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4:00 ‑ REGULAR MEETING ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Chairman Vaughns called the meeting to order at 4:02 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Chairman Vaughns announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. She advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices may be removed from the meeting. Chairman Vaughns deviated from the agenda by announcing with regret that Chairman Emeritus H. Welton Flynn had submitted his resignation, effective at the end of the meeting. Chairman Vaughns presented a proclamation on behalf of the MTA Board of Directors that recognizes and honors Director Flynn for over thirty years of public service. Director Flynn responded with thanks and a capsule of his tenure on the board and noted that although the Charter was created in 1932, it wasn't until 1970 that an African American was appointed to a commission. He has served every mayor but Jordan since 1970 and is the longest serving commissioner in history. He has always tried to level the playing field for women and minorities. He acknowledged Chairman Vaughns' experience and expressed his confidence in her ability and capacity to chair the Board of Directors. Steve Kawa, Chief of Staff for Mayor Newsom offered thanks on behalf of Mayor Newsom, Mayor Brown and Senator Dianne Feinstein. Reading from a letter from the Senator, he called Director Flynn a "city institution" who has been instrumental in making San Francisco a successful, vibrant and innovative town. On behalf of Mayor Newsom, he presented a proclamation, which declares April 6, 2004, H. Welton Flynn day. Johnny Carter, on behalf of Senator John Burton presented a proclamation to Director Flynn. On a personal note, he added that he and other minorities couldn't have achieved what without Director Flynn's groundbreaking work. 4. Approval of Minutes On motion to approve the minutes of the March 16, 2004 5. Communications The Board Secretary announced that Item 13, substitution of a subcontractor for the Third Street Light Rail Transit Platform Finishes and Special Systems contract has been continued to the meeting of April 20th. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members None. 7. Director's Report -Special Recognition Award -Geary Transit Improvement Project -Ongoing Activities Exec. Director Burns is pleased to present this month's Special Recognition Award to Tangie Burleson, a Muni Transit Instructor whose job performance is extraordinary. She handles training with skill and confidence and she is an exceptional asset. Ms. Burleson is honored and pleased to receive the recognition and loves her job. Exec. Director Burns reviewed this year's plans to provide service to the SBC Ballpark. As part of the FY2005 budget process, the Mayor requested that departments eliminate vacant positions. MUNI and DPT identified 39 positions that are vacant and which are not expected to be filled during FY2005. None of these positions were funded in FY2004 and they were deleted in the FY2005 budget approved by the MTA Board. Other departments also identified positions, for a total of 190 vacant positions. The Board of Supervisors is expected to amend the Annual Salary Ordinance on April 13th and delete these 190 positions. On March 21, Auto Return assumed responsibility for the towing of cars from City Tow. The transition was smooth, with much credit going to DPT staff. Staff continues to work on the long-term contract, with the goal of bringing the contract before the Board in June. Suany Chough gave an overview of the Geary Transit Improvement Project for Geary and O'Farrell, east of Van Ness. Much of the work can be done before the end of 2004. This joint Muni/DPT project takes advantage of DPW's repaving work and is funded by the Transportation Authority. Information about the project has been on buses and was sent to residents. Chairman Vaughns requested staff to synthesize the comments they receive from the public for the board. Director Din asked about outreach to the Southeast Asian community, as they are difficult to reach. He suggested that the information should be translated into other languages and asked for a roster of the Geary Corridor CAC members. 8. Citizen's Advisory Council Report Dan Murphy, Chairman, CAC, has several recommendations but first wanted to thank Chairman Emeritus Flynn for his dedication and service. The CAC is divided on the proposed service adjustments and they will conduct hearings on possible new revenue sources. He also offered several recommendations about sidewalk parking complaints, the Residential Parking Permit program, and the citation of double-parked cars. (Chairman Vaughns expressed her appreciation on behalf of the Board.) 