This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. Pedestrian Safety Advisory Council (PSAC) > PSAC March 9, 2010, Minutes |
Pedestrian Safety Advisory Committee Present Members: Absent: Excused: SFMTA Staff: Oliver Gajda, Pedestrian Program Manager. 1. Motion to approve agenda (agenda approved) 2. Chair Report a. Mr. Rothman thanked everyone for submitting comments about the bylaws b. Mr. Rothman announced that PSAC will follow PSAC bylaws regarding the quorum (until further clarification about the quorum is obtained by the Internal Affairs Subtaskforce) c. Mr. Rothman met with Ms. Lopez and Mr. Gajda to discuss creation of subtaskforces d. Mr. Rothman contacted members of the bicycle coalition, school district, Police Department, and Department of Public Health to help advise the subtaskforces. 3. Public Comment a. Mr. Strassner: Will these taskforces have to meet in public? i. Mr. Rothman: No, subtaskforces do not have to meet in public, but they should provide periodic public updates on any work done 4. Cost of Pedestrian Injury, Ms. Lopez (San Francisco Injury Center) a. Report on the Cost of Pedestrian Injury for San Francisco from 2004-2008 b. General Findings i. N= 3,598 (pedestrian collisions treated at San Francisco General Hospital) ii. Total Cost of Injury 2004-2008: $171 million in charges and of that $75 million in cost iii. Of the $75, 76% was charged to public funds (e.g., Medicare, MediCal, out-of-pocket) iv. 26% of admitted patients accounted for 82% of the total cost for all years v. Manuscript submitted to the Journal of Trauma; Public version of the report will be available at the San Francisco Injury Center website in late March/early April 5. Updates from Mr. Gajda (SFMTA): a. Better Streets Plan i. Looking for approval this spring ii. Last few steps: certification and environmental review b. Projects i. 24th street/mission—improving and planning the BART station along Valencia and South Van Ness ii. Accesible pedestrian signals—final policy being drafted; SFMTA applied for funding for more pedestrian signals (procurement but not installation) c. PSAC Website updated by SFMTA staff d. Abstract Submitted to International Conference (Walk 21) by SFMTA and San Francisco Injury Center (SFIC), comparing the full lifecycle cost of engineering treatments to reduce vehicle-pedestrian collisions over 20 years with the cost of pedestrian injury. 6. Request from Mr. Ra: a. The mint plaza has more people walking at Mint/Mission. Can this area be reassessed in terms of safety and engineering countermeasures? Minutes Composed by Dahianna Lopez, RN (PSAC Secretary) |
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