This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. SFMTA Board > February 15, 2005, minutes |
4:00 - REGULAR MEETING ORDER OF BUSINESS 1. Call to Order Chairman Vaughns called the meeting to order at 4:00 p.m. 2. Roll Call Present:
Absent: Peter Mezey with notification 3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. Chairman Vaughns announced that the ringing of and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at the meeting. She advised that any person responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices might be removed from the meeting. 4. Approval of Minutes On motion to approve the minutes of the February 1, 2005 Regular Meeting: unanimously approved (Mezey-absent). 5. Communications The Board Secretary announced that Item 10.2 C & D had been removed from the agenda at the request of staff. She also announced that the overflow room for the meeting was Room 408. 6. Introduction of New or Unfinished Business by Board Members None. 7. Executive Director's Report -Muni Quarterly Service Standards Report -DPT Quarterly Service Standards Report -Ongoing Activities Director McCray arrived at the meeting. Exec. Director Burns stated that in 2004, the Board approved a one-year Emergency Interim Agreement for Towing, Storage and Disposal services with AutoReturn. In the period following the execution of the Emergency Interim Agreement, DPT staff focused on assisting the transition of this major towing operation to AutoReturn as the new towing services contractor. Following the transition, DPT developed a scope of work for the long-term agreement and contract negotiations resumed with AutoReturn in late 2004. Negotiations are not expected to be complete before the Emergency Interim Agreement's expiration date of March 21, 2005. The MTA has executed an Emergency Interim Agreement for 30 days to extend the original expiration date to April 22, 2005. Staff will present a calendar item to the Board requesting that the Board of Supervisors grant authorization to execute an extension of the Emergency Interim Agreement through July 30, 2005, or until the long-term contract is executed, whichever occurs first, in order to ensure continuity of towing service while DPT completes negotiations and secures all required approvals. Exec. Director Burns called attention to Consent Calendar Items 10.2 I - O as they related to the Inner Geary Project. The project required three levels of review. The MTA Board approved the project on September 7, 2004. The Board of Supervisors approved all of parking and traffic changes. The Transportation Authority approved the project funding on the condition that the MTA eliminated only three bus stops instead of five. The compromise plan eliminates one bus stop on Geary, at Mason, and two stops on O'Farrell at Mason and at Polk. The plan will be implemented with the current re-paving project that is scheduled to begin in March. Fred Stephens, Muni General Manager, presented the 2nd quarter Service Standard Report. On-time performance for the second quarter was 72.8%. On-time performance had improved and the number of accidents had decreased from the first quarter report. Reduced staffing levels and budget cuts were having an impact on the achievement of other performance measures. Bond Yee, Deputy Director, Department of Parking & Traffic presented the 2nd quarter Service Standards Report. Despite a general shortage in personnel, DPT met or exceeded most of the goals. Chairman Vaughns expressed her appreciation for both Service Standard Reports on behalf of the Board. Director Din requested that for the next report, staff report on wait times during peak and off-peak hours. He still receives feedback that people are waiting 30 minutes or longer. Bond Yee stated that he would provide the information and added that staff was looking at staggering the due dates of certain permit areas to help mitigate wait times. 8. Citizen's Advisory Council Report Dan Murphy, Chairman, Citizen's Advisory Council presented the CAC recommendations as outlined in their February 14 letter. Both the Finance Committee and the full Citizen's Advisory Council had met to consider the budget and they would be presenting additional recommendations. Chairman Vaughns thanked Mr. Murphy for presenting the CAC's recommendations and stated that the Board appreciated the CAC's valuable input. 9. Public Comment David Pilpel stated that he had prepared a service plan, which he had provided to staff. He expressed concern regarding the impact to the budget if additional staff were moved to 1 South Van Ness. He commented that the Subway Overhead Reconstruction contact would eliminate pole operation in Twin Peaks tunnel, which would constrain the operational flexibility. Ellen Murray stated that the Board was at a disadvantage with respect to the Service Standard report because the people who were presenting the Service Standard report were part of the problem. They fail to go after revenues that will solve the budget constraints. When management puts out a one-car train rather than a two-car train as scheduled, it amounts to a 50% reduction in service for that run. This information may not be included in the report. ETI vehicles have had tremendous problems with compression