Return to SFMTA Board Nov. 2, 2010, agenda
DIVISION: Sustainable Streets Division
Requesting that the SFMTA Board of Directors approve a resolution amending Division II of the San Francisco Traffic Code by amending Sections 302 and 501 and adding Section 503.
· This amendment includes a new Section 503 (Commercial Passenger Vehicles; Restricted Streets) that establishes in the Transportation Code street segment restrictions that were formerly in Sections 1183 et seq. of the San Francisco Police Code.
· As part of the implementation of Prop. A, the Police Code provisions were repealed, but were inadvertently not reestablished in the new Transportation Code.
· While the legislation is updated to clarify or remove outdated provisions contained in the former Police Code provisions, there are no proposed changes to the specific street segments where commercial passenger vehicles are restricted.
· Traffic Code Section 302 is amended to add a fine for violations of Section 503, which is a moving violation enforced by the San Francisco Police Department.
· The amendment also includes a minor technical correction and clarification to Transportation Code Section 501 (Vehicle Weight Restrictions).
· In accordance with the requirements of Charter Sections 4.104 and 16.112, notice of this public hearing on the fine amounts has been published.
1. SFMTAB Resolution
2. Amendment to Division II of the Transportation Code
SFMTA Board approval of this resolution would amend San Francisco Transportation Code, Division II, by amending Section 501 (Vehicle Weight Restrictions) to make a technical correction and clarification, adding Section 503 to establish street segment restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles; that were formerly contained in the San Francisco Police Code, and amending Section 302 to provide a penalty for violations of Section 503. There are no changes to the street segments where commercial passenger vehicles are restricted.
Goal 1 – Customer Focus: To provide safe, accessible, clean, environmentally sustainable service and encourage the use of auto-alternative modes through the Transit First Policy.
The passage of Proposition A by the voters in 2007 amended the San Francisco Charter to give the SFMTA broad authority to regulate the flow of vehicles and traffic on City streets, including specific authority to limit the use of certain streets to categories of vehicles. As part of the implementation of Proposition A, the City's former Traffic Code and various traffic-related provisions located in other City codes were repealed, and these laws were consolidated in the new Transportation Code.
In carrying out the implementation of Proposition A, the Board of Supervisors passed Ordinance 287-08, which repealed San Francisco Police Code Article 16 Division IX (Section 1183 et seq.), containing the street restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles. Section 1183 of the Police Code read in part that:
It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any commercial motor vehicle with seating capacity of eight or more passengers, other than a passenger-carrying commercial van, used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation, or profit, upon the streets or areas designated in Section 1183.1 et seq. of this Article. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate any passenger-carrying commercial van, used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit, upon the streets or areas designated in Sections 1183.14 et seq. of this Article.
Ordinance 287-08 also added a new Section 7.2.87 to the San Francisco Transportation Code, Division I, to replace the previous regulation contained in the Police Code. Section 7.2.87 makes it a violation
To operate a commercial motor vehicle with a seating capacity of eight or more passengers used or maintained for the transportation of persons for hire, compensation or profit upon the streets or areas designated in Division II, Section 503, except as permitted in that Section.
Code Division II, however, does not currently include a Section 503; the designation
of street segment restrictions was inadvertently omitted. This proposed legislation
would amend Division II by adding Section 503, containing the restricted street
segments, and updating the exemptions applicable to those restrictions to
eliminating obsolete provisions and conform to applicable State laws, including
the California Vehicle Code and California Public Utilities Commission requirements.
In addition, the scope of the restrictions has been revised to apply to
vehicles carrying 9 or more passengers including the driver, rather than the
previous “eight or more passengers,” to clarify the original intent of the law.
Signs already posted on the streets in question (reading TOUR BUSES AND VANS
PROHIBITED, pictured to the right) will not be affected by this regulation.
The street segment restrictions listed in Section 503 are the segments that were contained in the prior Police Code provisions. The street segments have been ordered alphabetically. No additional streets are being proposed as part of this regulation, although the restriction at 6th Avenue, between Lincoln Way and Kirkham Street (former Police Code Section 1183.30), which had a note in the Police Code that it was due to expire December 31, 2001, has been made permanent (the signs announcing this restriction were never removed). The addition of any additional streets in the future would require an amendment of Section 503 by SFMTA Board.
