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SFMTA Taxi ServicesTaxi Advisory Council MINUTESTuesday, October 12, 2010 PRESENT: T. Ajaegbu; J. Bolig; J. Gillespie; L. Graham; J. Han; D. Hinds; D. Khan; J. Lazar; C. Macmurdo; W. Mounsey; D. Nazarov; A. Rebelos; C. Sweis ABSENT: W. Minikel STAFF IN ATTENDANCE: Christiane Hayashi – Deputy Director/Council Liaison 1. Call to order: CSweis called the meeting to order at 1:04 p.m. 2. Roll Call – The Roll Call showed a quorum was present. 3. Announcement of prohibition of sound producing devices during the meeting. 4. Approval of Minutes: September 27, 2010 No Public Comment. LGraham motioned to approve the minutes. JGillespie seconded the motion. On motion to approve the minutes from September 27, 2010. Adopted AYES: J. Bolig; J. Gillespie; L. Graham; J. Han; D. Hinds; D. Khan; J. Lazar; D. Nazarov; A. Rebelos; C. Sweis ABSENT: Ajaegbu; C. McMurdo; W. Minikel; W. Mounsey; B. Korengold 5. Public Comment TLee said that everyone is worried about electronic waybills and they think that the government is spying on the drivers. He also stated that drivers do not have privacy anymore. He said that drivers receive less tips when using credit cards. BMukhammadive agreed with TLee and does not want electronic waybills. EHealy said he does like that the public is not allowed to speak after the Council has debated the topics. MGruberg agreed with EHealy. He said the driver fund is still unfinished business and feels discussion for this should be pushed forward. CSweis closed public comment. 6. Report of the Council Liaison [Discussion only]
CHayashi, Deputy Director Taxi Services, gave a Staff update. Council members requested that an alert be sent out to color schemes regarding the use of an illegal sticker that is being distributed.
CHayashi, Deputy Director Taxi Services, gave a Regulatory Reform update.
MHarris, Taxi Services, gave an update on the Taxi Medallion Sales Pilot Program. Public Comment EHattan asked that people show up in force to support the new regulations for enforcing illegal limousines. TLee said in Hong Kong they successfully prosecuted a door man and hotel for getting a kick back from limousine drivers for giving them a fare but we are not doing anything in San Francisco. He said that he supports the new illegal limousine enforcement regulations. He said that a lot of people on the waiting list waiting for a medallion have other full-time jobs. FFahy said he is unsure of the parameters of the pilot program. He asked if there is a set end time or if it will keep going. He also would like to have a report on enforcement updates. EHealy said he wrote a piece about 10 months ago on busting a limousine and it is great to see that this will be online again. BMukhammadive thanked the Taxi Services for helping with illegal limousines. He said that he will be screwed if he has to install the credit card machine in the back of the cab. MGruberg said the provisions that we had before were strong but was told they were not enforceable and he hopes that these new regulations will be enforced. He commented on the tips and gratuity section and said that nothing is being done about dispatchers receiving gratuity from drivers. FSpiegelman asked if WMounsey can be replaced for the two months that he is gone. BTaranto said that CHayashi has taken great steps with the illegal limousine enforcement. He feels that having someone in uniform goes a long way with enforcement and he is concerned about the MOU between MTA and SFPD that outlines about what they need to do. He is concerned that MTA Staff would not be able to do everything that SFPD was able to do. CRathbone said he is happy to see the new enforcement against doormen. He asked if these regulations were going to go into affect in a week and said he is concerned about some of the changes in the regulations. CSweis closed public comment.