and warranty but the contract warranty was sold for $15 million. Serving downtown interests rather than serving the needs of the community is running this system. Management has failed to demand a user-fee from downtown. Francisco Da Costa noted that to address quality of life needs, the Agency needed to be knowledgeable about documents such as the Master Plan. He stated that constituents would be addressing the Board from the heart and hopes the Board listens to them, as they were compassionate and smart people who may come up with solutions. Muni is responsible for a lot of the pollution in San Francisco and needs to address it. He asked the MTA to address the conduits at Islais Creek and asked why no mitigation measures were put in place for businesses on Third St. Andrew Sullivan, Rescue Muni, stated that the Agency should study the feasibility of a congestion-charging zone. In London, bus delays were reduced by 30-40%, which, if implemented in San Francisco, could help improve service standards and reduce costs. The MTA has the ability to put new taxes and fees on the ballot. Barry Taranto noted that the report didn't include any evaluation of enforcement trends. He stated that it didn't matter if fees and fares were raised if there was no enforcement. The Agency shouldn't raise bus fares but should raise enforcement and get double-parkers out of the way during peak hours. Dispatchers should be customer service oriented. There should be huge fees for people who take away traffic lanes and park in cabstands. Herbert Weiner stated that there needed to be a declaration of management emergency. There should be financial penalties for Muni mismanagement. The Board was supposed to advocate for riders and not bosses. If something goes wrong with service cuts, things will get worse and the people who vote for this should resign because they are culpable. The crisis is managerial and not financial. Jean Ellis Jones, Potrero Division stated that she was perturbed by the false Service Standards report. Equipment isn't being utilized nor serviced. Service is long overdue. Missed runs are due to a lack of equipment. Safety is the number one priority. Potrero Division 9163's are doing the best they can. Bill Sisk, President, TWU-250-A thanked Mr. Sunshine for trying to work with 250-A on schedules and runs. He stated that, as President of 250-A, he would resign before allowing runs to be cut. He added that TWU would negotiate but won't negotiate cutting service, doubling up, or making operators take time off. Operators are tired and cutting runs would put their health and safety at risk. THE FOLLOWING MATTERS BEFORE THE MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY BOARD WERE RECOMMENDED FOR ACTION AS STATED BY THE DIRECTOR OF TRANSPORTATION, AND CITY ATTORNEY WHERE APPLICABLE. EXPLANATORY DOCUMENTS FOR ALL CONSENT AND REGULAR CALENDAR ITEMS WERE AVAILABLE FOR REVIEW AT 401 VAN NESS AVE. #334. CONSENT CALENDAR 10. All matters listed hereunder constitute a Consent Calendar, are considered to be routine by the Municipal Transportation Agency Board, and will be acted upon by a single vote of the Board. There will be no separate discussion of these items unless a member of the Board or the public so requests, in which event the matter shall be removed from the Consent Calendar and considered as a separate item. (10.1) Requesting the Controller to allot funds and to draw warrants against such funds available or will be available in payment of the following claims against the MTA:
RESOLUTION 05-023 (10.2) Approving the following traffic modifications:
Items C and D were removed at the request of staff. RESOLUTION 05-024 (10.3) Approving the Initial Project Report and authorizing the Agency to seek approval from the Board of Supervisors to accept and expend $4,290,000 of Regional Measure 2 funds for the MUNI Waterfront Historic Streetcar Expansion. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and project report.) (MUNI) RESOLUTION 05-025 No public comment. On motion to approve the Consent Calendar (Item 10.2 C and D removed): ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Kasolas, McCray, and Vaughns ABSENT - Mezey REGULAR CALENDAR MUNICIPAL TRANSPORTATION AGENCY 11. Discussion of various proposals for the FY06 MTA Budget and possible action to direct staff to include certain proposals in the FY06 MTA budget. (Explanatory documents include a staff report.) Items 11 and 12 were called together. 12. Public hearing on proposed changes to parking rates in city-owned garages and proposed parking fees, fines and meter rates. (Explanatory documents include a staff report from the February 1, 2005 meeting.) Exec. Director Burns stated that the Agency was still looking at a $57.3 deficit for FY06. This difficult financial reality demanded tough choices. The Agency had received much input and they have put together a series of scenarios to show what would occur if the Agency were going to balance budget using only one revenue options. The magnitude of the problem was such that the Agency was faced with extremely difficult actions and resolving the deficit would require a combination of actions. The Board would vote on the budget on Feb 28th to meet the Prop E-mandated March 1st date. Stuart