Section 302 has also been amended to include a fine for violations of Section 7.2.87. The fine schedule was developed in consultation with the San Francisco Police Department, and consists of a graduated fine schedule as follows: $100.00 for the first offense; $200.00 for the 2nd offense within one year; and $500.00 for the third offense within one year.
Today’s public hearing on the proposed fine amounts for violations of Section 503 was noticed in the City’s newspaper on accordance with Sections 4.104 and 16.112 of the City Charter.
If the proposed amendments are not adopted, Division I would have to be amended by the Board of Supervisors to remove a reference to Section 503 of Division II. Commercial passenger restrictions would then have to be approved through resolutions of the SFMTA Board rather than by changes to a specific chapter of Division II of the Transportation Code. The proposed listing of regulations in the Transportation Code, however, was considered to be more in keeping with previous City practices on this matter.
None. Fines for violation of Section 7.2.87 are considered moving violations, which are not collected by the SFMTA but by the SFPD.
This legislation has been determined to be categorically exempt from Environmental Review, Class/Section 15060(c)(2) non-physical change, by Jerry Robbins of the Sustainable Streets Division.
The City Attorney’s Office has reviewed this calendar item and the proposed Transportation Code amendments.
SFMTA staff recommends that the SFMTA Board of Directors approve and adopt the proposed amendments to Articles 300 and 500 of the Transportation Code, to impose restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles on certain street segments, fix penalties for violation of those restrictions, and make a technical correction and clarification.
RESOLUTION No. ______________
WHEREAS, In the past, the City and County of San Francisco restricted commercial passenger vehicles on certain street segments in the City; and,
WHEREAS, As part of the implementation of Proposition A, the Board of Supervisors repealed Division IX of Article 16 of the San Francisco Police Code (Sections 1183 et. seq.), which established street segment restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles as such restrictions now fall under the SFMTA's jurisdiction; and,
WHEREAS, The street segment restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles formerly found in Sections 1183 et seq. of the Police Code were inadvertently omitted from Division II of the Transportation Code; and,
WHEREAS, San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency staff has prepared amendments to amend Division II of the Transportation Code to reinstate the street segment restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles, set penalty amounts for violations of those restrictions, and make a minor clarification and a correction to the provisions governing streets subject to vehicle weight restrictions; and,
WHEREAS, Pursuant to Section 10 of the SFMTA Rules of Order and Charter Sections 4.104 and 16.112, a duly noticed public hearing on the proposed fine amounts has been held before the SFMTA Board; and,
WHEREAS, This legislation has been determined to be categorically exempt from Environmental Review, Class/Section 15060(c)(2) non-physical change; and,
WHEREAS, Said CEQA determination is on file with the Secretary to the SFMTA and is incorporated herein by this reference now, therefore, be it
RESOLVED, That the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors approves and adopts amendments to Articles 300 and 500 of the Transportation Code, to impose restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles on certain street segments, fix penalties for violation of those restrictions, and make a technical correction and clarification.
I hereby certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors at its meeting of ___________________________.
Secretary to the Board of Directors
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
[Amending Transportation Code Division II to make a technical correction and to establish street restrictions for commercial passenger vehicles seating nine or more persons.]
Resolution amending Division II of the Transportation Code by amending Section 501 to make a technical correction and clarification, adding Section 503 to prohibit commercial vehicles with a seating capacity of nine or more persons, including the driver, from operating on designated street segments, and amending Section 302 to establish a penalty amount for violations of Section 503.
NOTE: Additions are [begin addition] single-underline Times New Roman [end addition] ;
are [begin deletion] strike-through Times New Roman [end deletion] .
The Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors of the City and County of San Francisco enacts the following regulations:
Section 1. Article 300 of Division II of the Transportation Code is hereby amended by amending Section 302, to read as follows:
Violation of any of the following subsections of the San Francisco Transportation Code shall be punishable by the fines set forth below.
