This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > Board and Parking Authority Commission September 16, 2008, minutes |
ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Chairman McCray called the meeting of the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors and Parking Authority Commission to order at 2:11 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Chairman McCray announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. He advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. He also advised that cell phones that are set on “vibrate” cause microphone interference and requested that they be placed in the “off” position. 4. Approval of Minutes On motion to approve the minutes of the August 19, 2008 Regular MTAB Meeting and August 19, 2008 Regular PAC meeting: unanimously approved. 5. Communications Board Secretary Boomer announced that the closed session had been removed from the agenda. Chairman McCray announced that the SFMTA Board of Directors would start the public hearing for the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP) recommendations at 3:30 p.m. After a short break at 5:00 p.m., the hearing would continue. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members None. 7. Executive Director’s Report (For discussion only)
Exec. Director/CEO Ford reviewed the SFMTA’s efforts regarding the opening of Muni Metro East; the success of “Sunday Streets”, the current status of the Performing Arts Garage; and the impact of Oracle’s “Open World”. Debra Johnson, Chief of Staff/Director of Administration reviewed the Culture Bus Pilot Program. Carter Rohan, Senior Director, Transportation Planning and Development and Ann Flemer, Deputy Executive Director - Operations, Metropolitan Transportation Commission, presented the Translink Project and the SFMTA’s Translink implementation plan. Director Beach requested information regarding Translink’s current market penetration on AC Transit’s system and the Golden Gate Bridge bus and ferry systems and the SFMTA’s forecasted penetration. PUBLIC COMMENT: Irwin Lum, TWU-250A, expressed support for the “Culture Bus”. Operators have heard complaints from their customers who have stated that there is no way to get from one cultural institution to another. This line will mean that customers won’t have to use their car or take multiple buses. To increase outreach the SFMTA will need to build a close relationship with the Convention and Visitors Bureau and San Francisco hotels. Mike Waters, Grayline, stated that there were inherent difficulties with the new “Culture Bus”. This service impacts private tour bus companies. With the opening of the Academy of Sciences, Golden Gate Park will attract many visitors. Muni is providing tour bus service and is moving away from providing mass transit. This line competes with private sector buses. Anna Sargoni, Super Sightseeing Tours, stated that the line directly competes with tour bus operators. Federal law requires consultation with local charter companies prior to proceeding. The Academy of Sciences had previously approached her about providing transportation. The existing 44-line already provides transportation to the museum. The SFMTA is charging very little for which taxpayers will inevitably pay. Andy Thornley, Bike Coalition (SFBC), expressed their gratitude for “Sunday Streets”. It was a job well done. SFMTA was essential to the success of “Sunday Streets” and hopefully it will become a new tradition. David Pilpel inquired if the cost of the “Culture Bus” had been included in the operating budget and asked about expenses and revenues. He suggested looking to the Golden Gate Concourse Authority as a potential source of revenue for the “Culture Bus”. The line doesn’t stop near a BART station. Mr. Pilpel stated that the staff report for Translink didn’t discuss the cost per ticket and asked for information regarding what those costs are. Bob Planthold suggested that the SFMTA should be skeptical about the initial Translink data, results and analysis. There are flaws in the data. Seniors, youth and people with disabilities are not mentioned as Translink users. It may not be easy to use for non-adult users. Mr. Planthold referred to previous comments about placement of the Translink reader. It is at or above shoulder level for people in wheelchairs. If a bus is late, it could lead to fare disputes. Francisco Da Costa stated that there needs to be empirical data about Translink. He cautioned the SFMTA about Muni Metro East. The area on which it was built was known as “Toxic Park”. Mr. Da Costa expressed concern about the health of the people who will be working at that facility and the nearby power plant that emits mercury and lead. 8. Citizen’s Advisory Council Report Daniel Murphy, Chairman, CAC presented the report. 