) 2nd Street, east side, from Folsom Street to 100 feet southerly; 3) 2nd Street, west side, from Mission Street to 100 feet northerly; 4) 2nd Street, west side, from Howard Street to 100 feet northerly; 5) 2nd Street, west side, from Harrison Street to 100 feet northerly; and 6) Hawthorne Street, west side, from Folsom Street to 113 feet northerly. NO LEFT TURN EXCEPT FOR MUNI – ESTABLISH: 2nd Street, southbound, at Mission Street. NO LEFT TURN – ESTABLISH: 1) 2nd Street, southbound, at Natoma Street; 2) 2nd Street, southbound, at Clementina Street; 3) 2nd Street, southbound, at Folsom Street 4) 2nd Street, southbound, at Harrison Street; 5) 2nd Street, southbound, at Bryant Street; 6) 2nd Street, southbound, at Brannan Street; 7) 2nd Street, northbound, at Minna Street; and 8) 2nd Street, northbound, at Mission; and 9) 2nd Street, northbound, at Howard. RIGHT TURN ONLY EXCEPT BICYCLES – ESTABLISH: 2nd Street, northbound, at Market Street. LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT – ESTABLISH: Hawthorne Street, southbound, approaching Folsom Street. WHITE ZONE, DURING BUSINESS HOURS – ESTABLISH: 2nd Street, east side, from 21 feet to 61 feet north of Minna Street. YELLOW ZONE, 9AM TO 2PM, MONDAY THRU FRIDAY, 5PM TO 11PM, MONDAY THRU SATURDAY – ESTABLISH: 2nd Street, west side, from Natoma Street to 46 feet southerly. YELLOW ZONE – ESTABLISH: Hawthorne Street, west side, from 113 feet to 158 feet north of Folsom Street. APPROVE: project 2-2 5TH Street bicycle LANES, MARKET ST. TO TOWNSEND ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 5th Street, both directions, between Mission Street and Townsend Street. NO LEFT TURN – ESTABLISH: 1) 5th Street, southbound, at Clara Street; and 2) 5th Street, southbound, at Clementina Street. Tow-Away No Stopping Anytime – ESTABLISH: 1) 5th Street, east side, from Bryant Street to 162 feet southerly (for right turn only lane); 2) 5th Street, west side, from Brannan Street to 100 feet northerly (for right turn only lane); and 3) 5th Street, west side, between Clara Street and Harrison Street (for through lane). RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: 5th Street, southbound, approaching Howard Street. LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT – ESTABLISH: 5th Street, southbound, approaching Bryant Street. RATIFY: project 2-3 14Th Street bicycle LANE, DOLORES ST. TO MARKET ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 14th Street, eastbound, from Market Street to Dolores Street. RIGHT TURN ONLY- ESTABLISH: Landers Street at 14th Street, and; NO LEFT TURN – ESTABLISH: 1) Northbound Dolores Street at 14th Street; ONE WAY RESTRICTION – ESTABLISH: Eastbound, from Market Street to Dolores Street APPROVE: Project 2-4 17TH Street bicycle LANES, CORBETT AVE. TO KANSAS ST. SEGMENT I – CORBETT AVENUE TO VALENCIA STREET CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) 17th Street, westbound, from Valencia Street to Church Street; 2) 17th Street, westbound, from Castro Street to Eureka Street; and 3) 17th Street, eastbound, from Hartford Street to Valencia Street. CONTINUOUS LEFT TURN CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 16th Street, westbound, from Sanchez Street to Market Street. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 17th Street, both sides, from Church Street to 25 feet westerly. TOW-AWAY NO PARKING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 17th Street, north side, from Castro Street to 160 feet westerly. SEGMENT II –VALENCIA STREET TO HARRISON STREET CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 17th Street, westbound, from Harrison Street to Valencia Street; and 2) 17th Street, eastbound, from Valencia Street to Harrison Street. SEGMENT III – HARRISON STREET TO POTRERO AVENUE CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) 17th Street, westbound, from Potrero Avenue to Harrison Street; and 2) 17th Street, eastbound, from Harrison Street to Potrero Avenue. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 17th Street, both sides, between Harrison Street and Florida Street. SEGMENT IV – POTRERO AVENUE TO KANSAS STREET CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Kansas Street, both directions, from 16th Street to 17th Street; 2) 17th Street, westbound, from Kansas Street to Potrero Avenue; 3) 17th Street, eastbound, from Potrero Avenue to Kansas Street; 4) Potrero Avenue, southbound, from Division Street to 17th Street; and 5) Potrero Avenue, northbound, from 17th Street to Alameda Street. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 17th Street, north side, between Kansas Street and Potrero Avenue. NO LEFT TURN – REVOKE: Potrero Avenue, northbound, at 16th Street. PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: San Bruno Avenue, east side, from 17th Street to 185 feet southerly. RATIFY: PROJECT 2-5 BEALE STREET BICYCLE LANE, BRYANT ST. TO FOLSOM ST. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Beale Street, west side, southbound from Bryant Street and Folsom Street. TOW AWAY NO PARKING 3:30 PM TO 7:00 PM MONDAY TO FRIDAY-ESTABLISH: Beale Street, west side, from Bryant Street to 50 feet northerly. 90 DEGREE PARKING-REVOKE: 1) Beale Street, east side, from 300 feet to 353 feet south of Folsom Street; 2) Beale Street, east side, from 620 feet to 764 feet south of Folsom Street; and 3) Beale Street, west side, from Bryant Street to 630 feet northerly (north end of Harrison overpass). APPROVE: PROJECT 2-6 DIVISION STREET BICYCLE LANES, 9TH ST. TO 11TH ST. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Division Street, both directions, between 9th and 11th Streets. ONE-HOUR PARKING TIME LIMIT, 7 AM - 6 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAY – RESCIND: Division Street, north side, between 10th and 11th Streets. NO PARKING, 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM, MONDAY, WEDNESDAY, AND FRIDAY, STREET CLEANING – RESCIND: Division Street, north side, between 10th and 11th Streets. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Division Street, north side, between 10th and 11th Streets. NO PARKING, 12:00 AM - 6:00 AM, TUESDAY AND THURSDAY, STREET CLEANING – RESCIND: Division Street, south side, between 10th and 11th Streets. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Division Street, south side, between 10th and 11th Streets. APPROVE: PROJECT 2-7 FREMONT STREET BICYCLE LANE, FOLSOM ST. TO HARRISON ST. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Fremont Street, southbound, from Folsom Street to Harrison Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 2-8 HOWARD STREET bicycle LANE, EXTENSION AT 9TH ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Howard Street, westbound from 200 feet east of 9th Street to 9th Street. RATIFY: PROJECT 2-9 HOWARD STREET bicycle LANe, THE EMBARCADERO TO FREMONT ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Howard Street, westbound, from The Embarcadero to Fremont Street. Bus Stop, Tow Away, No Parking, 6AM to 10AM, Monday through Friday – ESTABLISH: Howard Street, south side, from Spear Street to 90 feet easterly. RATIFY: PROJECT 2-12 Market Street bicycle LANES, OCTAVIA BLVD. TO VAN NESS AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Market Street, westbound, from Van Ness Avenue to Octavia Boulevard; and 2) Market Street, eastbound, from Gough Street to 12th Street. tow-aWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME- ESTABLISH: Market Street, south side between Gough and 12th Streets. tow-aWAY NO STOPPING – ESTABLISH: 1) Market Street, north side between Gough Street and Octavia Boulevard; and 2) Market Street, south side between Gough and 12th Streets. TOW-AWAY NO PARKING ANYTIME- ESTABLISH: Market Street, north side between Gough Street and Octavia Boulevard DIAGONAL (45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: Gough Street, east side, from Market Street to 104 feet southerly; and Stevenson Street to Colton Street PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: 12th Street, west side, from Market Street to 400 feet southerly. APPROVE: PROJECT 2-13 MCCOPPIN STREET BICYCLE PATH, MARKET ST. TO VALENCIA ST. BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH: McCoppin Street, northside, west of Valencia Street to terminus. APPROVE: PROJECT 2-14 MCCOPPIN STREET BICYCLE LANE, GOUGH ST. TO VALENCIA ST. BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH: McCoppin Street, westbound, from Gough Street to Valencia Street. 60-DEGREE BACK-IN ANGLED PARKING – ESTABLISH: McCoppin Street, south side, between Stevenson and Jessie Streets. TRAFFIC LANE CHANGES – ESTABLISH: McCoppin Street, eastbound, from Valencia Street to Gough Street (to be changed from two lanes to one lane). APPROVE: PROJECT 2-15 OTIS STREET BICYCLE LANE, GOUGH ST. TO SO. VAN NESS AVE. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Otis Street, westbound, from South Van Ness Avenue to Gough Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 2-16 TOWNSEND STREET bicycle LANES, 8TH ST. TO EMBARCADERO CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Townsend Street, both directions, between 2nd Street and 8th Street. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – RESCIND: Townsend Street, south side, from 3rd Street to 281 feet westerly. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Townsend Street, north side, from 3rd Street to 67 feet easterly. DIAGONAL (BACK-IN 45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: 1.) Townsend Street, south side, between 4th Street and 7th Street; and 2.) Townsend Street, both sides, between 2nd Street and The Embarcadero. PARALLEL PARKING – ESTABLISH: Townsend Street, north side, between 4th Street and7th Street. MULTIPLE LEFT TURN LANES (EXCEPT MUNI) - REVOKE: 4th Street, southbound, at Townsend Street but allowing Muni to turn left from the second lane from the east side. MULTIPLE RIGHT TURN LANES – REVOKE: 4th Street, northbound, at Townsend Street. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: Townsend Street, eastbound, approaching 7th Street. RATIFY: pROJECT 3-1 fell street and masonic avenue intersection IMPROVEMENTS tow-away no stopping anytime – ESTABLISH: Fell Street, south side, from 10 feet east of Masonic Avenue to 60 feet east of Masonic Avenue APPROVE: pROJECT 3-4 Polk street bicycle LANE, MARKET ST. TO MCALLISTER ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Polk Street, northbound, from Grove Street to McAllister Street. DIAGONAL (BACK-IN 45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: Polk Street, east side, from Grove Street to McAllister Street. APPROVE: pROJECT 3-5 Scott street bicycle LANE, FELL ST. TO OAK ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Scott Street, northbound left-turn lane, from Oak Street to Fell Street. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – REVOKE: Scott Street, west side, from Oak Street to 105 feet northerly. RATIFY: PROJECT 3-6 “THE WIGGLE” bicycle IMPROVEMENTS, (FROM MARKET) DUBOCE AVE.-STEINER ST.-WALLER ST.-PIERCE ST.-HAIGHT ST.-SCOTT ST. (TO FELL ST.) CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Scott Street, northbound, from Haight Street to Oak Street NO TURN ON RED – ESTABLISH: Scott Street, northbound, at Oak Street APPROVE: PROJECT 4-1 16TH STREET BICYCLE LANES, 3RD ST. TO TERRY FRANCOIS BLVD. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 16th Street, both directions, between 3rd Street and Terry Francois Boulevard. RATIFY: PROJECT 4-3 illinois Street bicycle LANES, 16TH ST. TO CARGO WY. BICYCLE LANES - ESTABLISH (18 month trial): 1) Illinois Street, both directions, between 16th Street and Cargo Way; 2) Sixteenth Street, both directions, between 3rd Street and Illinois Street; and,3) Cargo Way, both directions, between Illinois Street and Jennings Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 4-3 illinois Street bicycle LANES, 16TH ST. TO CARGO WY. BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH (Permanent): 1) Illinois Street, both directions, between 16th Street and Cargo Way; 2) Sixteenth Street, both directions, between 3rd Street and Illinois Street; and 3) Cargo Way, both directions, between Illinois and 3rd Streets. APPROVE: PROJECT 4-5 MISSISSIPPI STREET BICYCLE LANES, 16TH ST. TO MARIPOSA ST.
APPROVE: PROJECT 5-1 23rd street bicycle laNES, KANSAS ST. TO POTRERO AVE.
TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 23rd Street, north side, between Kansas Street and Potrero Avenue. APPROVE: PROJECT 5-2 Alemany boulevard bicycle LANES, BAYSHORE BLVD. TO ROUSSEAU ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1.) Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, from Rousseau Street to Putnam Street; 2.) Alemany Boulevard, westbound, from 190 feet east of Putnam Street to Rousseau Street, and also to Justin Drive; and 3.) Justin Drive, southbound, from westbound Alemany Boulevard to eastbound Alemany Boulevard eastbound. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Alemany Boulevard, westbound, north side, from 120 feet west of Ellsworth Street to Justin Drive; and 2) Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, south side, from Congdon Street to Putnam Street. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: 1) Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, approaching Congdon Street; and 2) Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, approaching Trumbull Street. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: 1) Alemany Boulevard, westbound, north side, from 300 feet to 400 feet west of Ellsworth Street (mid-block); and 2) Alemany Boulevard, westbound, north side, from Folsom Street to 80 feet westerly (far side, northwest corner). RATIFY: PROJECT 5-3 Alemany Boulevard bicycle LANES, ROUSSEAU ST. TO SAN JOSE AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Southbound, from Rousseau Street to Seneca Avenue, and from Geneva Avenue to San Jose Avenue; and 2) Northbound, from 200' west of San Jose Avenue to Niagara Avenue, and from Geneva Avenue to Rousseau Street.