Sunshine, Deputy Executive Director, presented the FY06 balancing scenarios. He stated that there were no easy ways to balance the budget and balancing it using only one revenue source was not prudent. He called the scenarios "snapshots" and not recommendations and stated that these scenarios were based on input received by the public. To assist low-income families, a Lifeline Fast pass could be created. Based on conversations with the public and with policy makers, the Agency believes that they should have an option for working families and for the working poor. Staff had not yet investigated what the rate or the costs would be. The cost of the pass could be similar to what utility companies provide to low-income families. Chairman Vaughns inquired about measures identified in the February 1 memo that would allow the MTA to address future budgets. Exec. Director Burns stated that they were pursuing them and would work with the Mayor and Board of Supervisors to place something on the ballot. The Agency's preference would be a ¼ cent sales tax, which could bring in $30-40 million per year; however, that measure failed miserably in the last election. There has also been much talk about a parking tax, which, if increased to 35%, could raise $4-5 million. A $4 vehicle impact fee would raise $1.6 million. Chairman Vaughns thanked staff for being aggressive in the pursuit of those measures and requested that they continue to pursue those other options. She added that with respect to the current budget and based on all the scenarios presented, scenario #5 seemed most equitable and would bring the Agency in concert with the fiscal reality it currently faced. Ms. Vaughns stated that no one wanted to increase fares or to cut service but the reality was that increases were needed to balance the budget. She requested Board members to share their thoughts. Director Din asked staff to investigate fees for other permits issued by the city. Director Black inquired about enforcing parking meters on streets such as Chestnut and Clement on Sunday. Exec. Director Burns stated that staff had considered Sunday enforcement; however, there would be an operational cost because the Agency didn't have enforcement staff working on Sunday to cover general meter enforcement. Director McCray stated that he had just heard the union draw a line in the sand around the $12 million in service cuts. He asked staff to describe what the budget situation would look like and what the impact would be without those cuts. Exec. Director Burns stated that the cost would be $12 million and would mean 150 layoffs. He added that staff had tried to work closely with the union to come up with a collaborative plan but he was now unsure of where they were with that planning effort. Drastic measures would have to be taken that would result in more than 150 layoffs. He noted that the failure to implement service changes that were approved as part of the budget last year exhausted the MTA's entire reserve and was a contributing factor to this year's problem. Chairman Vaughns opened public comment and requested that speakers include realistic and workable solutions as part of their comments. PUBLIC COMMENT: Bruce Allison suggested that a tax should be levied on private tour companies. Delete the 45- line because it duplicates service provided by the 30-line Bruce Williams, Local 790, stated that his union represents workers who clean buildings and do clerical work. Their workers have already donated 7.5% of their salary and his union is happy that the MTA is looking elsewhere to balance the budget. He thanked staff for the scenarios, as it puts into perspective the challenges that the Agency faces. His preference is for #4. He stated that it was easy to criticize increases. His union members ride the buses and would have to pay the increases. They've had members laid off and they can't give any more. Norman Rolfe, SF Tomorrow, stated that SF Tomorrow had similar recommendations to the Citizen's Advisory Council. They like scenario #2 the best because it would raise fines to $100. Garage rates could be raised to approach the market rate. The Agency should institute a downtown congestion fee. Don't charge for transfers, or eliminate owl or express service. David Pilpel stated that the first four scenarios were instructive but not realistic. He suggested that scenario #5 was the best option. None of the choices are fun or palatable, and are not great choices. Increasing fines by $10 is a provocative proposal but would be difficult to get that approved. Significant service cuts could be accommodated through operator attrition but would mean layoffs in other classifications such as maintenance and human resources. Ellen Murray stated the administration came out with policies that carry out their agenda. All practicality had been eliminated by the proposals. The longer-term proposals don't include a user fee on business or properties that gain from transit. Management has excluded downtown for paying. Susan King, SF Green Party, presented the Green Party's platform. Car drivers should pay more of the costs. She stated that scenario #2 had good ideas. She liked no layoffs, service cuts or fare increases. Enforcement of parking violations