9. Public Comment John Friedlander offered his greetings, adding that he hasn't been to DPT meetings in years. Barry Taranto thanked Director Flynn for his service. He also thanked staff for getting the buses out of the CalTrain cabstand. He also thanked Sylvia Harper, as her transfer to DPT is a huge asset. He had a wonderful conversation with her about improving the relationship between PCO's and cabdrivers. Staff should present the Geary Transit plan to cab drivers. Legal parking should be enforced. David Pilpel disagrees with Exec. Director Burns as he thinks the FY04 vacancies should be presented to the MTA Board as it changes this year's budget. He noted that implementation of the sales tax measure is underway. A while back he expressed concerns about the board secretary. He discussed the matter with Chairman Vaughns, and since that time, he has had several productive conversations with the secretary. He also thanked former Chairman Flynn for his service. Ohocion Ingram is a legally blind resident who cannot disembark safely at 6th & Clement in the evening on weekends because cars are completely blocking the stop. It's a dangerous situation and needs to be addressed. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD ARE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION, AND CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CONSENT AND REGULAR CALENDAR ITEMS ARE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 401 VAN NESS AVE. #334. CONSENT CALENDAR 10. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Municipal Transportation Agency Board, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (10.1) Requesting the Controller to allot funds and to draw warrants against such funds available or will be available in payment of the following claims against the MTA:
RESOLUTION 04-039 (10.2) Approving the following traffic modifications: A. ESTABLISH TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME - La Salle Avenue, north side, along the bulb-out across from the entrance to Osceola Lane; La Salle Avenue, north side, along the bulb-out at the entrance to Gloria R. Davis School; La Salle Avenue, south side, along the western bulb-out curb return at the closed-off portion of Osceola Lane; La Salle Avenue, south side, along the western and eastern bulb-out curb returns at Whitfield Lane and La Salle Avenue, north side, along the bulb-out contiguous to Ingalls Street. B. ESTABLISH TOW-AWAY, NO PARKING ANYTIME - Treat Avenue, between the driveways of 1609 and 1615 Treat Avenue. C. ESTABLISH PERPENDICULAR (90-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING - Treat Avenue, west side, from the southern limit of the 1602 Treat Avenue curb cut to the southern terminus of Treat Avenue. D. ESTABLISH TRANSIT AND TAXIS ONLY ON EVENT DAYS AT CANDLESTICK PARK - Ingerson Avenue, between Giant's Drive and Hawes Street; Giant's Drive, south of Ingerson Avenue (Candlestick Park Bus Loop Roadway). E. ESTABLISH TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME - 164 Lucky Street, west side, from 171 feet to 198 feet north of 26th Street (27-foot zone) F. RESCIND NO PARKING ANYTIME - 167 Lucky Street, east side, between the north and south property lines. G. RESCIND NO PARKING, 6 PM TO 8 PM, EXCEPT SATURDAY AND SUNDAY - Harrison Street, west side, from 15th Street to 180 feet northerly. H. ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "J"(2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 8 AM - 5 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY) - Stanyan St, both sides, between 17th St. and Belgrave Ave.; Stanyan St., both sides, between 17th and Rivoli St. I. ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "S" (2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 8 AM - 9 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY) - Hickory Street, south side, between Gough and Octavia Streets; Lily Street, both sides, between Gough and Octavia Streets J. ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "W" (2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 8 AM - 6 PM, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY) - 23rd Street, both sides, between Carolina and DeHaro Sts. K. ESTABLISH UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING - Baker Street, east side, between the driveways of #420 and #430 Baker Street. L. ESTABLISH UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING - 620-624 6th Avenue, east side, from 129 feet to 134 feet south of Balboa Street M. ESTABLISH ANGLE (60-DEGREE ANGLE) PARKING - Randolph Street, north side, from 72 feet west of Arch Street to 115 feet west of Arch Street. N. RESCIND TOW-AWAY, NO STOPPING ANYTIME and ESTABLISH UNMETERED MOTORCYCLE PARKING - Kaplan Lane, east side, from Clementina Street to the northern terminus. O. ESTABLISH TOW-AWAY, NO PARKING ANYTIME -Opposite Frontage of 1351-1355 De Haro Street. P. ESTABLISH NO PARKING ANYTIME - Panama Street, both sides, west of Niantic Avenue to the terminus Q. RESCIND NO PARKING ANYTIME 9 AM to 2 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAYS and ESTABLISH NO PARKING ANYTIME, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Phelan Avenue, west side, between Flood and Staples Avenues. R. RESCIND 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAYS and ESTABLISH 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Montecito Avenue, south side, from Plymouth Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue S. RESCIND 2 HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAYS and ESTABLISH 2 HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Hazelwoood Avenue, east side, from Staples Avenue to Judson Avenue. T. RESCIND 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAYS and ESTABLISH 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Greenwood Avenue, south side, from Plymouth Avenue to Hazelwood Avenue. U. RESCIND 2-HOUR PARKING, 7 AM TO 6 PM, EVERYDAY and ESTABLISH 2-HOUR PARKING, 7 AM TO 6 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Colon Avenue, both sides, from Greenwood Avenue to Terminus V. RESCIND TWO HOUR PARKING, 7 AM TO 6 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAY and ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "U" (2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 8 AM - 10 PM, MONDAY THRU SUNDAY) - Chesley Street, east side, between Harrison Street and southern terminus. W. ESTABLISH RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PARKING AREA "U " (2-HOUR TIME LIMIT, 8 AM - 10 PM, MONDAY THRU SUNDAY) - 1126 - 1130 Harrison Street, north side, between 7th and 8th Streets; 1161 - 1161A Harrison Street and 1163 - 1165 Harrison Street, south side, between 7th and 8th Streets. X. RESCIND 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SUNDAYS and ESTABLISH 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Valdez Avenue, east side, from Monterey Boulevard to Greenwood Avenue Y. RESCIND 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, EXCEPT SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS; RESCIND PARKING HOURS, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS EXCEPTED and ESTABLISH 2-HOUR PARKING, 8 AM TO 4 PM, SCHOOL DAYS - Hazelwood Ave., east side, from Monterey Blvd. to Staples Ave. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) (DPT) RESOLUTION 04-040 (10.3) Authorizing the Director to accept and expend $39,165,244 in federal Section 5307 and CMAQ capital assistance for the following projects: Motor Coach Replacement-Alt Fuel; Cable Car Infrastructure Rehabilitation; Paratransit Van/Debit Card; MUNI Rail Replacement; Paratransit Assistance; Overhead Lines Reconstruction; Wayside Fare Collection Equipment; Motor Coach Replacement; Preventive Maintenance; LRV Procurement; Cable Car Vehicle Rehabilitation; Geneva Historic Car Enclosure; Motor Coach Clean Air Device Retrofit; Motor Coach Rehabilitation. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) (MUNI) RESOLUTION 04-041 (10.4) Authorizing the Director to accept and expend $534,401 of Carl Moyer grant funds for Muni's Bus Catalyst Device Procurement project. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) (MUNI) RESOLUTION 04-042 (10.5) Authorizing the Director to enter into contract negotiations with ThyssenKrupp Elevator Company for an elevator maintenance agreement for full-service elevator maintenance and repair at Church & Castro Streets Stations in the Muni-Metro System. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) (MUNI) RESOLUTION 04-043 (10.6) Accepting Contract No. MR-1192, L-Line Track Replacement Emergency Project - 15th & Taraval and 15th & Ulloa and authorizing the closeout of this contract. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.) (MUNI) RESOLUTION 04-044 (10.7) Recommending that the Board of Supervisors approve the Controller's determination that it is more economical to contract for janitorial services for the City's metered parking lots and shop facilities than to provide the same services with City and County employees. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and certification.) (PA) RESOLUTION 04-045 (10.8) Recommending that the Board of Supervisors concur with the Controller's determination that it is more economical to contract for a Parking Citation Processing and Collection System than to provide the same services with City and County employees. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and certification.) (DPT) RESOLUTION 04-046 (10.9) Recommends that the Board of Supervisors concur with the Controller's certification that it is more economical to contract for a parking meter management system including collection and coin counting services, than to provide the same services with City and County employees. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and certification.) (DPT) RESOLUTION 04-047 No public comment. On motion to approve the Consent Calendar: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Flynn, McCray and Vaughns ABSENT - Casey and Kasolas REGULAR CALENDAR MUNICIPAL RAILWAY 11. Public hearing to consider proposed service adjustments, including termination of service and schedule and route changes, for the Municipal Railway on lines 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9X, 9AX, 9BX, 12, 14, 15, 16AX, 16BX, 21, 26, 29, 30, 33, 38, 41, 54, 66, 67, 71, 71L, 82X and F. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) Executive Director Burns wishes that the MTA were in a position to recommend service increases but the budget realities don't allow for that. These adjustments have been presented to the public through a series of meetings. As a result staff recommends a few changes; Alternative B for 2, 3, 4 is now the recommended alternative. Staff also recommends Alternative A for the 26-Valencia, with no change to the 54 and minor route revisions for the 29-Sunset and the 67-Bernal Heights. Staff will consider the input from this public hearing and may modify their recommended adjustments. Chairman Vaughns stated that the board has received an enormous amount of correspondence from the public. She asked staff to be very conscientious when talking to the public, as there is much confusion about the staff recommendation. Muni needs to put more effort into their public outreach so the staff proposal is better understood. PUBLIC COMMENT: Ojocion Ingram is concerned about reductions to the 1-California line as she works nights and sometimes has to wait more than an hour. The message this proposal sends to the public is "don't go anywhere because you can't get home". The 1-line provides poor service on Saturday during the afternoon and evening. Michael Larson stated that riders need all the lines. People who are disabled or who don't hear need access to public transportation. The 1-California is an important line for people who work the graveyard shift. The Geary Bus Rapid Transit plan will be a great benefit. Ellen Murray is a 19-year operator on the 22-line. There are a great number of residents and operators who are opposed to these cuts. She is opposed to them and she doesn't agree that the budget realities require layoffs and service reductions. Staff should go after the Transit Impact Development Fee. Increased pension and medical costs for operators are not the cause of the deficit. Muni should adjust their bond payment. Robert Foster, Pier 39, is concerned about the possible elimination of F-line shuttle service during the week. This cut will tarnish the reputation of the F-line. As the peak visitor period approaches, the F-line is one of busiest lines in the city, and reduced service will have a negative impact on waterfront business. Paul Wermer, representing the Pacific Heights Residents Association, spoke about the proposal for the 2, 3, and 4 lines. PHRA opposes Option B as it is an electric line and offers a diagonal route through the city. Extending the 12-Folsom means extending a diesel line, which is in opposition to the voters' message this past election. It doesn't provide the service that the 3-Jackson does. Transferring to other buses to get to the same location will double the commute time. Staff should look at extending the 2-Clement or providing a short loop to address the issues. He rides off-peak on packed buses. Peak loads on this line aren't during commute hours. Bill Evans rides many Muni lines and often sees disabled people and seniors disagreeing over the front seats. People are packed into the buses and are at risk for contagion. Cutting back on service might violate the federal mandates for accessibility. The operators do a good job as Muni Ambassadors. Rafael Cabrera, Exec VP, 250A has attended three public meetings. The notice for those meetings wasn't timely. People want more service not less and these cuts might violate the Transit First Policy. The focus should be on what the riders need. If the 5-owl is cut, passengers will have to walk three or four blocks at night in the dark. That isn't a safe situation. Buses are packed and staff should find another way to solve the deficit. Bill Sisk, President 250A thanked Director Flynn for his hard work. Everyone recognizes the outcry from San Francisco citizens. Don't make these cuts as buses will be packed and it will be hard on the operators. Rick Laubscher, Market St. Railway, values their relationship with Muni but is speaking out against the proposed reduction in the F-line. The F-line has been gaining riders and drawing people out of polluting vehicles. This plan is poorly conceived as the F-line brings business and economic growth to Fisherman's Wharf. They produce a higher percent of cash fares than every line except the Cable Cars. Jean Kelly has lived on the 3-Jackson route for many years. It's been a quiet route, which if it is replaced with diesel, will not be acceptable, as it will bring in noise and pollution to the neighborhood. She uses the line to commute to Union Square to work every day. It's not fair to increase the fare last September and then cut service. To save money, Muni could run it less frequently in the evening, as it's not full then. Christian Wignal lives on Jackson St. and is a frequent rider and cyclist. He opposes the extension of the 12 as it doesn't go where the 3 goes. Replacing the 3 with diesel service adds insult to injury. He and his neighbors have to listen to a cavalcade of buses from