9. Public Comment Francisco Da Costa stated that only 20,000 housing units are planned for the south east sector of San Francisco. There is no detailed transportation document for the planned building of 800 units in the Bayview Hunter’s Point. Please pay attention and reach out to the residents in the area. Bob Planthold alerted the Board to the hazardous practice on the F-line and on the surface portion of Metro system where bike riders chain their bikes to the platforms. He has noticed it along Market Street. It’s bad enough that people ride their bikes on the sidewalk. The Bike plan doesn’t address chaining bikes to the platforms so there is no link between the injunction and bikes on the platforms. This is a safety issue. The SFMTA should find a way to write tickets. Andy Thornley, San Francisco Bike Coalition, stated that it had been two years and three months since the City has made any bike-related improvements. The injunction does not forbid the City from enforcing bike lanes or “Sharrows”. Freight trucks, taxis and tour buses block them. Mr. Thornley expressed frustration for the lack of attention being paid by the SFMTA. Bud Hazelkorn, United Taxicab Workers, stated that taxicab drivers are happy that the SFMTA will oversee the taxi industry. This is the most corrupt industry that he has ever worked for. There is open extortion by company owners. Owners get paid while cab drivers lose out. Companies have no responsibility to the public, and the public needs to be better served. Dang Pham, Immigrant Rights Commission, requested that the SFMTA pay attention to the law regarding language access. Mr. Pham sees signs in English and Spanish but not in Chinese. David Pilpel stated that adequate time should be provided for each item. September 30th is a Jewish holiday and is a bad day for a Board meeting. He noted that nobody is permanently in charge of the Safety Division. (NOTE: Mr. Pilpel referred to prepared remarks submitted for inclusion in the minutes, and attached herein pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.16.) THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE SAN FRANCISCO MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD OF DIRECTORS/PARKING AUTHORITY COMMISSION ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE SFMTA EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR/CEO OR CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CALENDAR ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 1 SOUTH VAN NESS AVE. 7th FLOOR. CONSENT CALENDAR 10. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board/Parking Authority Commission and will be acted upon by a single vote. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board/Commission or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (10.1) Requesting the Controller to allot funds and to draw warrants against such funds available or will be available in payment of the following claims against the SFMTA:
RESOLUTION 08-155 (10.2) Approving the following traffic modifications:
Director Heinicke requested that item 10.1F be severed in order to recuse himself due to a conflict of interest. On motion to approve Item 10.1F: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka RECUSED – Heinicke RESOLUTION 08-156 (10.3) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to accept and expend $8,000,000 of Fiscal Year 2008 Transit Security Grant Program funds to purchase and install critical security equipment to enhance the security of Muni’s bus and rail system. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-157 (10.4) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to accept and expend $4,000,000 of Federal Transit Administration Section 5307 funds for the design and construction of the Central Subway project. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-158 (10.5) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute Amendment 11 to the Master Agreement with Xtech for software services for an amount not to exceed $456,250 and for a term of 19 months. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and amendment.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-159 (10.6) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to award Contract #2008-01, Balboa Park Station Pedestrian and Bicycle Connection project with Carter & Burgess for an amount not to exceed $220,000 and for a total contract time of one year to conduct planning studies for the Balboa Park Station Pedestrian and Bicycle Connection project. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and contract.) (Carter Rohan) RESOLUTION 08-160 (10.7) Authorizing the Executive Director/CEO to execute the Ninth Modification to Contract No. MR-1138, Automatic Vehicle Location System, to extend the Agreement to March 5, 2009 and increase the amount by $933,996 to $12,386,608 to perform additional work and improvements to the Automatic Vehicle Location System. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and modification.) (Carter Rohan) RESOLUTION 08-161 (10.8) Fixing the wage schedule for Transit Operators, Classification 9163 as $27.3050 per hour as of July 1, 2008 and $27.9150 per hour as of July 6, 2008 for Operators and $17.2022 per hour for Operator Trainees as of July 1, 2008 and $17.5865 per hour for Operator Trainees effective July 6, 2008. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and wage certification.) (Debra Johnson) RESOLUTION 08-162 (10.9) Approving the amendment to the Memorandum of Understanding between the SFMTA and Transport Workers Union Local 250-A to extend the term to June 30, 20ll. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, financial analysis and MOU.) (Debra Johnson) Item 10.9 was severed from the Consent Calendar at the request of a member of the public. PUBLIC COMMENT: Referring to prepared remarks provided to the SFMTA Board, David Pilpel stated that he had a dispute that was pending. He had requested an opportunity to review the proposals that had been exchanged. The SFMTA had a month to comply and only provided thin justification for their refusal to release the documents. Mr. Pilpel urged the Board to delay approval of MOU pending receipt of the records requested. No harm would be caused by the delay. Public comment would be informed by getting access to records requested. Irwin Lum, 250-A stated that in fairness to all parties, TWU felt that the extension of the MOU was in everyone’s best interest. The MOU won’t result in addition stress on the SFMTA’s budget or on 250-A members. All negotiations that took place are confidential. Ed Nevin stated that TWU Local 250-A opposes the request by Mr. Pilpel. The materials are confidential and their release will have a chilling effect on future negotiations. Settlement discussions are kept confidential. The reason for the Myers-Milias-Brown act is valid. RESOLUTION 08-163 On motion to approve Item 10.9: ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Heinicke, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka (10.10) Acting as the Parking Authority Commission, authorizing the Executive Director/CEO, to advertise a Request for Proposal for the Master Lease of the commercial space in the Moscone Center Garage, known as 243, 245, 247, 249, 251, 253 and 257 Third Street. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and RFP.) (Sonali Bose) RESOLUTION 08-164 On motion to approve the Consent Calendar (Item 10.1 F and 10.9 severed): ADOPTED: AYES – Beach, Black, Heinicke, Lee, McCray, Nolan and Oka REGULAR CALENDAR 3:30 p.m. - SPECIAL ORDER 11. Hearing to consider public comment regarding the SFMTA’s Transit Effectiveness Project recommendations. (Explanatory documents include a staff report.) Chairman McCray set a time limit of one minute per person to accommodate the large number of people who wish to address the board. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bob Planthold expressed concern about the 26-Valencia recommendation. If the route is eliminated, people in wheelchairs, seniors and the disabled won’t be able to get a seat on the 14-Mission line. Turning Valencia Street into a bike boulevard with cars is a good idea but pedestrians will be left out. Pamela Dickey expressed support for the 36-Teresita recommendation. Peter Yan expressed opposition for the 66-Quintara recommendation. Vera Haile expressed opposition for the 38-Geary recommendation. Anthony Caires expressed support for the 36-Teresita recommendation. Tom Jue expressed support for the 36-Teresita recommendation. Gordon Rowe expressed opposition to M-Ocean View and J-Church recommendation. Jackie Sachs expressed opposition to the 3-Jackson recommendation. Lena Stoyanof expressed opposition to the 66-Quintara and M-line recommendations. Evelyn Landahl stated that seniors who live on top of Mt. Davidson rely on the bus to reach their destination. It is a lifeline. Joan Downey, Rescue Muni, expressed support for the TEP recommendations, the M-Ocean View recommendation in particular and for adding “stop amenities”. Greg Garcia expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara-24th St. recommendation. Steve Heide expressed support for taking the 54-Felton line off of St. Charles Ave. Marc Christensen expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View and J-Church recommendation. He suggests adding a stop at Arch and Alemany for the 28-19th Ave. Limited and taking the 54-Felton line off of St. Charles Ave. Irwin Lum, TWU Local 250-A, expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. He stated that he fought to make the buses on the 14-Mission “green” and hopes that the SFMTA will keep them so. Daniel Murphy, Rescue Muni, expressed support for the TEP recommendations. He urged the SFMTA Board to adopt the draft as presented. James Macpherson expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara recommendation. Sue Cauthen expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Gail Switzer expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Paul Switzer expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Pat Cady expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Claudine Cheng expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Leah Schick expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Ramsay Mamoos expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Phyl Smith expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Dorothy Danielson expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Daniel Phillips, Parkmerced Residents, expressed opposition to the 17-Parkmerced and 18-46th Ave. recommendations. Gaetana expressed opposition to the 2-Clement and 18-46th Ave. recommendations. He suggested that the 38-Geary be extended to Cabrillo Ave. Michael Cronbach expressed support for the TEP recommendations, in particular the extension of the 48-Quintara-24th St. and the extension of the 35-Eureka and 38-Geary. Andy Thornley, SFBC, expressed support for the TEP recommendations and urged the SFMTA Board to move the TEP forward as a whole. Patricia Vaughey stated that the SFMTA didn’t hold a meeting in the Pacific Heights/Cow Hollow area. Her neighborhood has been ignored. Mr. Ford should meet with them to hear what they have to say. Ms. Vaughey objects to articulated buses. Elly Ling stated that her neighbors need the bus to go to work. They need a line that goes to Vicente. 