should be increased and some fees should be higher such as sidewalk parking. Parking rates should be increased to bring garages to market rates. Raise the Residential Parking Permit (RPP) fee to more than $50 and expand the cost for additional vehicles registered to same household. Include the congestion fees suggested by Supervisor McGoldrick and explore a downtown tax. Sarah Norr spoke against any fare increase. She thinks garage rates should be raised to market rates because the city shouldn't subsidize parking. Raise the RPP above $50. She noted that these decisions were being made in a political and economic climate that was already hitting poor people hard. They have no money for schools, healthcare or housing and its unfair to increase the burden already being placed on poor people. Diane Burke wondered why they senior and disabled fares were being raised by 50%. The drivers have hearts of gold but they're letting people on without paying. Don't cut the 9 or 38 because they go to hospitals. Glenda Lavigne, TWU- Local 200, stated that she wasn't going to advocate for any scenario. She wondered why the budget states that there are seven 9160's when there were only five. She suggested looking at salaries, rents and at what the Agency was doing. She wondered who was accountable. Marc Salomon stated that studies about getting revenue from downtown should be the #1 priority. A sales tax isn't going to happen. He called the scenarios wildly unrealistic, unfair and designed to divide and conquer. He wants to see Sunday meter charges and pegging fares to inflation. He'd like to get entity on the path to long-term financial stability rather than in crisis mode. Andrew Sullivan, Rescue Muni, stated that none of the scenarios were attractive but #5 looked like the least harmful. Rescue Muni doesn't like to see fares increased. The Agency needs to increase parking fees and fines by $25-30 rather than by $10 to achieve real revenue. When people have a disincentive to drive, it provides an incentive to take Muni. It shouldn't be cheaper to park illegally than to ride Muni legally. He thinks the Lifeline fast pass makes sense because the poorest folks should get a discount but cautioned staff to make sure it doesn't become an opportunity for fraud. Casey Mills stated that the strategy to isolate various proposals was impossible to achieve. The first two scenarios are unreasonable and scenario five was uncreative. He supports increasing parking rates to encourage public transportation and decrease car use. Balance the budget on the backs of those who are most able to pay for it. Start thinking now about long-term solutions. Sue Vaughan, SF Green Party, stated that world experts say that oil production would peak in 2007 so the only environmentally option was conservation. Tax transportation systems that are not sustainable on planetary level. They opt for scenario two, raising parking fees and fines and increasing parking and moving violations. Scenario #5 will strand riders who rely on Muni. Meredith Walters stated that the first scenarios manipulate the public to make the last one seem reasonable. Not all options were being considered, such as expanding parking meter operations. Don't raise fares. Affordable public transportation is a basic human right. James Collins stated that he was angry over the proposals and is not in support of any of them. He wondered whether the directors were taking a cut in salary. He stated that downtown was laughing at poor people who have to pay for Muni. Come up with a fair and equal balance. Raising fares is the wrong way to go. Monies are being mishandled. Bill Murphy stated that if a majority of riders were asked, they would say to come up with something more creative. Tax downtown drivers, raise parking and garage fees, create a downtown transit assessment district, and increase meter rates and parking fines. These will lead to a less polluting and more pedestrian friendly city. He was opposed to fare increases and service cuts. Ellis McDonald thinks that only one of the solutions called for no fare increases or service cuts. Charging people only $10 more to tow people who are congesting city and slowing Muni is crazy. There is gross mismanagement at the top. Jim Haas stressed that two-thirds of all riders don't currently pay the full rate. People who don't pay full fares are people who buy fast passes. Passes allow for ease of boarding. Two-thirds of the rear door boarders have passes. Staff should encourage more people to buy passes. He proposed a standard per trip fare of $2, no discount fares and the expansion of other passes. The Agency needs to rethink its' fare structure. John-Marc Chandonia, SF Green Party, supports the Green Party platform. Stated that it was cheap to drive. Current structure encourages driving. Don't raise fares. Lack of creative thinking. More enforcement/expand meter times, expand RPP zones. Enforcement officers don't ticket cars on sidewalk unless someone complains. Tow cars parked in front of driveways without waiting for owner. There is a tolerance of lawlessness among drivers. Richard Marquez stated that an increasing number of people were opposed to increased fares and service cuts. The tide is turning against "business