other lines, starting at 4:20 in the morning every day, as those buses use the 3 route to get to and from their division. Herbert Weiner isn't surprised that Muni is back asking for more. The door was opened to these cuts when the fares were raised last year. They'll ask for more next year. Muni is a schoolyard bully and should increase taxes from corporations who should be paying their fair share. Incompetent managers should be fired. These proposals suggest a hatred and contempt of the riding public. Anita Denz lives in Pacific Heights and doesn't own a car. She uses the 3-Jackson. Buses that run after 10:30 p.m. have very few passengers and can be reduced to twice an hour. The suggestion to replace the 3 with the 12 puts fear into her heart, as they are stinky, smelly, noisy buses. She offered a plea to not put diesel on that line. It's against the community's wishes. Susan Bryan lives in the Tenderloin and uses public transit a lot. Little Saigon will be losing a stop at Larkin and O'Farrell. Why can't there be a public campaign to encourage ridership. Downtown should step up to the plate as their employees are delivered right to their doorstop. Meredith Heuer stated that buses are packed. This proposal doesn't affect the city as whole but only a certain class of people. If you reduce service, people will have no choice. This isn't a logical move. Reducing service means a reduced number of passengers and reduced revenue. Peter Ehrlich commented that these cuts violate the court order from the Bayview Associates case. Muni has been ordered to increase electrification. Cutting the 26-Valencia to Glen Park will violate ADA law because the J-line isn't accessible at that location. These cutbacks should be reconsidered. Katerine Roberts thinks that cars are the least attractive alternative and is outraged by these proposals. Muni should be helping people to get around more rather than considering cuts. She has a disabled pass and is forced to go up steps and inclines because cars are parked illegally on the sidewalk. She has been ticketed three times for not having her pass and thinks that if she's getting ticketed, illegally parked cars should also be ticketed. Go after illegally parked cars first. David Tornheim, Central City Progressives, has an issue about the notification of Muni's proposal. More honesty is needed, as these aren't adjustments. They are cuts. He is distressed to see these cuts after last year's fare increase. Muni needs to first work on good transit and frequent service. The 5-line schedule hasn't changed in 10 years. Muni's budget has increased. With a bigger budget, he can't see why there will be less service. Art Michel is concerned about the F-line as it is one of Muni's greatest successes in recent years. There aren't enough cars to meet current demand. The shuttles could carry more people if they were scheduled differently. Muni has led people to believe they have good transit but it's hard to believe it if you're left standing on a corner. Guy Danilowitz is an hourly-wage worker who has given up two hours of wages to address the board. He is scared that Muni staff and board members have lost connection with what riders need. He's frustrated with being lied to. He attended the South of Market Community meeting and only 5 minutes were spent on explaining the cuts. If staff is trying to pass that off as a "community meeting", it wasn't. They were told that this was an emergency and that the "deal was already done". This is insulting. The 38-local is standing room only as is the 5-Fulton. He urged the Board to reconsider the plan. Ann Arora supports the proposal to reroute the #2-Clement off Euclid and over to California St. Over 100 people have signed a petition in support of this proposal. Ridership on Euclid is low and poses a safety risk to families with children. Moving the line to California St. is more conducive to shopping and gives better access to the hospital. David Varnum called the cuts "bad public policy" as streets are choked with cars. This plan will drive more people into cars. To deal with the deficit, staff should consider raise towing rates, parking fees, a downtown transit assessment district, and a tax on commuters who park in Golden Gate Park. The MTA should ask the Board of Supervisors and Mayor to pursue some of these taxes. Reducing service on the 5-Fulton is counterproductive as buses are far and few between. Cutting the F-line shuttles is like killing the goose that lays the golden egg. David Pilpel presented his thoughts in writing. He highlighted the need for additional analysis on ridership and on environmental impacts, particularly air quality. The board should be concerned that the public doesn't have access to all the information This proposal needs to be examined carefully. Walter Johnson commented that the proposed service "adjustments" are just a fancy name for cuts. Eliminating lines is detrimental to the quality of life in the city and many lines are already overcrowded. He suggests that the MTA develop a