19th and Taraval is the last stop. Jim Holland, Transit Operator, stated that he has worked for 32 years on the 3-Jackson. He knows the passenger counts. There are many customers who use the 3-Jackson. Irene Jimenez expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Miguel Gonzales expressed opposition to changing the bus route in the vicinity of Chenery and Diamond Street. Paul Wermer, Pacific Heights Residents, stated that he would regret the passing of the 3-Jackson line. Cutting the line will still meet the service objectives of people living within two blocks of a stop. If you remove the 3-Jackson, make sure that there is a well coordinated schedule with the 22-Fillmore and 43-Masonic. Branton Burke expressed opposition to the 37-Corbett recommendation. Patricia Campe-Aguilar expressed opposition to the 37-Corbett recommendation. Kay Walker expressed opposition to the 17-Parkmerced recommendation. Guillermo Velez expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara recommendation. Nellie Yeo stated that the SFMTA should post signs at all intersections where the cable car stops for safety reasons. Ron Schmidt expressed opposition to the 18-46th Ave. recommendation. Herbert Weiner stated that he can’t dispute that more buses are needed on core lines but it should not be at the expense of seniors and people with disabilities. The 12-Folsom and the 66-Quintara should be extended. Mr. Weiner expressed opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation. Toshiro Yamamoto expressed opposition to the 66-Quintara recommendation. Emmet McDonagh expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Ross Wilkinson expressed opposition to the 17-Parkmerced recommendation. Paula Lynch stated that she can walk to BART downhill but can’t walk back uphill. TEP changes will cut her out of transportation. She can’t use public transportation to get to the airport. Patrick Mo expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. M.K. Venkatachari expressed opposition to the 17-Park Merced recommendation. Jim Rhoads expressed opposition 6-Parnassus recommendation. Jay Katz, Janet Pomeroy Center expressed opposition to the 17-Park Merced and 18-46th Ave. recommendation. Jacqueline Powning expressed concern about the 12-Pacific. Changes will be in convenient. Vic Milhoan expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Joe Sims expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Robb Eby expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita and 48-Quintara recommendations. Ruth Marian Anderson expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Rick Hauptman expressed opposition to the 26-Valencia recommendation. Rose Tanaka expressed opposition to the 27-Bryant recommendation. Eva Chung expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View recommendation. Jessica stated expressed opposition to the 26-Valencia and M-Ocean View recommendations. Margaret Gwathmey expressed opposition to cutting the 39-Coit service on Union and Montgomery Streets and support for extending the line to Pier 39. Bing Dionida expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Cecilia Lim expressed opposition to changes in service South of Market such as the 10-Townsend, 20-Columbus and the rerouting of the 12-Folsom line. Dan Liberthson expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Razzu Engen stated that they like the idea of more service on trunk lines but not at the expense of cutting service on other lines. The SFMTA Board should work to get more resources to expand Muni and improve capacity to deal with the increased demand. Staff should incorporate future growth into the plan and do a complete community-impact demand study. Helen Birch expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View and 54-Felton recommendations. Dave Snyder, SPUR, expressed support for the TEP recommendations. San Francisco needs a functioning and growing transit system. The recommendations are exactly what we need to do to improve public transportation. They are controversial but more passengers will receive better service as a result. Eric Scott stated that he was satisfied with the vast majority of TEP recommendations but expressed opposition to the 26-Valencia recommendation. Carmen Chu expressed concern about the 16-Noriega and 66-Quintara recommendation and urged the SFMTA to take neighbors concerns into consideration. Peter Zepponi expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Linda Chapman expressed opposition to the 2-Clement and 3-Jackson recommendations. Ms. Chapman also expressed concern about the need for Van Ness “BRT” due to the concentration of assisted-living facilities for seniors. Charles Romero