APPROVE: pROJECT 5-4 Bayshore boulevard bicycle LANES, CESAR CHAVEZ ST. TO SILVER AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Bayshore Boulevard, northbound, from Silver Avenue to Oakdale Avenue; 2) Bayshore Boulevard, northbound, from Jerrold Avenue to Marin Street; and 3) Bayshore Boulevard, southbound, Oakdale Avenue to Silver Avenue. CLASS III BICYCLE ROUTE – ESTABLISH: 1) Loomis Street, northbound, from Oakdale Avenue to Barneveld/McKinnon Avenues; 2) Barneveld Avenue, northbound, from Loomis Street/McKinnon Avenue to Jerrold Avenue; and 3) Jerrold Avenue, westbound, from Barneveld Avenue to Bayshore Boulevard. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Bayshore Boulevard, east side, between Jerrold Street and Marin Street; 2) Bayshore Boulevard, west side, between Hilton Street and Silver Avenue; and 3) Bayshore Boulevard, east side, from 140 feet north of Silver Avenue to Helena Street. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT EXCEPT FOR MUNI AND BICYCLES – ESTABLISH: Bayshore Boulevard, northbound, from Helena Street to Marengo Street. APPROVE: pROJECT 5-5 CESAR CHAVEZ bicycle LANES, I-280 TO US 101 FWYS. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Cesar Chavez Street, both directions, between Kansas Street and Mississippi Street; and 2) Cesar Chavez Street, westbound, from Pennsylvania Avenue to Mississippi Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 5-7 glen park area bicycle LANES, (a) CONNECTION BTWN. ALEMANY BLVD. AND SAN JOSE AVE. AND (b) CONNECTION BTWN. MONTEREY BLVD. AND SAN JOSE AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Lyell Street, northbound, from Still Street to Bosworth Street; 2) Lyell Street, northbound, from Alemany Boulevard to Still Street; 3) Monterey Boulevard and San Jose Avenue, northbound, from Circular Street to Milton Street; 4) Arlington Street, southbound, from Wilder Street and Bosworth Street; 5) Lyell Street, southbound, from Still Street to Cayuga Avenue; 6) Monterey Boulevard off-ramp, southbound, approaching Diamond Street; 7) Bosworth Street, eastbound, from the 1-280 on-ramp to Lyell Street; 8) Bosworth Street, eastbound, from Lyell Street to Rotteck Street; 9) Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, left-turn bicycle lane approaching Lyell Street; 10) Bosworth Street, westbound, from Lyell Street to Arlington Street; and 11) Bosworth Street, westbound, from Arlington Street to Diamond Street. NO LEFT TURN – REVOKE: Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, at Lyell Street. NO LEFT TURN EXCEPT FOR BICYCLES – ESTABLISH: Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, at Lyell Street. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Bosworth Street, south side, from I-280 on-ramp to Rotteck Street. Lyell Street, west side, from Bosworth Street to Cayuga Avenue. NO U-TURN – ESTABLISH: Alemany Boulevard, eastbound, at Lyell Street. STOP SIGN – ESTABLISH: Still Street, at Lyell Street, stopping Still Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 5-8 KANSAS STREET BICYCLE LANES, 23RD ST. TO 26TH ST. BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Kansas Street, northbound, from 23rdStreet to 26th Street; and 2) Kansas Street, southbound, from 23rd Street to 25th Street. APPROVE: pROJECT 5-9 OCEAN AVENUE bicycle LANES, ALEMANY BLVD. TO LEE AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Ocean Avenue, eastbound, from Lee Avenue to Harold Avenue; 2) Ocean Avenue, eastbound, from Geneva Avenue to Howth Street; 3) Ocean Avenue, eastbound, from Cayuga Avenue to Alemany Boulevard; and 4) Ocean Avenue, westbound, from Cayuga Avenue to approximately 115 feet east of I-280 off-ramp. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Ocean Avenue, south side, between Lee Avenue and Harold Avenue; 2) Ocean Avenue, north side, from San Jose Avenue to 150 feet easterly; 3) Ocean Avenue, north side, from I-280 on-ramp to 200 feet easterly; and 4) Ocean Avenue, south side, from Geneva Avenue to 135 feet easterly. LEFT LANE MUST TURN LEFT EXCEPT FOR MUNI – ESTABLISH: Ocean Avenue, eastbound, at Phelan Avenue. APPROVE: project 5-11 Potrero avenue AND BAYSHORE BOULEVARD bicycle LANES, 25TH ST. TO CESAR CHAVEZ ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Potrero Avenue, northbound, from intersection of Potrero Avenue and US 101 off-ramp to approximately 300 feet south of 25th Street (at start of existing bicycle lane); and 2) Potrero Avenue, southbound, from approximately 120 feet south of 25th Street (at end of existing bicycle lane) to Cesar Chavez Street. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Potrero Avenue, east side, from intersection of Potrero Avenue and US 101 off-ramp to approximately 300 feet south of 25th Street (at start of existing bicycle lane). APPROVE: PROJECT 5-12 SAGAMORE STREET AND SICKLES AVENUE bicycle LANES, ALEMANY BLVD. TO BROTHERHOOD WY. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Sickles Avenue, eastbound, from San Jose Avenue to Alemany Boulevard; and 2) Sagamore Street, both directions, between Brotherhood Way and San Jose Avenue. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Sagamore Street, south side, from Capitol Avenue to 50 feet easterly; and 2) Sagamore Street, south side, from 100 feet to 150 feet west of Capitol Avenue. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: Sagamore Street, westbound, approaching Orizaba Avenue. DIAGONAL (BACK-IN 45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: Sagamore Street, north side, from 275 feet to 525 feet east of Orizaba Avenue. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: Sagamore Street, south side, from Capitol Avenue to 100 feet westerly. APPROVE: PROJECT 6-1 CLAREMONT BOULEVARD bicycle LANES, DEWEY BLVD. TO PORTOLA DR.
TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Claremont Boulevard, west side, from Portola Drive to 85 feet north. APPROVE: PROJECT 6-2 CLIPPER STREET BICYCLE LANES, DOUGLASS ST. TO PORTOLA DR. BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH: Clipper Street, eastbound and westbound, between Diamond Heights Boulevard and Douglass Street. APPROVE: PROJECT 6-3 Laguna Honda Boulevard bicycle LANES, PLAZA ST. TO WOODSIDE AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Laguna Honda Boulevard, northbound, from Woodside Avenue to Plaza Street; 2) Laguna Honda Boulevard, southbound, from Plaza Street to Woodside Avenue; and 3) Laguna Honda Boulevard, southbound, from Dewey Boulevard to 100 feet northerly. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Laguna Honda Boulevard, west side, from Plaza Street to 200 feet southerly. APPROVE: PROJECT 6-4 laguna honda boulevard bicycle LANES, PORTOLA DR. TO WOODSIDE AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Laguna Honda Boulevard, southbound, from Merced Avenue to Vasquez Avenue. CLASS III BICYCLE ROUTE – ESTABLISH: Laguna Honda Boulevard, northbound, from Vasquez Avenue to Woodside Avenue. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: Laguna Honda Boulevard, west side, between Merced Avenue and Vasquez Avenue APPROVE: PROJECT 6-5 portola drive bicycle LANES, CORBETT AVE. TO O’SHAUGHNESSY BLVD. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Portola Drive, both directions, between Corbett Avenue and O’Shaughnessy Boulevard/Woodside Avenue. TOW AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Portola Drive, north side, from 170 feet to 250 feet west of Corbett Avenue; and 2) Portola Drive, westbound, from 60 feet to 120 feet east of Woodside Avenue. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: Portola Drive, westbound, approaching Woodside Avenue. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: 1) Portola Drive, south side, from 575 feet to 625 feet east of O’Shaughnessy Boulevard (mid-block); 2) Portola Drive, south side, from Glenview Drive to 80 feet easterly (far side, southeast corner); 3) Portola Drive, north side, from the east end of the driveway of 110 Portola Drive to 80 feet easterly (mid-block); 4) Portola Drive, north side, from Burnett Avenue to 80 feet westerly (far side, northwest corner); and 5) Portola Drive, north side, from Glenview Drive to 80 feet westerly (far side, northwest corner). APPROVE: pROJECT 6-6 PORTOLA DRIVE bicycle LANES, O’SHAUGHNESSY BLVD/ WOODSIDE AVE. TO SLOAT BLVD. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Portola Drive, westbound, from Woodside Avenue to Waithman Way; and 2) Portola Drive, eastbound, from Sloat Boulevard to O’Shaughnessy Boulevard. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Portola Drive, north side, between Sydney Way and Woodside Avenue; and 2) Portola Drive, south side, from Miraloma Drive to approximately 130 feet easterly. APPROVE: PROJECT 7-1 INTERSECTION IMPROVEMENTS AT 7th AVENUE AND LINCOLN WAY BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH: 1) 7th Avenue, northbound, from Lincoln Way to 40 feet southerly; and 2) 7th Avenue, both directions, between Lawton Street and 150 feet south of Judah Street. RIGHT TURN ONLY EXCEPT BICYCLES - ESTABLISH: 7th Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Lincoln Way. APPROVE: PROJECT 7-2 7th AVENUE BICYCLE LANES, LAWTON ST. TO LINCOLN WY. BICYCLE LANES – ESTABLISH: 1) 7th Avenue, northbound, from Lincoln Way to 40 feet southerly; and 2) 7th Avenue, both directions, between Lawton Street and 150 feet south of Judah Street. RIGHT TURN ONLY EXCEPT BICYCLES – ESTABLISH: 7th Avenue, northbound and southbound, at Lincoln Way. APPROVE: PROJECT 7-3 GREAt highway and point lobos avenue bicycle LANES, EL CAMINO DEL MAR TO CABRILLO ST. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: 1) Great Highway and Point Lobos Avenue, northbound and eastbound, from Fulton Street to 48th Avenue; 2) Point Lobos Avenue, westbound, from El Camino Del Mar to approximately 725 feet westerly (at entrance to parking lot on south side of street); and 3) Great Highway, southbound, from approximately 575 feet north of Balboa Street (at entrance to parking lot on west side of street) to Balboa Street. CLASS III BICYCLE ROUTE – ESTABLISH: 1) Balboa Street, both directions, between Great Highway and La Playa Street; and 2) La Playa Street, both directions, between Balboa Street and Cabrillo Street. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: Point Lobos Avenue, westbound, at El Camino Del Mar. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: Point Lobos Avenue, north side, from El Camino Del Mar to 80 feet westerly (far side, northwest corner). APPROVE: PROJECT 7-5 KIRKHAM STREET bicycle LANES, 9TH AVE. TO GREAT HWY. SEGMENT I – 9th Avenue to 18th Avenue CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Kirkham Street, both directions, between 9th Avenue and 18th Avenue. SEGMENT II – 18th Avenue to 20th Avenue CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Kirkham Street, both directions, between 18th Avenue and 20th Avenue. SEGMENT III – 20th Avenue to great highway CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Kirkham Street, both directions, between 20th Avenue and Great Highway. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Kirkham Street, south side, between 37th Avenue and Sunset Boulevard; and 2) Kirkham Street, north side, between 36th Avenue and Sunset Boulevard. APPROVE: PROJECT 7-6 PAGE AND STANYAN STREETS INTERSECTION TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVEMENTS TRAFFIC SIGNAL – ESTABLISH: Page and Stanyan Streets intersection. APPROVE: pROJECT 8-3 HOLLOWAY AVENUE bicycle LANES, JUNIPERO SERRA BLVD. TO VARELA AVE. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Holloway Avenue, both directions, from Junipero Serra Boulevard to Varela Avenue. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – ESTABLISH: Holloway Avenue, westbound, from Denslowe Drive to 19th Avenue. TOW-AWAY NO STOPPING ANYTIME – ESTABLISH: 1) Holloway Avenue, north side, from Denslowe Drive to 19th Avenue; and 2) Holloway Avenue, south side, from Junipero Serra Boulevard to 100 feet westerly. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: Holloway Avenue, south side, from Junipero Serra Boulevard to 100 feet westerly. TRAFFIC LANE CHANGES – ESTABLISH: 1) Holloway Avenue, westbound, from Junipero Serra Boulevard to Denslowe Drive (to be changed from two lanes to one lane); and 2) Holloway Avenue, eastbound, from 19th Avenue to Junipero Serra Boulevard (to be changed from two lanes to one lane). APPROVE: PROJECT 8-4 john muir drive bicycle LANES, LAKE MERCED BLVD. TO SKYLINE BLVD. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: John Muir Drive, both directions, between Lake Merced Boulevard and Skyline Boulevard. DIAGONAL (BACK-IN 45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – ESTABLISH: John Muir Drive, south side, from 300 feet to 3000 feet east of Skyline Boulevard. DIAGONAL (45-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING – RESCIND: John Muir Drive, south side, from 300 feet to 3000 feet east of Skyline Boulevard. RATIFY: PROJECT 8-5 SLOAT Boulevard bicycle LANES, GREAT HWY. TO SKYLINE BLVD. CLASS II BICYCLE LANE – ESTABLISH: Sloat Boulevard, both sides, between Skyline Boulevard and The Great Highway. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT EXCEPT MUNI – ESTABLISH: Sloat Boulevard, westbound, from 37th Avenue to 39th Avenue; and, Sloat Boulevard, eastbound, from Skyline Boulevard to 350 feet westerly. BUS ZONE – ESTABLISH: Sloat Boulevard, south side, from Skyline Boulevard to 45 feet westerly. BUS ZONE – RELOCATE: Sloat Boulevard, north side, from 40 feet west of 47th Avenue to the northwest corner at 47th Avenue. RIGHT LANE MUST TURN RIGHT – RESCIND: Sloat Boulevard, eastbound, from Skyline Boulevard to 300 feet westerly. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Carter Rohan) Board Secretary Boomer stated that staff had requested that the resolution be amended regarding Project 1-3, deleting the removal of bus zones on North Point St. and Project 2-1, Second Street, creating a white zone rather than a yellow zone on 2nd St. near Natoma. On motion to amend the resolution as requested by staff regarding Projects 1-3 and 2-1: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan Director Beach moved that Item 2-1, Second Street Bicycle Lanes, King St. to Market be severed so that staff could hold additional meetings with the community. On motion to sever Item 2-1, Second Street Bicycle Lanes Project: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan RESOLUTION 09-106 On motion to approve Item 12 as