budget plan that serves riders and recognizes the contribution of the operators. Cuts should begin at the top. Operators deserve to be thanked for working under pressure and tension. Jeremy Nelson, Policy Director, Transportation for a Liveable City, stated that his members oppose the service cuts. The board should have been given the chance to weigh service priorities, including no cuts. Staff should examine other ways to raise revenues such as increasing public parking prices and revisiting the cost of Residential Parking Permits. They should be set at market rates. Enforcement should be expanded and improved and repeat violators should be aggressively pursued. Other sources of revenue include a gas tax, vehicle license fee, and expanding the TIDF. Donna Gates presented a few ideas to increase revenue. The number one suggestion is to get more advertisements from the business sector. Big corporations could buy fast passes for workers. BART and Muni should merge similar to Atlanta's system. She is opposed to the cuts. James Smith thinks that staff needs to adjust their way of thinking. Board members work for big businesses and are attacking workers with these cuts. Muni riders and the public should unite to oppose these cuts. If they go through, there will be trouble on the street. Sara Hossaini moved from South Dakota 2 years ago and rides the 5 and 21 every day. It's packed to capacity during rush hours. The 5-owl passes the University of San Francisco and is ridden by single women at night. It's important to having safe and frequent transportation in the evening. Eliminating service will increase pollution because people will use their cars. Cristina Moreno, Haight Ashbury Neighborhood Council (HANC), works with low-income families. She is opposed to the budget cuts, especially on the 7, 66, and 6 lines. These cuts impact tourist areas and parking and traffic in the Haight is horrific. Other ways to address fiscal issues should be created. Cutting the 5-owl will put women at risk. The information about this plan should have been provided in more than one language. John Conklin, a transit operator at the Green division, wondered why the public announcement wasn't put up earlier. He only saw the announcement last week. Muni should ask the police to enforce the diamond lanes. He asked about cuts in the pay and bonuses for top management. Timothy O'Shea, Jordan Park Improvement Association, understands the challenge of balancing the need for quality of life vs. revenue. He thanked planning staff for rerouting the #2 from Euclid to California. This move matches their neighborhood's need for quality of life while maintaining and increasing service on California St. Robert Carr strongly supports rerouting the #2 from Euclid to California. The Jordan Park neighbors don't use the buses and rerouting them to California St. will be more efficient. Virgil Herndon, TWU 250A retiree, stated that senior citizens would be very impacted by these cuts if enacted. Most seniors don't even know about the cuts. He suggested getting money from downtown buildings, the gay marriage proposal and by raising the parking tax. He suggested more tickets be given for people who block buses. Find the money elsewhere but don't cut the bus lines. Helen Fung thanked Chairman Vaughns for acknowledging that people didn't have sufficient notice about the meetings. She asked the board to find a way to get around the cuts and elimination of service. She has raised a family in San Francisco and depends on Muni for transportation. If the 3-Jackson is cut, she will have to walk 6-8 blocks uphill to get home. There are two schools in the neighborhood on the 3-Jackson line with over 1000 students and faculty. The 12-line won't help people who transfer from BART. Michael Benardo is opposed to the cuts as they are not in the best interests of the city. Cutting electric and adding motor coaches is stupid because we get electricity for free. People will be angry and will take cars instead. He suggested eliminating the 71-Haight and restoring the 47 to trolley service. Repainting the vehicles is a waste of money and we shouldn't buy vehicles from overseas. Jean Ellis-Jones, Potrero Division, noted that the 33-line is a great line that runs from one end of town to the other and serves more than four hospitals. It doesn't make sense to terminate it at 16 th & Potrero because the distance you have to drive to turn it around would add four blocks so it might as well run the remaining few blocks of the existing service. The public is already screaming and hollering. They deserve good service. Toshiro Yamamoto totally depends on Muni to go to work and school, and to take his seven-year old son to school. These cuts will affect his life badly. He hopes Muni will continue to provide good service. Find a way to keep existing service. Nina Eloesser asked the board to please keep the 3-Jackson and the 4-Sutter. Eliminating the 4 isn't nearly as serious as keeping the 3 as the 4 overlaps practically the entire route of the 2. The 