Traffic Code Sections 77, 78 |
Div I 7.2.10 |
Pedestrian Crossings |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 104 |
Div I 7.2.11 |
Electric Assistive Personal Mobility Devices |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 96 |
Div I 7.2.12 |
Bicycle Riding Restricted |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 100 |
Div I 7.2.13 |
NUV Violation |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 315(a) |
Div I 7.2.20 |
Residential Parking |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Section 412(a) |
Div I 7.2.20 |
Carpool Parking |
$38.00 |
Traffic Code Section 37(c) |
Div I 7.2.22 |
Street Cleaning |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Section 202.1 |
Div I 7.2.23(a) |
Parking Meter- Downtown Core |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Section 202 |
Div I 7.2.23(b) |
Parking Meter- Outside Downtown Core |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Section 38A |
Div I 7.2.25 |
Red Zone |
$90.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 38B, 38B.1 |
Div I 7.2.26 |
Yellow Zone |
$75.00 |
Traffic Code Section 38C |
Div I 7.2.27 |
White Zone |
$90.00 |
Traffic Code Section 38D |
Div I 7.2.28 |
Green Zone |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Section 37(a) |
Div I 7.2.29 |
Parking for Three Days |
$90.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32(c)(1) |
Div I 7.2.30(a) |
Overtime Parking--Downtown Core |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32(c)(2) |
Div I 7.2.30(b) |
Overtime Parking Outside Downtown Core |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 32.13, 55 |
Div I 7.2.32 |
Angled Parking |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32.21 |
Div I 7.2.33 |
Blocking Residential Door |
$38.00 |
Traffic Code Section 56 |
Div I 7.2.34 |
Median Dividers and Islands |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Section 58(a) |
Div I 7.2.35 |
Parking on Grades |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 61 |
Div I 7.2.36 |
100 Feet Oversize |
$65.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 27, 219 |
Div I 7.2.37 |
Motorcycle Parking |
$90.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 33.5, 39(b), 66 |
Div I 7.2.38 |
Parking in Stand |
$90.00 |
Traffic Code Section 53(a) |
Div I 7.2.39 |
Parking Transit-Only |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32(a)(1) |
Div I 7.2.40 |
Tow-Away Zone -Downtown Core |
$85.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32(a)(2) |
Div I 7.2.41 |
Tow-Away Zone-Outside Downtown Core |
$75.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32(b) |
Div I 7.2.42 |
Parking Restrictions |
$75.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32, 32.1, 32.1.1, 32.1.2, 32.1.3, 32.1.11, 32.1.4, 32.1.7, 32.1.9, 32.1.10, 32.2, 32.2.1, 32.2.2, 32.2.3, 32.3, 32.3.1, 32.4.2(b), 32.5, 32.6, 32.6.2, 32.6.3, 32.6.5, 32.6.6, 32.6.7, 32.6.8, 32.6.11, 32.6.13, 32.6.16, 32.6.18, 32.6.19, 32.6.20, 32.6.21, 32.6.22, 32.6.23, 32.6.24, 32.6.25, 32.6.26, 32.6.27, 32.6.28, 32.6.29, 32.6.30, 32.6.31, 32.6.32, 32.6.34, 32.6.35 |
Div I 7.2.43 |
Parking-Public Property |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 32.4, 32.4.1 |
Div I 7.2.44 |
Parking-Candlestick Park |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Section 33(c) |
Div I 7.2.45 |
Temporary Parking Restriction |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Section 33.1 |
Div I 7.2.46 |
Temporary Construction Zone |
$55.00 |
Traffic Code Section 21 |
Div I 7.2.47 |
Remove Chalk |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 65 |
Div I 7.2.48 |
Repairing Vehicle |
$70.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 315(c), 412(c), 712(c) |
Div I 7.2.49 |
Permit on Wrong Car |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 315(d), 412(d), 712(d) |
Div I 7.2.50 |
Invalid Permit |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 32.4.2(b), 32.14, 58(c) |
Div I 7.2.51 |
Parking Marked Space |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 38N |
Div I 7.2.52 |
Prk in Bicycle Lanes |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 32.10, 32.11 |
Div I 7.2.60 |
Parking Facility Charges |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32.15 |
Div I 7.2.61 |
Entrance/Exit Parking Facility |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32.14 |
Div I 7.2.62 |
Blocking Space Parking Facility |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32.16 |
Div I 7.2.63 |
Speeding within Parking Facility |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 32.21A |