expressed opposition to the 27-Bryant and 47-Van Ness recommendations. Wil Din, Chinatown TRIP, expressed support for the TEP recommendations. Emil Lawrence stated that he agrees with Bob Planthold that transit lanes are in bad spots and with Bud Hazelkorn regarding corrupt practices in the taxi industry. Ms. Thomas expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Pi Ra, Senior Action Network, expressed opposition to the TEP recommendations. Rider information is based on boarding numbers and doesn’t give rider profiles. The SFMTA needs to do a community impact survey for each recommendation. Mary Goodnature expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View and 26-Valencia recommendations. Michelle Schulz expressed opposition to the 38-Geary, 26-Valencia and the 28-Sunset recommendations. Karen Woo expressed support for keeping the 66-Quintara. She expressed concern about van service and stated that she would like to have more information about that service. She stated that the TEP cuts will diminish ridership. Marc Salomon stated that the use of vans is a good idea. SOMA will get more service. TEP recommendations will need to be phased in. The SFMTA needs to actively seek new sources of revenue. Sam Geffner expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara recommendation. Mar Rodin expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara recommendation. Krishna Ramnujian stated that there is no light rail access to the northeast waterfront. The SFMTA should get the E-line going. It’s been in the conception phase for 20 years. Market Street Railway claims that Muni is holding up the line by not getting vehicles renovated. Robert O’Malley stated that the 26-Valencia line should start at the Moscone Center. Operators should be banned from using their cell phones and from sending text messages while driving. Maya Dhillon expressed opposition to the 26-Valencia recommendation and requested ridership data for the line for past few years. She stated that there is a persistent rumor that Mr. Ford has been lobbied by the taxi industry to eliminate routes to bump taxi usage. Norma Rivera expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Cindy Wu, CCDC, expressed support for the TEP recommendations. She stated that the process in Chinatown should be used as a model for community outreach throughout San Francisco. Katherine Roberts expressed opposition to the 6-Parnassus recommendation. She stated that there is no official bike coalition position on TEP. She doesn’t believe in starving the periphery to feed the trunk lines. It’s discriminatory. Sonya Mark expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Referring to prepared remarks provided to the SFMTA Board Secretary, David Pilpel inquired about whether this meeting was a “Section 16.112 public hearing”. One minute isn’t a reasonable time to give people who want to speak about changes to the entire route structure. Fundamentally the TEP is incomplete. The M-Ocean View proposal won’t save money. Public outreach wasn’t specific about routes. (NOTE: Mr. Pilpel referred to written remarks submitted for inclusion in the minutes pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code Section 67.16.) Howard Wong expressed support for the 11-Downtown Connector going to the Montgomery station and opposition to the 39-Coit recommendation to remove the line from Union Street. Mr. Wong stated that he is happy to see the connection to Pier 39 and the cruise terminals. Mr. Wong urged the SFMTA to form a public/private/neighborhood partnership to enhance service on the 39-Coit and to save the Union Street leg of the line. Jed Lane expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Bianca Hill expressed opposition to the 48-Quintara recommendation. Jane Shabaker expressed opposition to the 6-Parnassus recommendation. Lisa Detweiler expressed opposition to “everything she has heard”. Staff is not paying attention to demographic changes. The changes will greatly affect her ability to get around and ridership will decrease. Jill Fox, India Basin Neighborhood Association, expressed opposition to the 19-Polk recommendation. Ms. Fox asked the SFMTA to get involved in the community planning process for the southeast quadrant of the city. Grenville Berliner, METNA, expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View recommendation and support for the 28-19th Ave. recommendation. He requested that the SFMTA add a stop at Alemany and Arch. The 54-Felton bus doesn’t serve the community. Doug O’Neill expressed support for the 38-L recommendation and opposition to the 27-Bryant and 47-Van Ness recommendations. Mr. O’Neill expressed concern regarding recommendations that would force people to walk further to board an already crowded line. Jim Kurpius expressed opposition to any changes that would increase the number of vehicles at the terminus of the 71, 16AX, 71L lines. David Tornheim expressed concern that trunk lines will get more service at the expense of community lines. He expressed support for the community impact analysis. It’s the job of the Board to raise money. He is opposed to more cuts in service. Anthony Klinger stated that he commutes using the M-Ocean View and