for the
San Francisco Transit Effectiveness Project
June 20, 2008, 10:00AM – 12:00PM
1 South Van Ness, 3rd Floor
Attendees: POLICY ADVISORY GROUP: Wade Crowfoot (Mayor’s Office), Bevan Dufty (Supervisor), Nathaniel Ford (SFMTA), Steve Heminger (MTC), Kevin Hughes (Local 6), Glenda Lavigne (TWU Local 200),Irwin Lum (TWU Local 250A), Susan Mizner (Mayor’s Office on Disability), José Luis Moscovich (SFCTA), Daniel Murphy (SFMTA Citizens’ Advisory Council), Tom Radulovich (TEP Citizen Advisory Committee),Ben Rosenfield (Controller) STAFF: Julie Kirschbaum, Judson True, Britt Tanner, Judy Tam (SFMTA); Peg Stevenson, Sally Allen (Controller’s Office)
Order of Business:
1. Welcome / Introductions 10:00
2. TEP Project Update 10:05
3. Summary of Public Feedback on Draft Proposals 10:25
4. Draft Capital Plans for TEP 10:55
5. Next Steps 11:25
6. Adjourn 12:00
Accessible Meeting Information
The 3rd Floor Conference Room is wheelchair accessible. Agendas are available in large print. Materials in alternative formats, American Sign Language interpreters, and other accommodations will be made available upon request. Please make your request for alternative format or other accommodations to Judy Tam, 415-701-4557 or Providing at least 72 hours notice prior to the meeting will help to ensure availability.