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Date: November 15, 2006

To: Rev. Dr. James McCray, Jr., Chairman
Michael Kasolas, Vice Chairman
Shirley Breyer Black, Director
Wil Din, Director
Peter Mezey, Director
Tom Nolan, Director
Leah Shahum, Director

Nathaniel P. Ford, Sr.
Executive Director/CEO

Deborah Weil Denison
Acting Director of Information Technology & Strategic Business Planning/CIO

Subject: Q1 SFMTA Service Standards Executive Summary

Attached please find the quarterly report on the thirty-five Service Standards being tracked and monitored by the Municipal Transportation Agency. For the first time, we will be comparing FY06 Q1 against FY07 Q1 as requested by our Citizen's Advisory Council. In addition, we are now tracking response times to phone requests for parking enforcement.

We also have updated performance data for FY06 which includes our ridership numbers, average fare per passenger, revenue figures, hourly rate per mode and a new standard for cost per passenger mile.

For this quarter, an Executive Summary is provided to point out significant trends in performance, both negative and positive.

Q1 SFMTA Service Standards Executive Summary
November 15, 2006



  • On-Time Performance continues to hover at or below 70%, with 68.7% system wide achieved in Q1. Trolley Coach achieved 71.5% and Cable Car achieved 70.6% for the quarter.
  • The percent of scheduled hours achieved was 94.2%, against the goal of 98.5%. We continue to exceed equipment availability, but fall short of operator availability. Cable Car achieved 98.06% overall, with over 98% of the operators available.
  • Vehicle availability for the AM and the PM peaks was just short of goal with 98.4% against a goal of 98.5%. All of the Rail vehicles, including the LRV's, the F-Line vehicles and Cable Cars exceeded the goal. In addition, the Flynn articulated vehicles and the Potrero Trolley Coaches exceeded goal.
  • Unscheduled absences for Transit Operators improved 1.3% compared with FY06 Q1 with an unscheduled absenteeism rate of 11.35%. Though short of the 10.7% goal, we continue to see improvements from a high of 14.5% in FY01.
  • We now have FY06 "System Performance" data available which includes the following areas:
    • FY06 ridership at 209M, down from 217M in FY06
    • Average fare per passenger for all modes at $ .65, up from $.56 in FY05
    • FY06 fare revenue at $136M, up from $120M in FY05
    • Hourly rate per mode system-wide is $149.85, up from $141.91 in FY05.
    • Costs per passenger mile system wide is $1.11. This is a new standard for FY07.
  • New this quarter, we are also tracking response to phone requests for parking enforcement. We are utilizing data from the Police Department dispatch system and have data showing a response time for parking violations of 37.05 minutes from when a call is received to arrival by an enforcement officer. The response time for driveway violations is 61 minutes and request for a tow truck is 37.5 minutes.
  • Citation and residential parking permits continue to improve with a response time of 41% in FY06 Q1 to 94% (against a goal of 80%) in FY07 Q1. The average wait time also decreased from 46 minutes to only 7 minutes.

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