as usual". The Board of Supervisors is pushing for a democratic dialogue before the deal is done. Poorest riders are being squeezed by these proposals. The service cuts will fall heavily on the southeast sector of the city. The Bank of America and war profiteers like Bechtel should pay. Aurora Grajeda stated that the deficit projected by the MTA was incorrect. Management should be improved because it's not working. Poor people are resigned to these increases and won't come out to speak. Herbert Weiner stated that Muni should pay riders to ride. The scenarios sound like a leg amputation for a brain tumor. The problems lie within the senior management bureaucracy where the tumors of mismanagement continued to exist. Discharging highly paid executives without replacing them would prevent service cuts. The Board shouldn't spread the pain but should rectify things. Barbara Groth praised Muni and stated that Muni didn't compare to any other transit agency in the US. She noted that ½ or ¾'s of all riders rode for free and requested police officers to ride Muni to end fare evasion. She suggested that the push buttons on the side of the streetcars encouraged fare evasion. Diana Valentine read a statement from Donna Gates, a homeless woman who couldn't attend. Increasing the bus fare in Atlanta made MARTA service worse. Don't raise the bus fare. Muni needs to be audited. Find another way to balance the budget without hurting riders. Ms. Valentine stated that she was ashamed that the burden of the fares was being put on the riders and that the burden to come up with a solution was also being put on the riders. William Sisk, President, 250-A, stated that de facto service cuts already existed. He expressed hope that the Board would make the right decision. He added that while he didn't want to go on record supporting a fare increase, he realizes that seniors and the handicapped couldn't afford a fare increase. Sandra Boldridge spoke against cutting operator hours. She saw an operator being assaulted who asked a rider to pay the fare and saw another operator assaulted for refusing to give into someone demanding a free transfer. Michael Benardo stated that downtown needed to pay. Teenagers needed to be forced to pay their fare as well. He suggested looking at reestablishing directional transfers. Muni used to own land at 17th and Kansas, which could be used to bring revenue to Muni. If necessary, he suggested a watered down combination of scenarios #2 and #4. Roger Bazeley stated that politics and special interests were taking away from fair and balanced policy choices. Capital investments needed to be equated with realistic forecasting. He supported scenario #5 combined with selected adjustments in service. He supported an even-playing field with increases in fines, fees, fares and adjustments. London is a special environment and is very different from San Francisco. Fares have never covered the cost of running the system. John Coll expressed outrage over the proposal to eliminate community lines. People are entirely dependent on those lines and would have to resort to taxi cabs. He called the scenarios ill conceived and an attack on San Francisco's lifestyle. Otto Duffy expressed sympathy for the situation but urged that fare increases be phased in over seven years. He suggested a gas tax of .25 cents per gallon and raising the cash fare during peak hours. Don't charge for transfers or eliminate them or discontinue tokens. Continue to favor non-cash fares such as tokens and fast passes and look at cutting service. Katherine Roberts, SF Green Party spoke against all five scenarios. The "goon squads" who go after people who don't know they had to have proof of payment are abusive. She wondered why "goon squads" weren't going after people parking on sidewalks and in bike and bus lanes. She suggested going after those people as an experiment prior to discussing fare increases. Fran Taylor, Walk San Francisco, spoke against fare increases. He noted that cars blocking sidewalks were rarely enforced. Un-ticketed cars were rampant and rather than raising fines, enforce the ones that currently exist. She commented that DPT tickets ten times more for street cleaning than it did for sidewalk violations. Kara Brodfuehryn advocated against raising fares because it unfairly burdens poor people. Instead, the MTA should raise the RPP fee from $50 to $250, raise meter rates, and increase parking garage rates to market value. Heriberto Quesada spoke for sick and disabled people who couldn't attend the meeting. Poor people will be deeply affected by fare increases and service cuts. It's very important to not burden poor and sick people, as they will be most effected. Alysabeth Alexander stated that the scenarios were insulting. Nos. 1 and 3 weren't feasible and the others didn't include suggestions made by the public at the last meeting. People rely on Muni for safety and job security and can't afford to pay more or have less service. Having a car is a privilege, which people should pay for. Jeremy Nelson, Transportation for a Livable City (TLC), thanked the MTA for the scenarios presented. He stated that TLC was opposed to service cuts and fare increases. The budget was presented as a fair and balanced budget but