amended: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan 13. Approving increases in various fees, fares, rates, fines, and charges including Daily Temporary and Visitor Residential Parking Permits, Vehicle Boot Removals, Towing, Transit Fare Evasion and Passenger Conduct Violation Penalties, Cable Car Rentals, Historical Streetcar Rentals, Curb Painting, Off-Street Parking Rates for Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and proposed fees.) (Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, chief financial officer, presented the staff report. Ms. Bose requested that the item be amended to remove the color curb and white zone fees that will be part of the 2010 budget. The items were described on page three of the attachment. PUBLIC COMMENT: Barry Taranto stated that it would be great if staff would state what the increases were so the public could be informed, especially if the increases are significant. Susan King, Livable City, spoke in favor of Item 13 and urged the Board to look for every source of revenue. RESOLUTION 09-107 On motion to approve with the removal of the third page of the attachment: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan 14. Presentation and discussion regarding the FY09 Third Quarter Service Standards Report. (Explanatory documents include a staff report.) (Debra Johnson) Travis Fox, manager, Performance Monitoring and Service Standards presented the staff report. Director Beach requested a line by line review of performance by trolley coaches comparing on-time performance and missed service. Director Lee requested that future reports provide a break down of unscheduled absences by category. No public comment. 15. Adopting the FY10 Service Standards milestones for the Municipal Railway as required by the City Charter; and the FY10 Service Standards for the other SFMTA functions, as contained in “Proposed FY10 Service Standards and Milestones”. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and milestones.) (Debra Johnson) Travis Fox, manager, Performance Monitoring and Service Standards presented the staff report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Barry Taranto stated that the paratransit broker should urge people to be more generous with tips. He stated that inspectors are harassing passengers and questioned why they weren’t on more buses. He stated that it’s important for the Board to see the quarterly citation report. RESOLUTION 09-108 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan 16. Presentation and discussion regarding catastrophic loss insurance coverage. (No explanatory documents.) (Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, chief financial officer, presented the staff report. Julia Friedlander, DCA stated that a memo would be forthcoming regarding loss history and provisions that would need to be agreed to by a provider. No public comment. 17. Authorizing the award of Contract No. 1220, Muni Traction Power Station E and Richmond Substations Upgrade Project, to Schembri Construction Company in an amount not to exceed $9,676,090. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, financial plan and memo.) (Carter Rohan) Item 17 was removed from the agenda at the request of staff. CONSENT CALENDAR 18. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors and will be acted upon by a single vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board of Directors or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (18.1) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to expend $92,000 of Transportation Fund for Clean Air funding for the North Point Bicycle Lanes Project. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Carter Rohan) RESOLUTION 09-109 (18.2) Approving the amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Service Employees International Union Local 1021 to implement negotiated concessions and extend its term to June 30, 2010. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) Item 18.2 was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of staff. Chief of Staff/Director of Administration Johnson stated that they would like to amend the Collective Bargaining Agreement to add language to reflect the city’s agreement with SEIU. The amendment would add Section 123B: “The City shall reduce the total number of SEIU-represented Prop. F (Retiree) employees in General Fund departments by 50% by September 1, 2009. Nothing in this paragraph is intended to grant an arbitrator jurisdiction to make an award in conflict with Federal, State or local laws, including the Charter and Civil Service Commission Rules.” No public comment. RESOLUTION 09-110 On motion to amend the Collective Bargaining Agreement to add language regarding Prop. F employees: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan On motion to approve as amended: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan (18.3) Approving the amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with the Municipal Executives Association to implement negotiated concessions and extend its term to June 30, 2011. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 09-111 (18.4) Approving the stipulated arbitration award amending the Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 6 to extend its term through June 30, 2010. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 09-112 (18.5) Approving the amendments to the Collective Bargaining Agreements with Transport Workers’ Union Local 250A for employees in classifications 7410 and 9132 to extend their terms to June 30, 2010. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 09-113 (18.6) Approving the amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with Transport Workers’ Union Local 200 to implement negotiated concessions and extend its term to June 30, 2010. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 09-114 (18.7) Approving the amendment to the Collective Bargaining Agreement with International Association of Machinists Local 1414 to implement negotiated concessions and extend its term to June 30, 2011. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and analysis.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 09-115 (18.8) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to issue a Request for Proposals for Paratransit Broker services, evaluate the proposals, and negotiate a contract for a five-year term, with an option for five additional years. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.) (Christiane Hayashi) Item 18.8 was removed from the Consent Calendar at the request of a member of the public. PUBLIC COMMENT: Barry Taranto stated that Mark Soto ought to be honored because of how he has honored the paratransit broker contract. Mr. Soto has always listened to people’s concerns and has handled them appropriately. Mr. Taranto expressed hope that paratransit debit card contract can have a built in tip for cab drivers. On motion to approve 18.8: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan RESOLUTION 09-116 No public comment. On motion to approve the Consent Calendar (Item 18.2 and 18.8 severed): ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, and Oka ABSENT – Heinicke and Nolan 19. Discussion and vote pursuant to Administrative Code Section 67.10(d) as to whether to conduct a closed session and invoke the attorney‑client privilege. On motion to invoke the attorney-client privilege: unanimously approved (Heinicke, Nolan-absent). RECESS REGULAR MEETING AND CONVENE CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 1. Call to Order Vice Chairman McCray called the closed session to order at 1:07 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
Also present:
3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3), the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors will meet in Closed Session to discuss and take action on attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation: A. Coalition for Adequate Review vs. CCSF, Superior Ct. #505509 filed on 7/28/05 Also present:
4. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9, and Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3) the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors will meet in closed session to discuss attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Anticipated Litigation: __X__ As defendant or __X__ As plaintiff 5. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54957.6(a) and Administrative Code Section 67.8, the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors shall meet in closed session for: CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR CCSF Representative: Debra Johnson and/or her designees Employee Organizations: TWU, Local 250-A To discuss: _X_ Wages _X__ Hours _X__ Benefits _X__ Working Conditions _X__ Other ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE OPEN SESSION - The closed session was adjourned at 1:37 p.m. 20. Announcement of Closed Session. Vice Chairman McCray announced that the SFMTA Board of Directors met in closed session to discuss existing litigation with the City Attorney but took no action. They also met with their labor negotiator but took no action. The Board did not discuss anticipated litigation. 21. Motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. On motion to not disclose the information discussed: unanimously approved (Heinicke, Nolan-absent). ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 2:55 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors. Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq.] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 220, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site: |
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