
PAG Members/Designees

      Melanie Crotty, MTC

      Win Din, SFMTA Board

      Nathaniel P. Ford, Sr., SFMTA

      Ed Harrington, Controller�s Office

      Boe Hayward, Sup. Dufty�s Office

      Cristal Java, SEIU 1021

      Glenda Lavigne, TWU Local 200

      Peter Mezey, SFMTA Board

      Susan Mizner, Mayor�s Office on Disability

      Daniel Murphy, SFMTA CAC

      Tom Radulovich, TEP CAC

      Leah Shahum, SFMTA Board


Julie Kirschbaum

Alan Siegel

Peter Straus

Judy Tam

Controller�s Office Staff

Sally Allen

Greg Kats


David Pilpel

Bob Planthold


TEP Program Manager Julie Kirschbaum reviewed the status of the TEP ridership data, pilot projects, public outreach activities, and the overall project timeline. Processing of the rail ridership data is nearing completion, and all data should be posted online by the end of the month (bus data is already available at under �What�s New�). The project team is currently working on two pilot projects – the first is the Double Deck bus pilot to test how well it performs on busy San Francisco bus routes and how it is perceived by riders. More information at The second is an All-Door Boarding pilot being planned for 2008. We are hiring additional fare inspectors, and currently working to procure consultant assistance to help with data collection and public outreach. More details at a future meeting.

On November 15th, the team hosted a drop-in session for CAC members and other members of the public to review TEP findings and data. We also recently presented a project briefing to nearly 100 attendees at the regional Transportation and Land Use Coalition meeting, many of whom can help advocate for TEP recommendations.

The team plans to bring draft service recommendations to the TEP advisory committees in January and February; these will include cost estimates but ridership projections will not be available until later. We will likely need a longer meeting time in order to cover all of the information to be presented. Following a final series of citywide public workshops in the spring to share the recommendations, we anticipate hosting a final PAG meeting to present revisions based on all of the feedback obtained. Once revised proposals are presented to the SFMTA Board, the team will commence the environmental assessment process and continue with a broader public information campaign to share TEP ideas. At that time, SFMTA will also begin implementing reliability initiatives identified from the TEP Operations Review.

PAG Member Comments

C: Will TEP recommendations quantify any speed improvements as a result of the proposals?

R: The consultants are preparing detailed analyses of speed improvements on four segments of major corridors, and making educated guesses at the service network level.


Julie next presented the TEP Draft Service Development Framework for member discussion. The framework recommends improvements in reliability and service management, and focuses transit service on markets to build ridership and do more with existing SFMTA resources. The framework divides the service network was broken down into tiers: the core Muni network, which includes Rapid service and Local service, Community Connectors, and Special Markets.

In February, the Muni Revenue Panel will be making recommendations in three broad areas: (1) operational efficiencies; (2) user fee-based options; and (3) other City revenue sources. We will share more details as the panel makes progress.

PAG Member Comments



The next PAG meeting is scheduled for Thursday, January 16, 2008, from 9-11am in City Hall, Room 278.