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Return to FY 2011 and 2012 budget or SFMTA Board March 30, 2010, agenda

FY 2010/11 – FY 2011/12

Introduction and Framework

03/30/2010 San Francisco, California


·       What is the Capital Budget?

·       Previously Adopted Capital Budget

·       Recent Capital Program Accomplishments

·       Preliminary FY 2011 and FY 2012 Capital Budget

·       Next Steps

Capital Budget

·       The Capital Budget is a two year document

·       Last adopted in June 2008

·       Prepared in accordance with Prop A (Sect. 8A.106)

·       Demonstrates Agency’s ability to make substantial progress in meeting Prop A performance standards (Sect. 8A.103)

·       Establishes capital expenditure limits

·       Documents the capital projects that will be prioritized to receive capital funding

Previously Adopted Capital Budget

  FY 2009 FY 2010 Total
Adopted Budget $762M $353M $1,115M
Expenditures* $88M $157M $245M

           * FY 2010 projected based on actuals through Jan. 2010

·       The adopted budget included total funding of $1.1 billion

·       FY 2009 included $353M in carry forward funding

·       Budget assumed over $200M in transfers from the Operating budget that did not materialize

·       Despite shrinking funding, staff still able to obtain grants totaling $192M in FY 2009 and $226M in FY 2010 (year-to-date)

Financial Crisis Impacts

·       State Infrastructure Bonds (Prop 1B) reduced and delayed

·       Central Subway full funding grant agreement timeline pushed

·       Local sales tax revenues down

·       Repackaged large projects to fit within funding constraints

·       Operating budget deficits

Major Project Expenditures and Status

Project FY 09 Budget Revenues FY 09 Budget Expenditures FY 09 Actual Expenditures Project Challenges and Status
Central Subway $192.2 M $23.1 M $13.0 M FTA Full Funding Agreement and State I-Bond funding delayed.  Operating budget crisis impacted staffing and design schedule.  Several large contracts pending.
Rail Replacement $ 20.8 M $43.2 M $ 3.1 M Building funds needed to award contracts.  2 large contracts recently awarded and 1 close to advertising.
Third Street LRT/MME $ 45.7 M $56.1 M $ 8.7 M Construction contract completed and spent soon after end of FY 09.
LRV Overhaul $ 25.4 M $18.7 M $ 0.1 M Due to funding shortfall, project needed to be resized, with contract awarded in FY 10.
Islais Creek $ 51.2 M $11.7 M $ 0.8 M I-bond loss led to project rescoping.  Contract advertised and bids received in FY 10.


Signs of a Turnaround

·       Refined project scope to match available funding

·       Establish revised implementation schedule to account for funding delays

·       Reorganized to ensure staffing for critical programs

·       FY 2010 estimated expenditures of $157M

·       Many projects under contract or soon to be, leading to higher expenditures projected for FY 2011 and FY 2012

Capital Program Accomplishments:  State of Good Repair

·       Capital Asset Inventory Initiated

·       Transit Vehicle Rehabilitation

·       Radio Replacement

·       Transit Infrastructure Replacement

·       Traffic Signal Upgrades

Capital Program Accomplishments:  Enhancement/Expansion

·       Central Subway: Initiated Final Design & Utility Relocation, Groundbreaking (Feb. 2010)

·       Metro East Light Rail Facility: Opened (Sept. 2008)

·       SFgo: Phase 1 completed

·       SFpark: Pilots initiated

·       Bicycle Plan: 9 bike lane projects,  bike parking and sharrows citywide

·       Citywide Traffic Calming and Pedestrian Projects

Preliminary Budget Highlights

·       Propose expenditure limits of $375M in FY 2011 and $377M in FY 2012

·       Based on recent annual averages, plus several large, maturing projects:

–       Central Subway

–       Central Control & Communications (C3)

–       Radio Communication System

–       Islais Creek

–       Automatic Fare Collection Program

–       Fleet Procurement

·       Funding has been awarded or is committed

Proposed Capital Budget:  State of Good Repair

Project/Program FY 2011 FY 2012 Total
Fleet Procurements & Rehab 92.0 M 39.0 M    131.0 M
C3 (Central Control & Communications) 22.0 M 35.0 M 57.0 M
Islais Creek 31.2 M 20.8 M      52.0 M
Radio Communications System 19.0 M 26.0 M      45.0 M
Transit Infrastructure 20.0 M 20.0 M      40.0 M
Automatic Fare Collection Equipment 16.0 M 12.0 M      28.0 M
SFgo 10.0 M 10.0 M       20.0 M
Transit Facilities 4.5 M 4.5 M         9.0 M
Transit Equipment 1.0 M 1.0 M         2.0 M
Subtotal State of Good Repair $215.7 M $168.3 M $384.0 M

Proposed Capital Budget:  Enhancement/Expansion

Project/Program FY 2011 FY 2012 Total
Fleet Procurements & Rehab      92.0 M      39.0 M    131.0 M
C3 (Central Control & Communications) 22.0 M 35.0 M 57.0 M
Islais Creek     31.2 M         20.8 M      52.0 M
Radio Communications System     19.0 M      26.0 M      45.0 M
Transit Infrastructure     20.0 M      20.0 M      40.0 M
Automatic Fare Collection Equipment     16.0 M      12.0 M      28.0 M
SFgo     10.0 M      10.0 M       20.0 M
Transit Facilities       4.5 M        4.5 M         9.0 M
Transit Equipment      1.0 M        1.0 M         2.0 M
Subtotal State of Good Repair $215.7 M $168.3 M $384.0 M



Next Steps


·       April 20:  Submit Capital Budget for adoption

·       Capital Investment Plan (CIP):

–       Coordinated with Central Subway Financial Plan

–       Utilize new data management systems

·        Quantitative analysis to establish Agency priorities

·        Better match funding opportunities to capital projects

–       Late Spring:  Review Prioritization Approach

–       Fall:  Present CIP Update



Copyright © 2000-2011 SFMTA. All rights reserved. Updated January 7, 2011