Div I 7.2.64 |
Block Charging Bay |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 70 |
Div I 7.2.70 |
Obstruction of Traffic-Vehicle |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 194.3 |
Div I 7.2.71 |
Obstruction of Traffic Without Permit |
Traffic Code Section 194.3 |
Div I 7.3.3 |
Obstruction of Traffic Without Permit |
$1,000, or 6 months in jail, or both (4th or more offenses within one year) |
Traffic Code Sections 31, 31.2 |
Div I 7.2.72 |
Driving in Transit-Only Area |
$60.00 |
Traffic Code Section 103 |
Div I 7.2.73 |
Driving Through Parades |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Section 121 |
Div I 7.2.74 |
Streetcar Right-of-Way |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Section 122 |
Div I 7.2.75 |
Passing Safety Zones |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Section 25 |
Div I 7.2.76 |
Removal of Vehicles-Collision |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 28.1--28.1.109 |
Div I 7.2.77 |
Weight Restricted Streets |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Section 63.2 |
Div I 7.2.80 |
Vehicles for Hire Parking |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 63.3 |
Div I 7.2.81 |
Advertising Sign |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 68 |
Div I 7.2.82 |
Selling from Vehicle |
$100.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 33.3, 33.3.2 |
Div I 7.2.83 |
Truck Loading Zone |
$75.00 |
Traffic Code Sections 63, 63(A), 63.1 |
Div I 7.2.84 |
Commercial Vehicle Parking Restrictions |
$105.00 |
Traffic Code Section 60.5 |
Div I 7.2.86 |
Idling Engine While Parked |
$100.00 |
[begin addition] Police Code Sections 1183-1183.40 [end addition] |
[begin addition] Div I 7.2.87 [end addition] |
[begin addition] Commercial Passenger Vehicle Street Restrictions [end addition] |
[begin addition] $100.00 |
Police Code Section 710.2 |
Div. I 7.2.88 |
For Sale Sign |
$50.00 |
Traffic Code Section 127 |
Div I 7.2.101 |
Fare Evasion |
$75.00 (1st offense) $250.00 (2nd offense w/in 1 year) $500.00 (3rd offense w/in 1 year) |
Traffic Code Section 128 |
Div I 7.2.102 |
Passenger Misconduct |
$75.00 (1st offense) $250.00 (2nd offense w/in 1 year) $500.00 (3rd offense w/in 1 year) |
Traffic Code Section 128.5 |
Div I 7.2.103 |
Conversing with Operator |
$50.00 |
Section 2. Article 500 of Division II of the Transportation Code is hereby amended by amending Section 501, to read as follows:
(a) The operation of a vehicle with gross weight in excess of 6,000 pounds on the Streets listed in Section 501(b), or the operation of a vehicle with unladen weight in excess of 18,000 pounds on any Street listed in Section 501(c) is a violation of Division I, Section 7.2.77 (Weight Restricted Streets).
(b) [begin addition] 6,000 lbs Limits. [end addition] No person shall operate a vehicle of a gross weight in excess of 6,000 pounds on the following Streets:
(1) 25th Street between Sanchez and Dolores Streets.
(2) 26th Street between Church and Sanchez Streets.
(3) 27th Street between Douglass and Castro Streets.
(4) 28th Street between Douglass and Diamond Streets.
(5) 29th Street between Diamond and Castro Street.
(6) 34th Avenue between Wawona and Yorba Streets.
(7) Alabama Street, between Ripley Street and South Precita Avenue.
(8) Albion Street between 15th and 17th Streets.
(9) Alhambra Street between Scott Street and Cervantes Boulevard.
(10) Anza Vista Avenue between O'Farrell and Baker Streets.
(11) Bacon Street between Somerset Street and San Bruno Avenue.
(12) Baker Street between Terra Vista Avenue and Turk Street.
(13) Baker Street between Union Street Avenue and Marina Boulevard.
(14) Barcelona Avenue between Terra Vista and Anza Vista Avenues.
(15) Bay Street between Laguna Street and Columbus Avenue.
(16) Beaumont Avenue between Turk and Anza Streets.
(17) Blanken Avenue between Tunnel Avenue and Executive Park Boulevard.
(18) Broderick Street between Richardson Avenue and Union Street.
(19) Broderick Street between O'Farrell Street and Turk Street.
(20) Brussels Street between Silver Avenue and Burrows Street.
(21) Buchanan Street between Broadway and Union Streets.
(22) Buchanan Street between Lombard and Chestnut Streets.
(23) Burrows Street between Somerset Street and San Bruno Avenue.
(24) Cayuga Avenue between Geneva and Foote Avenues.
(25) Cedro Avenue between Mercedes Way and Ocean Avenue.
(26) Cerritos Avenue between Mercedes Way and Ocean Avenue.
(27) Cervantes Boulevard between Fillmore Street and Marina Boulevard.
(28) Cesar Chavez Street between Church and Noe Streets.