N-Judah. Between 5:30 p.m. and 6:15 p.m., the runs are incomparably missing. The wait time for the N-Judah is 15 minutes. Improvements were promised but nothing has improved. John McCraden expressed opposition to the 3-Jackson recommendation. Fran Taylor expressed support for the TEP over the status quo and for doing a community benefit analysis. Rolyn Parker expressed opposition to the 36-Teresita recommendation. Neil Hunt expressed opposition to the M-Ocean View recommendation and support for rerouting the 54-Felton line off of St. Charles Street. Dorian Fong stated that seniors are unable to walk from Vicente to Taraval. There is a slight hill and walking from 19th Ave. to 30th Ave. is too far for seniors. Jane Martin expressed opposition to the 12-Folsom recommendation. Katherine Cohen expressed opposition to the 6-Parnassus recommendation. Chairman McCray closed public comment. Chairman McCray appointed Director Lee to serve as Chairman of an ad hoc committee to vet public comments regarding the TEP and report back to the board. Chairman McCray appointed Directors Beach and Oka to serve on the committee with Director Lee. Chairman McCray stated that he would like to hear from TWU Local 250-A regarding the TEP recommendations at the next meeting. 12. Discussion and vote pursuant to Administrative Code Section 67.10(d) as to whether to conduct a closed session and invoke the attorney‑client privilege. The closed session was removed from the agenda at the start of the meeting. RECESS REGULAR MEETING AND CONVENE CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3), the Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in Closed Session to discuss attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation: A. Imelda Torrente vs. CCSF, Superior. Ct. #461332, filed 3/20/2007 4. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9, and Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3) the Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in closed session to discuss attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Anticipated Litigation: ___X ___ As defendant or __X___ As plaintiff ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE OPEN SESSION 13. Announcement of Closed Session. None. 14. Motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. None. ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 7:19 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors. Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq.] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site: Prepared Remarks of David Pilpel
(for inclusion in the Minutes pursuant to San Francisco Administrative Code section 67.16) 9. General Public Comment: Adequate time should be provided for public comment on each calendar item. September 30 is a Jewish holiday (Rosh Hashanah) and is a bad day for a special meeting regarding the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP). I question if MTA staff has the capacity to solve the Agency’s financial bind, modify and implement the TEP, complete the proposed Central Subway, and merge in taxi oversight functions along with all of its existing responsibilities. The Agency can’t seem to even keep its trains on the tracks. Finally, there is still no one permanently in charge of safety. 10.9 Memorandum of Understanding (MOU): A dispute is pending regarding public records related to these negotiations. I made a request to review the proposals actually exchanged by the parties only after negotiations had concluded and a tentative agreement had been proposed and ratified by the Union members. I expected MTA staff to provide access to the requested records. Instead, the response was delayed and access denied. I have been fair and diligent; MTA had over a month to reply. I received no call to clarify, no responsive records, and very thin justification for withholding. Given the circumstances I feel insulted. If I continue to pursue the matter the result may be adverse to MTA and the City. The Board is urged to delay approval of the MOU until the public records dispute is resolved. Since there are no proposed changes to the terms there should be no harm from such a delay. 11. Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP): The Staff Recommendations are not yet ready for prime time. The TEP CAC has asked for details and not yet received them. The frequency table and span of service information were only posted to the MTA website last week. There is no information available on weekend service. Total hours and miles at the route, division, mode, and system levels are unclear. There are inconsistent justifications for service additions and deletions. The constrained (budget-neutral) proposals should retain coverage first, and the Enhanced Plan can increase concentration further on key corridors. It’s not an either-or choice. Night service is important and should be retained. It is inconsistent with gas prices up, ridership up, and City policies favoring transit to eliminate service completely in lower-density areas and at night. Some of the service increases should be more incremental. I will provide more detailed comments to MTA staff later this week. |
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