This is the archival website for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA). It is not kept up to date. Please visit the SFMTA website for current information. Muni Access Guide > Chapter 2: Access on Muni Buses |
Note: This page and any Portable Document Format (PDF) or similar files linked from this page are part of an archive and might not contain current information. On This PageBus Access | Accessible Features | Boarding a Bus | Using a Lift | Using a Ramp | Using the Securement Area | Customer Tips (Bus) Bus AccessMuni provides accessible bus service on a comprehensive network of routes. Your Muni fleet includes electric trolleys and clean diesel coaches. Hybrid, low-floor vehicles are being added to the fleet. All vehicles are equipped with a variety of features to make bus travel easier and more pleasant for seniors and people with disabilities. Accessible Features
Muni customer positioned in wheelchair securement area
Boarding a BusLifts and ramps are for customers who are unable to use the steps to board, including customers who use wheelchairs, walkers, crutches or other mobility aids. Customers with less visible disabilities such as joint, cardiac or pulmonary ailments may also use a lift or ramp. The bus operator will assist you to board using the kneeler, lift or ramp, and will help you with the wheelchair securements, upon request. Note: Please note that lifts are not intended for non-disabled customers with baby strollers, package carts, etc. Using a liftBe sure to position yourself so that the bus operator can see you as the bus nears the stop, and to stay clear of the lift as it is being deployed. Lift users who are ambulatory should stand facing forward on the lift and grasp the handrails. Be aware that you may need to duck to avoid hitting your head on the top of the door. If you use a wheelchair you may board facing forward or backward, though many customers prefer facing backward. Be sure you are centered on the lift, and lock your wheels before the lift raises or lowers. Tell the bus operator your destination stop as soon as you board the vehicle, and then proceed down the aisle to the securement area. Be sure to warn customers seated along the aisle to watch their feet! Wheelchair user boards Muni bus access lift Note: There are some stops where wheelchair lift or ramp deployment is not recommended because the grade is too steep, there are no curb cuts, or the sidewalk is too narrow. These stops are clearly marked by a “Stop bar with hazard triangles” symbol painted on the street. Stop bar with hazard triangles Using a RampBe sure to position yourself so that the bus operator can see you as the bus approaches the stop, and stay clear of the ramp as it is being deployed. The ramp may be deployed at a curb or island stop or onto the street. The ramp will be nearly level when deployed for boarding at a curb or island. When deployed in the street the ramp slope will be steeper and you should use extra caution. Customers who use a manual wheelchair and feel that they cannot make it up or down the ramp safely should ask the operator for assistance. Using the Securement Area
The securement areas are created by lifting up either the first row of forward-facing seats or the second set of aisle-facing seats at the front of the bus. Pull the lever underneath the aisle side seat and raise the bottom part of the seat to ready the securement area. Back the wheelchair into the open wheel clamp to secure the chair. The wheel clamp fits most manual and some older style power chairs, but does not accommodate three-wheelers or other chairs with small back wheels. In addition to the clamps, the securement areas are equipped with four-point securements which are four belts with hooks that can be attached to a wheelchair at each corner of its frame. The bus operator will assist with the securements upon request. There is also a seat belt that can be fastened around the chair back or the wheelchair user’s waist. Use of the seat belt is at the discretion of the customer. Wheelchair clamp and securements on Muni bus The securement areas are designed to accommodate wheelchairs that are 30 inches by 48 inches. If you are concerned about whether your mobility device can be accommodated, please contact Accessible Services (415.701.4485; fax 415.701.4728; TTY 415.701.4730). The above diagram of typical seating arrangement on Muni bus indicates the location of the two wheelchair securement areas and fold-up, “jump” seats. The securement area on the right side of the vehicle is often located behind the first seats adjacent to the front door and uses two sets jump seats. The left securement area is typically staggered further back from the front door from the right and uses a single set of jump seats. It is Muni’s policy that customers with wheelchairs that do not fit in the wheel clamp must secure their chair with the four point securements. Inform the bus operator if you need assistance using the belts. It is important that the wheelchair clamp and/or securement belts are fastened, and that the wheelchair brakes are applied before the bus proceeds. Customer Tips (Bus)
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