(29) Chattanooga Street between Twenty-first and Jersey Streets.
(30) Chestnut Street between Montgomery and Sansome Streets.
(31) Chestnut Street between Laguna Street and Van Ness Avenue.
(32) Chestnut Street between Lyon Street and Broderick Street.
(33) Chestnut Street between Polk Street and Columbus Avenue.
(34) Claremont Boulevard between Portola Drive and Taraval Street.
(35) Clipper Street between Diamond Heights Boulevard and Dolores Street.
(36) College Avenue between Genebern Way and Mission Street.
(37) Commonwealth Avenue between Geary Boulevard and California Street.
(38) Corbett Avenue between Clayton and Seventeenth Streets.
(39) Crane Street between Paul Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard.
(40) Del Vale Avenue between Evelyn Way and O'Shaughnessy Boulevard.
(41) Delano Avenue between Geneva and Ottawa Avenues.
(42) Dewey Boulevard between Laguna Honda Boulevard and Taraval Street.
(43) Diamond Heights Boulevard between the westerly leg of Berkeley Way and Elk Street.
(44) Diamond Street between Chenery Street and Diamond Heights Boulevard.
(45) Douglass Street between Twenty-seventh and Twenty-eight Streets.
(46) Duncan Street between Diamond Street and Diamond Heights Boulevard.
(47) Ecker Street between Jessie and Mission Streets.
(48) Eddy Street between Divisadero Street and St. Joseph's Avenue.
(49) Eighteenth Avenue between Vicente and Ulloa Streets.
(50) Elk Street between Bosworth and Chenery Streets.
(51) Elk Street between Diamond Heights Boulevard and Chenery Street.
(52) Ellis Street between Divisadero Street and St. Joseph's Avenue.
(53) Encanto Avenue between Terra Vista and Anza Vista Avenues.
(54) Encline Court between Marietta Drive and the Eastern Terminus.
(55) Everglade Drive between Sloat Boulevard and Eucalyptus Drive.
(56) Fair Oaks Street between Twenty-first and Twenty-sixth Streets.
(57) Felton Street between Somerset Street and San Bruno Avenue.
(58) Filbert Street between Divisadero and Lyon Streets.
(59) Filbert Street between Polk and Taylor Streets.
(60) Fillmore Street between Broadway and Union Streets.
(61) Folsom Street between Precita Avenue and Bernal Heights Boulevard; and Bernal Heights Boulevard between Folsom Street and Bernal Heights Park (approximately 350 feet).
(62) Foote Avenue between Alemany Boulevard and San Jose Avenue.
(63) Fortuna Avenue between Terra Vista and Anza Vista Avenues.
(64) Francisco Street between Montgomery and Kearny Streets.
(65) Francisco Street between Baker and Scott Streets.
(66) Francisco Street between Laguna Street and Van Ness Avenue.
(67) Francisco Street between Lyon Street, and Richardson Avenue.
(68) Francisco Street between Polk Street and Columbus Avenue.
(69) Franklin Street between California and Lombard Streets.
(70) Genebern Way between Alemany Boule vard and College Avenue.
(71) Gilman Avenue between Third and Fitch Streets.
(72) Girard Street between Silver Avenue and Bacon Street.
(73) Goettingen Street between Silver Avenue and Bacon Street.
(74) Gough Street between Jackson and Union Streets.
(75) Gough Street between Union and California Streets.
(76) Great Highway between Lincoln Way and Sloat Boulevard.
(77) Green Street between Grant Avenue and Montgomery Street.
(78) Green Street between Polk and Mason Streets.
(79) Greenwich Street between Divisadero and Lyon Streets.
(80) Greenwich Street between Franklin Street and Van Ness Avenue.
(81) Greenwich Street between Polk and Taylor Streets.
(82) Guerrero Street between Eighteenth and Cesar Chavez Streets.
(83) Hollister Avenue between Third and Hawes Streets.
(84) Ingalls Street between Fitzgerald and Jamestown Avenues.
(85) Ingerson Avenue between Third Street and Giants Drive.
(86) Innes Avenue between Middle Point Road and Hunters Point Boulevard.
(87) Jamestown Avenue between Third Street and Harney Way.
(88) Jennings Street between Fitzgerald and Jamestown Avenues.
(89) Jennings Street between Palou and Thomas Avenues.
(90) Jersey Street between Castro and Church Streets.
