This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > September 24, 2007, minutes |
ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Vice Chairman Nolan called the meeting to order at 9:09 a.m. Vice Chairman Nolan stated that Chairman McCray would be joining the Board shortly. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Vice Chairman Nolan announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. He advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. He also advised that cell phones that are set on “vibrate” cause microphone interference and requested that they be placed in the “off” position. 4. Communications None. 5. Citizen’s Advisory Council Report No report. 6. Public Comment Neal Patel, S.F. Bicycle Coalition, discussed a bicycle and pedestrian plan for Treasure Island that the SFBC has been working on with city departments. He stated that the SFBC is excited about making Treasure Island a model community of sustainability. They have reached out to the community to find out what people would like to see in a sustainable, bicycle-friendly environment. Howard Strassner stated that there are plans to develop condominiums on Treasure Island. The plan envisions keeping parking meter money and not paying the parking tax. The Sierra Club has warned against this hard line position and suggests that the 108-line be kept in business. The plan will use money that should go to Muni to fund a ferry. Ferries consume ten times as much fuel per passenger mile than a bus and more than a car. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE MTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO OR CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS MAY INCLUDE A STAFF REPORT AND/OR SLIDE PRESENTATION FOR ALL CALENDAR ITEMS. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS WILL BE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 1 SOUTH VAN NESS AVE. 7th FLOOR NOT LATER THAN FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 2007 SPECIAL CALENDAR 7. Presentation and Discussion of the SFMTA’s FY07 Accomplishments. (Nathaniel Ford) Executive Director/CEO Ford presented the report. Vice Chairman Nolan requested information regarding future transit service for Treasure Island. Director Din requested information regarding deployment of the hybrid buses. Chairman McCray arrived. No public comment. 8. Presentation and Discussion on MTA’s unique operating and financial environment that impact costs, business practices and service delivery. (Sonali Bose) Bonnie Nelson, Nelson/Nygaard presented the report. Director Beach requested a copy of the cost allocation plan by mode. PUBLIC COMMENT: Norm Rolfe stated that Boston operates in a private right of way and in the median strips. Philadelphia and San Francisco operate the other way around. Transit in Los Angeles operates in a “right of way”. Mr. Rolfe expressed concern about the costs associated with light rail. There may be some costs that are not directly related. Public transportation is looked down upon because of the power of the automobile and oil companies. Ridership on Geary justifies a light rail line. Howard Strassner stated that a higher percent of riders in San Francisco have a higher income than the rest of the country. The Board of Supervisors understands that cars cause congestion. If we can increase speed, we can move people more quickly but we need to do something about car congestion. On 19th Ave., there is talk about bus bulbs which means that buses won’t have to fight cars to get back into the traffic lane. That idea should be considered for other streets. 9. Presentation and Discussion of the status of the Transit Effectiveness Project including operations review and key service assessment findings. (Julie Kirschbaum) Julie Kirschbaum, Manager, Transit Effectiveness Project, presented the report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Irwin Lum, President, TWU-Local 250A, stated that morale is a problem anytime there is a change in management. Existing management isn’t adequately trained to be supervisors, and they don’t know how to treat people humanely. The same standards that apply to line staff should apply to management. On-Time Performance is an ongoing issue. We need to examine having running time. Having many different types of buses can hurt our ability to fix buses. Rear-door loading would cut down on dwell time and could increase on-time performance. Director Din requested that the Board be kept apprised of the issues discussed at the JLMB meetings. 10. Presentation and Discussion of factors that influence achievement of On-Time Service Standards. (Sonali Bose and Ken McDonald) Ken McDonald, Chief Operating Officer and Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer presented the report. No public comment. 11. Status Report regarding the SFMTA’s Capital Improvement Program. (Carter Rohan) Brenda Walker, Manager, Capital Asset Program presented the report. No public comment. 12. Status Report regarding SFMTA information technology including an assessment of existing environment, current and future plans and organizational models. (Jenniffer Hamilton) Jenniffer Hamilton, Chief Information Officer, presented the report. No public comment. 13. Presentation and discussion of the SFMTA’s Parking Meter Program including a recent audit of parking meters and current initiatives. (Sonali Bose) Joanne Held, Controller’s Office, and Bond Yee, Director, Parking and Traffic presented the report. The Board requested a breakdown in passenger and commercial vehicle meter occupancy for various areas of town. Director Shahum requested that staff re-examine the “early bird pricing” program for public garages. PUBLIC COMMENT: Howard Strassner stated that the revenue survey should include the cost of Parking Control Officers and hearing officers. It’s a serious problem if more than one-third of the city’s meters are filled by people using disabled placards. Mr. Strassner expressed support for increasing rates for special event parking. Parking meters should be in effect for more hours in the day. After 6:00 p.m. people can park on a city street for less than the cost of parking in a garage. 14. Presentation and Discussion of Fare Media Policy recommendations and ways to increase efficiency and reduce the number of fare media, and related costs. (Sonali Bose) Diana Hammons, Manager, Revenue Dept., presented the report. PUBLIC COMMENT: Howard Strassner stated that changes to fare media has to be done in conjunction with “Proof of Payment. Both must be done together. Norm Rolfe stated that the New York City has multiple fare media. He suggested that the SFMTA not try to oversimplify their fare media as there may be good reasons to have a variety. 15. Presentation and Discussion of the SFMTA’s budget and process. (Sonali Bose) Sonali Bose, Chief Financial Officer, presented the report. Director Din requested information regard the cost of work orders from other city departments. No public comment. ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 3:15 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors. Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq.] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site: |
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