REGULAR CALENDAR 7. Medallion Sales Pilot Program impact on Drivers and Leasing versus Gas and Gate [Discussion and Possible Action] Public Comment on impact of the Medallion Sales Pilot Program on Leasing versus Gas and Gates TLee said a lot of drivers are long term lease drivers because this is more flexible. He said drivers need more shifts to support their families. BMukhammadive said he is leasing a cab and the cab is always on the road to serve people. He said gas and gate is good but for him long term lease is better. EHealy said there is no control on the type of contracts of long term leasing. BMcDowell said he spoke with JMurray and they speculated about 50% of drivers have long term leases. He asked the Council to realize the big economic stakes involved. He said a uniform lease would be an attempt to control the leases. MGruberg said the color scheme leases threaten to take over most of the medallions through this new program. He is not against the color scheme lease but this with the combination of other things needs to be looked at more carefully. He suggested a few ways to control the color scheme leases. BTaranto stated that he is not sure they have heard about the impact on drivers from the Medallion Sales Pilot Program. CRathbone commented on long term lease and gates and gas and he is concerned with sub-section A which prohibits agents. He said that many elderly or disabled people have the color scheme act as the agent and it is not fair to expect that person to manage the leases themselves. FFahy said initially when you get a medallion, you want to manage your own medallion but after a while it becomes burdensome. He found it more beneficial to have the color schemes manage the medallion for him. He believes other new medallion holders will probably come to the same conclusion also. RLytle, SFFCU, supports the long term lease agreement and suggested a standardization of the lease document. CSweis closed public comment. Council member suggestions on the pros and cons of having a Lease Agreement: Pros: Better experience for drivers [makes the Gas and Gate experience better?] A good mix with gas and gates Reduces problems with EDD Reduces scheduling problems for the drivers Cons: No regulations of gates Verifying driver quality and experience Lack of accountability Public Comment on the impact of the Medallion Sales Pilot Program on drivers EHattan agreed with DHinds. He stated that the drivers are given a test for the medallion application process and that too much emphasis is put on the waybills. TLee said that the pilot program is good for only certain people. He said that no one is guaranteed a job. EHealy said the way RLytle reviews the paperwork should be extended to all leases. MGruberg said that shifts are being lost by drivers. He said since new permit holders are going into affiliate arrangements that many drivers are losing jobs. He said the economics of the medallion sales system works against drivers. He said the impact is negative. BTaranto asked if there was a report done on the number of medallions in each of the different arrangements. He said you cannot talk about the impact on drivers without also talking about the impact on customer service. CRathbone said the effects on a gas and gates driver is very real. He said there is a snowball effect when a medallion goes from long term lease to gas and gates. CSweis closed public comment. DHinds motioned to recommend that the down payment assistance program only be made available to gas and gates drivers. DKhan seconded the motion. DHinds amended the motion to recommend that the down payment assistance program be made available only to buyers who commit to operating the permit as gas and gates arrangement with a color scheme only for a minimum of three years and until 20% equity is achieved or until the down payment assistance is no longer needed. DKhan seconded the motion. On motion to to recommend that the down payment assistance program be made available only to buyers who commit to operating the permit as gas and gates arrangement with a color scheme only for a minimum of three years and until 20% equity is achieved or until the down payment assistance is no longer needed. ADOPTED: AYES: T. Ajaegbu; J. Bolig; J. Gillespie; L. Graham; J. Han; D. Hinds; D. Khan; B. Korengold; J. Lazar; C. Macmurdo; W. Mounsey; D. Nazarov; A. Rebelos; C. Sweis ABSENT: W. Minikel 8. Council Members requests for information [Discussion only] BKorengold requested to know how many medallions have been offered to the list that have not been purchased and how many offer letters have been sent out. 9. Schedule upcoming calendar items [Discussion and Action] DHinds asked to review the buyer/applicant qualification procedures for the medallion application process. JHan asked to discuss fleet medallions at the next meeting. BKorengold asked to revisit the procedure of hearing public comment before the Council speaks. JBolig asked to invite the new medallion holders to a future TAC meeting. ARebelos asked to discuss uniform contracts for the industry. CSweis motioned to put the topics of reviewing the buyer/applicant qualification procedures for the medallion application process and discussion of uniform contracts for the industry on the next agenda. DHinds seconded the motion. AYES: T. Ajaegbu; J. Bolig; J. Gillespie; L. Graham; J. Han; D. Hinds; D. Khan; B. Korengold; J. Lazar; C. Macmurdo; W. Mounsey; D. Nazarov; A. Rebelos; C. Sweis ABSENT: W. Minikel ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned by standing vote at 4:30 p.m.
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