(91) Jones Street between California and Pine Streets.
(92) Jones Street between Columbus and Pacific Avenues.
(93) Jordan Avenue between Geary Boulevard and California Street.
(94) Kansas Street between Twenty-second and Twenty-third Streets.
(95) Kearny Street between Francisco and Bay Streets.
(96) Keith Street between Palou and Van Dyke Avenues.
(97) Kensington Way between Claremont Boulevard and Portola Drive.
(98) Laguna Street between Broadway and Union Streets.
(99) Lane Street between Palou and Van Dyke Avenues.
(100) Larkin Street between Chestnut and Francisco Streets.
(101) Larkin Street between Bay Street and Pacific Avenue.
(102) Lathrop Avenue between Tunnel and Tocoloma Avenues.
(103) Laurel Street between Mayfair Drive and Euclid.
(104) Leavenworth Street between Bay Street and Pacific Avenue.
(105) Ledyard Street, between Silver Avenue and Thornton Avenue.
(106) Lombard Street between Montgomery and Sansome Streets.
(107) Lombard Street between Stockton and Kearny Streets.
(108) Lombard Street between Hyde and Leavenworth Streets.
(109) Lombard Street between Polk and Leavenworth Streets.
(110) Lyon Street between Lombard and Francisco Streets.
(111) Lyon Street between Green and Lombard Streets.
(112) Marietta Drive Between Evelyn Way and Teresita Boulevard.
(113) Marina Boulevard between Lyon and Laguna Streets.
(114) Mariposa Street between Mississippi and Connecticut Streets.
(115) Mariposa Street between Vermont and Kansas Streets.
(116) Masonic Avenue between Waller Street and Frederick Street.
(117) Mayfair Drive between Laurel and Spruce Streets.
(118) Mendell Street between Galvez and Hudson Avenues.
(119) Middle Point Road between Evans and Innes Avenues.
(120) Monterey Boulevard between Ridgewood and Santa Clara Avenues.
(121) Montgomery Street between Green Street and Broadway Streets.
(122) Montgomery Street between Lombard and Francisco Streets.
(123) Mount Vernon Avenue between Alemany Boulevard and San Jose Avenue.
(124) Newhall Street, between Innes and Hudson Avenues.
(125) Newhall Street between Palou and Quesada Avenues.
(126) Niagara Avenue between Alemany Boulevard and San Jose Avenue.
(127) Nido Avenue between Vega and Turk Streets.
(128) Octavia Street between Broadway and Union Streets.
(129) Ottawa Avenue between Alemany Boulevard and Otega Avenue.
(130) Pacheco Street between Dewey Boulevard and Ninth Avenue.
(131) Palm Avenue between Geary Boulevard and California Street.
(132) Palou Avenue between Selby and Griffith Streets.
(133) Parker Avenue between Geary Boulevard and California Street.
(134) Parker Avenue between Turk and Anza Streets.
(135) Pennsylvania Street between Mariposa and Twenty-second Streets.
(136) Pond Street between 16th and 17th Streets.
(137) Powell Street between Sutter and California Street.
(138) Quesada Avenue between Ingalls and Hawes Streets.
(139) Quesada Avenue between Third and Ingalls Streets.
(140) Revere Avenue between Ingalls and Hawes Streets.
(141) Revere Avenue between Third and Ingalls Streets.
(142) Rossi Avenue between Turk and Anza Streets.
(143) Santa Clara Avenue between Monterey Boulevard and Portola Drive.
(144) Scotia Avenue between Silver Avenue and Thornton Avenue.
(145) Scott Street between California and Bush Streets.
(146) Shafter Avenue between Ingalls and Hawes Streets.
(147) Shafter Avenue between Third and Ingalls Streets.
(148) Silliman Street between Somerset Street and San Bruno Avenue.
(149) Spruce Street, between Geary Boulevard and Euclid Street.
(150) St. Francis Boulevard between Portola Drive and San Anselmo Avenue.
(151) St. Joseph's Avenue between O'Farrell Street and Turk Street.
(152) Stanyan Street between 17th Street and Belgrave Street.
(153) Stanyan Street between Turk and Anza Streets.
(154) Taraval Street between 14th Avenue and Dewey Boulevard.
(155) Taylor Street between Pine and California Streets.
(156) Taylor Street between Columbus and Pacific Avenues.
(157) Telegraph Hill Boulevard.
(158) Terra Vista Avenue between Anza Vista and St. Joseph's Avenues.