3 serves the area along Pacific, Jackson, Washington, Clay from Divisadero and isn't duplicated. People who live there will be stranded without the 3-line. Extra transfers will add 10-15 minutes per transfer. More evening service is needed. Josh Berkus requested additional data because the staff analysis doesn't add up. A mere 25% increase in 71 service won't begin to replace the loss of the 7-Haight bus. Cutting eight 7-Haight buses and only adding 1 to the 71 line will mean that buses will be 117% of capacity. The numbers don't work. Don't cut the 7 and 66 lines. Pi Ra, HANC board member, stated that Muni is struggling to meet the on-time reliability goal in Prop. E. Automobile use has become more significant in the Richmond, Castro, and Haight neighborhoods. The definition of "full capacity" needs to be expanded because people stop riding because the buses are packed. Muni needs to hire an independent auditor because the statistics they're using aren't correct. Using street inspectors appropriately will reduce bunching. One is needed at Masonic and Haight where many lines cross. Staff should look at alternative revenue measures. Flip Sarrow, Haight Ashbury Merchants Association, stated that the merchants aren't happy with the plan to eliminate the 7-Haight. The livelihood of these merchants depends on good public transit. The Haight is congested, has restricted parking and is full of pedestrians and eliminating this line isn't a good idea. Prop. I requires Muni to reduce diesel buses, but eliminating the 7 does the opposite. Using articulated buses on the 71 line will create more problems. Muni's goal should be to increase ridership. Meg Kingsland supports rerouting the 2-Clement off Euclid and onto California as it will increase ridership. Buses on Euclid pose a safety hazard for children. Norm Rolfe said the MTA should go to the Board of Supervisors about raising the parking tax and increasing funds. The Supervisors should expedite the plan to expand the TIDF. The MTA Board can increase the monthly rates at city-owned garages immediately. They should be raised to market rates. Jen Inaldo lives in the Panhandle and works downtown. She rides many of the lines that are proposed to be cut. The bus she took to get to this meeting was full and had to pass by two stops where people were waiting to board. She moved to San Francisco because of its good public transit. It doesn't make sense to change service in any way. Andrew Sullivan, Rescue Muni, thanked Peter Straus for meeting with them. There are some countermeasures that Muni needs to pursue immediately. There are revenue measures that everyone needs to push. It's not a good idea to raise fares, as nobody is in support. Rescue Muni strongly supports finding other sources of revenue such as raising the parking tax and TIDF and expanding parking enforcement. DPT should hire more Parking Control Officers. Expanding the use of electrification is crucial, and Muni should start with the 71 line. Lastly, Rescue Muni appreciates the dedication and hard work of Director Flynn. Stephen Gildersleeve came to the meeting on the 71-line. The bus was well over the capacity of 63 people. There are a disproportionate number of cuts proposed for Hayes Valley, the Haight, and NoPan. Many cuts will impact the N-Judah, which is a potential disaster. It's difficult for the average rider to grasp the implication of these cuts. Muni should submit themselves to an independent audit. Chairman Vaughns continued the hearing to the meeting of April 20 , 2004. 12. Public hearing to consider a declaration of fiscal emergency for the Municipal Railway in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, and resolution.) Exec. Director Burns stated that in developing the operating budget for FY05, staff identified a shortfall of nearly $32 million. Last year's budget shortfall was $60 million. Staff has taken a number of measures to close the gap. To declare a fiscal emergency, an analysis must be completed. The purpose of this hearing is to hear from the public. Staff will respond before the April 20 th meeting, at which, the board will be asked to declare a fiscal emergency. PUBLIC COMMENT: David Tornheim, Central City Progressives, was unaware of the hearing until this morning, which shows a lack of notification and communication. He doesn't understand why there's a fiscal emergency as revenues have increased over the past three years. He demands a full environmental impact study on these service cuts. He also wants to know why Muni was opposed to Prop I and continues to spend money on capital projects. He called the staff analysis unrealistic. Jeremy Nelson stated that to the extent that there is a fiscal crisis, it is one of Muni's own making. The Board has the authority and responsibility to identify revenue enhancements for next year. If the board doesn't act now, we'll be back here in a year with the same problem. The board should play a big role in supporting enhanced revenues. Chairman Vaughns closed the public hearing. 