people who can't shoulder the burden are being disproportionately asked to do so. Transit should continue to be subsidized. Raising meter rates, fees, fines and garage rates should reduce subsidies for drivers. Pass a budget that corresponds to the second scenario. Mike Lonergan, TWU-Local 200, asked the Board to consider how these measures would affect the economy, environmental and the entire region. David Tornheim, Central City Progressives, stated that his bus was late, which happened all the time. Prop. E promised better service but the MTA was talking about a 24% reduction of service. The MTA should push hard to tax vehicle use, parcels and gas. Raise a DTAD. Releasing the scenarios a couple days ago didn't give the public enough time to review them and provide valid feedback. Supervisor McGoldrick's congestion zone is interesting. Morena Castenada spoke on behalf of seniors and students. She urged the Board to not pass the budget. Students have to spend a lot of money for tuition. Transportation is the only way to get to school and people can't pay more for increased fares. Muni should be free for students. Chairman Vaughns thanked the speakers for their input and closed public comment. Director Kasolas stated that the best alternative was scenario #5. He requested that staff be as creative as possible to effect the proposals. He would like to see the increases for seniors, disabled and youth removed. For long-term solutions, staff should continue to pursue all possible avenues. Director Din expressed the hope that increasing meter hours could help close the gap. On Sunday, businesses would like the meters to be turned over to generate more income. Enforcement could be more aggressive. Director Black stated that she would like to see downtown pay something because businesses downtown are getting by without paying. She worries when she hears that people are boarding buses without paying because she doesn't want operators put in jeopardy. Exec. Director Burns replied that the Agency currently had a pilot program on the 14-line and would expand it to other lines, as personnel became available. Chairman Vaughns stated that she had heard a lot of talk about taxing downtown and large businesses. A downtown assessment district would need to be equitable because there were more small businesses than large in the downtown area. Chairman Vaughns noted that everyone would have to "step out of the box" to resolve this problem. Resolution would be difficult and the solution would touch each of us. Exec. Director Burns expressed his appreciation to the public for their comments and stated that staff would bring a proposal to the Board on February 28th . Staff will continue to work on a sales tax, vehicle impact tax, parking tax and downtown transit assessment district. Any new tax would require approval by the voters and revenues from those taxes would not help resolve the FY06 deficit. It is not prudent to rely on approval at the ballot to balance the budget. Chairman Vaughns stated that it was her understanding that labor was, in fact, communicating and collaborating with management regarding the budget deficit, however, during public comment, she thought she heard a labor representative say that they were not going to participate. Fellow Board members stated that they had also heard that TWU was not going to participate. MUNICIPAL RAILWAY 13. Authorizing the Director to award Contract No. MR-1210, Muni Metro Subway Overhead Reconstruction, to Shimmick Construction Co., including the option to furnish additional spare parts, for a total contract amount of $8,020,500; and authorizing the Director to execute an amendment to furnish section insulators in the amount of $77,000. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.) (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution and financial plan.) No public comment. RESOLUTION 05-026 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Kasolas, McCray, and Vaughns ABSENT - Mezey 14. Authorizing the Director to execute Amendment No. 4 to Contract CS No. 114 Consulting Engineering and Support Services for the Trolley Coach Replacement Program with Booz Allen Hamilton, to increase the contract amount by $1,195,741, for a total amount not to exceed $8,831,125, for continuation of engineering and warranty support services, with no further extension to the Contract. (Explanatory documents include a staff report, resolution, amendment and financial plan.) No public comment. RESOLUTION 05-027 On motion to approve: ADOPTED: AYES - Black, Din, Kasolas, McCray, and Vaughns ABSENT - Mezey ADJOURN -The meeting was adjourned at 7:25 p.m. A tape of the meeting is on file in the office of the Secretary to the Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors.Roberta Boomer The Ethics Commission of the City and County of San Francisco has asked us to remind individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance [ S.F. Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code section 2.100 et seq. ] to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the Ethics Commission at 415-581-2300; fax: 415-581-2317; 30 Van Ness Ave., Suite 3900, SF, CA 94102-6027 or the web site: |
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