(159) Thomas Avenue between Third and Jennings Streets.
(160) Thornton Avenue between Bayshore Boulevard and 3rd Street.
(161) Thorp Lane.
(162) Tunnel Avenue between Blanken Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard.
(163) Underwood Avenue between Third and Jennings Streets.
(164) Union Street between Lyon and Steiner Streets.
(165) Vallejo Street between Montgomery and Sansome Streets.
(166) Vallejo Street between Polk and Mason Streets.
(167) Vega Street between Nido and Anza Vista Avenues.
(168) Vermont Street between 17th and 18th Streets.
(169) Vermont Street between Twentieth and Twenty-second Streets.
(170) Vesta Street between Thornton Avenue and Williams Avenue.
(171) Vicente Street between Sixteenth and Nineteenth Avenues.
(172) Webster Street between Broadway and Union Streets.
(173) Webster Street between Bay Street and Marina Boulevard.
(174) Westwood Park area streets within an area bounded by the south side of Monterey Boulevard and the east side of Plymouth Avenue, the north side of Ocean Avenue and the west side of Faxon Avenue.
(175) Wheat Street between Paul Avenue and Bayshore Boulevard.
(176) Yerba Buena Avenue between Santa Clara Avenue and Miraloma Avenue.
(c) [begin addition] 18,000 lbs. Limit. [end addition] No person shall operate a vehicle with an unladen weight in excess of 18,000 pounds on the following Streets:
(1) Blanken Avenue between Bayshore Boulevard and Tunnel Avenue
(2) Tunnel Avenue between Blanken Avenue and Recycle Road
(d) [begin addition] Exemptions. [end addition] The provisions of this Section shall not be applicable to:
(1) Any vehicle which is subject to the provisions of Sections 1031 to 1036, inclusive, of the California Public Utilities Code and which has received a certificate from the CPUC pursuant to those Sections declaring that the public necessity and convenience require the operation of the vehicle, provided that the certificate authorizes that vehicle to be operated within the City, and the vehicle is being operated for the purpose authorized in [begin addition] , and consistent with the terms of, [end addition] the certificate. This exemption shall not apply to vehicles operated as round-trip sightseeing tour service as defined by the CPUC;
(2) Any
commercial vehicle coming from an unrestricted Street having ingress and egress
by direct route to and from that portion of the restricted Streets set forth [begin deletion] below [end deletion] [begin addition] above [end addition] ,
when necessary for the purpose of making pickups of refuse, pickups or
deliveries of passengers, goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building
or structure located on such restricted Street, or for the purpose of
delivering materials or equipment to be used in the actual and bona fide
repairs, alteration, remodeling or construction of such restricted Street, or
for any building or structure upon such restricted Street for which a building
permit has previously been obtained;
(3) Any vehicle owned by a public utility while in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility;
(4) Transit vehicles operated by the SFMTA along a regularly scheduled route;
(5) School buses when operated for the transportation of school pupils;
(6) Any vehicle owned by the City while being used in the course of official business;
(7) Emergency vehicles.
Section 3. Article 500 of Division II of the Transportation Code is hereby amended by adding Section 503, to read as follows:
(a) Prohibition. Operation of a commercial vehicle with seating capacity of nine or more persons (including the driver), used or maintained for the transportation of persons for profit, upon any Street listed in Section 503(b) is a violation of Division I, Section 7.2.87 (Commercial Passenger Vehicle Restrictions).
(b) Restricted Streets. Except as otherwise provided in this Code, no person shall operate a commercial vehicle with seating capacity of nine or more persons, including the driver, used or maintained for the transportation of persons for profit, upon the following Streets or within the following areas:
(1) 6th Avenue , between Lincoln Way and Kirkham Street.
(2) 16th Avenue , between Lawton and Noriega Streets.
(3) 15th Avenue , between 14th Avenue and Ortega Street.
(4) 18th Street , between Church and Market Streets.
(5) 25th Avenue between Lake Street and El Camino Del Mar.
(6) 26th Avenue, between Geary Boulevard and California Street, except that tour buses of 6,000 pounds or less in weight may operate in this location.
(7) Area bounded by Chestnut Street to Baker Street, to Marina Boulevard to Laguna Street, to Bay Street, to Franklin Street and returning to Chestnut Street, and including the boundary streets of the area.