13. Consideration of Modification No. 2 to Contract No. MR-1147 Third Street Light Rail Transit Platform Finishes and Special Systems regarding subcontractor substitution. The MTA Board of Directors will take testimony on and will consider adopting only one of the following two motions. (Explanatory documents include a staff report and resolution.) (13.1) Approving Modification No. 2 to Contract No. MR-1147, Third Street Light Rail Transit Platform Finishes and Special Systems, which substitutes Lewis M. Merlo, Inc. for Bay Area Concretes, and denies the objections of Bay Area Concretes (13.2) Disapproving Modification No. 2 to Contract No. MR-1147, Third Street Light Rail Transit Platform Finishes and Special Systems, which substitutes Lewis M. Merlo, Inc. for Bay Area Concretes, and upholds the objections of Bay Area Concretes. This item was continued to the meeting of April 20, 2004. 14. Urging the Board of Supervisors to adopt a Resolution of Necessity and to authorize and direct the City Attorney to commence eminent domain proceedings against Caltrans for portions of Assessor's Lots 2, 2A and 13 in Block 4349 and a portion of Assessor's Lot 3 in Block 4382 , located directly west of 1301 Cesar Chavez Street, for the construction of the Municipal Railway's new Islais Creek Motor Coach Operations and Maintenance Facility for Muni's new low-emission vehicles . (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.) No public comment. RESOLUTION 04-048 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Flynn, McCray and Vaughns ABSENT - Casey and Kasolas DEPARTMENT OF PARKING AND TRAFFIC 15. Authorizes the award of Department of Public Works Contract No. 0780J(R), SF go Initial Phase Portions A & B to Edward W. Scott Electric Company, as the lowest responsive and responsible bidder for a total contract amount of $2,905,371. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.)
RESOLUTION 04-049 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Flynn, McCray and Vaughns ABSENT - Casey and Kasolas RECESS REGULAR MEETING AND CONVENE CLOSED SESSION CLOSED SESSION 1. Call to Order Chairman Vaughns called the closed session to order at 7:20 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
Also present:
3. Discussion and vote pursuant to Administrative Code Section 67.11(a) as to whether to conduct a closed session and invoke the attorney‑client privilege. On motion to invoke the attorney-client privilege: unanimously approved (Casey, Kasolas-absent). 4. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 and the Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3), the Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in Closed Session to discuss and take action on attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Existing Litigation: (4.1) Authorizing the City Attorney to make an offer of judgment under Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 68 for Valerie Taybron and Trinna Davis, USDC Case #C994660 EDL, filed on 10/20/99 RESOLUTION 04-050 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Flynn, McCray and Vaughns ABSENT - Casey and Kasolas 5. Pursuant to Government Code Sections 54956.9, and Administrative Code Section 67.8 (a) (3) the Municipal Transportation Agency Board will meet in closed session to discuss and take action on attorney‑client matters in the following case: CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL Anticipated Litigation: _ X __ As defendant _____ As plaintiff (5.1) Authorizing the Director to execute a Structured Negotiations Agreement with the California Council of the Blind and its members; the Rose Resnick Lighthouse for the Blind and Visually Impaired, Damien Pickering, and a class of persons who are blind or visually impaired and who allege that they have been denied safe and/or equal access due to the lack of adequate accessible pedestrian signals. RESOLUTION 04-051 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Flynn and Vaughns ABSENT - McCray, Casey and Kasolas ADJOURN CLOSED SESSION AND RECONVENE REGULAR MEETING - The closed session was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. 16. Announcement of Closed Session. Chairman Vaughns announced the board met in closed session to discuss the Taybron/Davis case and the Agreement with the California Council of the Blind, etc. al. with the city attorney. The board voted unanimously to settle the Taybron/Davis case (Casey, Kasolas - absent) and to authorize the execution of the agreement with the California Council of the Blind (Casey, Kasolas and McCray-absent). 17. Motion to disclose or not disclose the information discussed in closed session. On motion to not disclose the information discussed: unanimously approved (Casey, Kasolas, McCray-absent). ADJOURN - The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors. Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [ S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq. ] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site: |
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