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  • Bus routes: 8AX, 8BX, 9L, 14, 22, 24, 28, 28L, 29, 31, 38, 43, 48, 49
  • Area: entire system
  • Dates:
    Monday through Friday, March 25 through 29, 2013
  • Time: a.m. and p.m. commute periods

Due to reduced demand during school Spring Break, some routes will run less frequently than usual during peak hours.

511 Transit schedules and trip plans will use regular schedules, not spring break schedules. Please allow extra time for your trip.

The 28L and supplementary service will not operate.

Weekday service details are listed below:

Route Affected Regular Frequency Spring Break Frequency
A.M. Commute
8AX/8BX 8 9
9L 12 15
14 Local 8 10
22 9 12
24 10 12
28 10 10
No Limited Service
29 10 15
31 12 15
38 Local 6 8
43 10 12
48 10 15
49 8 10
Supplementary service
Supplementary service
No service
P.M. Commute
8AX/8BX 8 No change
9L 12 15
14 Local 8 10
22 8 10
24 10 No change
28 10 10 + no limited
29 10 15
31 12 No change
38 Local 6 No change
43 12 No change
48 12 No change
49 8 10
Supplementary service
Supplementary service
No service

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Please call for more information

For effects on traffic, see Traffic Updates or call 311.

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