(8) Area bounded by southerly line of Bay Street and Columbus Avenue, westerly line of Taylor Street, northerly line of Union Street and easterly line of Polk Street.
(9) Baker Street between Richardson Avenue and Union Street.
(10) Bay Street between Baker and Lyon Streets.
(11) Beaumont Avenue between Anza and Turk Streets.
(12) Broderick Street between O'Farrell and Turk Streets.
(13) Broderick Street between Richardson Avenue and Union Street.
(14) Chestnut Street between Lyon Street and Richardson Avenue.
(15) Corbett Avenue between 17th and 24th Streets.
(16) Eddy Street between Divisadero Street and St. Joseph's Avenue.
(17) El Camino Del Mar between 25th Avenue and Legion of Honor Drive.
(18) El Camino Del Mar between the Presidio (approximately 290 feet east of 25th Avenue) and 25th Avenue.
(19) Ellis Street between Divisadero Street and St. Joseph's Avenue.
(20) Filbert Street between Lyon and Divisadero Streets.
(21) Franklin Street between California and Lombard Streets.
(22) Green Street between Grant Avenue and Montgomery Street.
(23) Green Street between Polk and Mason Streets.
(24) Greenwich Street between Lyon and Divisadero Streets.
(25) Jones Street between Union Street and Pacific Avenue.
(26) Larkin Street between Union Street and Pacific Avenue.
(27) Leavenworth Street between Union Street and Pacific Avenue.
(28) Lombard Street between Stockton and Kearny Streets.
(29) Lombard Street between Van Ness Avenue and Polk Street.
(30) Lomita Avenue between 16th Avenue and Aloha Street.
(31) Lyon Street between Francisco and Green Streets.
(32) Montgomery Street between Green Street and Broadway.
(33) Moraga Street between 16th and 17th Avenues.
(34) Noriega Street between 14th Avenue and 16th Avenue.
(35) Olympia Way between Clarendon Avenue and Panorama Drive.
(36) Panorama Drive between Clarendon Avenue and Twin Peaks Boulevard.
(37) Parker Avenue between Anza and Turk Streets.
(38) Rossi Avenue between Anza and Turk Streets.
(39) Seal Rock Drive between 45th Avenue and El Camino Del Mar.
(40) St. Joseph's Avenue, between O'Farrell Street and Turk Street.
(41) Stanyan Street between Anza and Turk Streets.
(42) Taylor Street between Columbus Avenue and Pacific Avenue.
(43) Telegraph Hill Boulevard between Kearny Street and Coit Tower parking lot.
(44) Twin Peaks Boulevard between Clayton Street and Burnett Drive.
(45) Union Street between Steiner and Lyon Streets.
(46) Vallejo Street between Montgomery and Sansome Streets.
(47) Vallejo Street between Polk and Mason Streets.
(c) Exceptions. The requirements of this Section shall not be applicable to:
(1) Any vehicle which is subject to the provisions of Sections 1031 to 1036, inclusive, of the California Public Utilities Code and which has received a certificate from the CPUC pursuant to those Sections declaring that the public necessity and convenience require the operation of the vehicle, provided that the certificate authorizes that vehicle to be operated within the City, and the vehicle is being operated for the purpose authorized in , and consistent with the terms of, the certificate. This exemption shall not apply to vehicles operated as round-trip sightseeing tour service as defined by the CPUC;
(2) Any commercial vehicle coming from an unrestricted Street having ingress and egress by direct route to and from that portion of the restricted Streets set forth below, when necessary for the purpose of making pickups or deliveries of passengers, goods, wares and merchandise from or to any building or structure located on such restricted Street;
(3) Any vehicle owned by a public utility while in use in the construction, installation or repair of any public utility;
(4) Transit vehicles operated by the SFMTA along a regularly scheduled route;
(5) School buses when operated for the transportation of school pupils;
(6) Any jitney bus operating pursuant to authority granted by a City permit;
(7) Any vehicle owned by the City while being used in the course of official business;
(8) Any private vehicle that is operating pursuant to a contract with the City of San Francisco for the purpose of providing services to the public; or
(9) Emergency vehicles. [end addition]
DENNIS J. HERRERA, City Attorney
Deputy City Attorney
I certify that the foregoing resolution was adopted by the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency Board of Directors at its meeting of November 2, 2010.
Secretary to the Board of Directors
San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency
Copyright © 2000-2011 SFMTA. All rights reserved. Updated January 7, 2011