San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Return to FY2011 and FY2012 Budget

Revenue Details with Narratives

Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12

Subobject Subobject Title 2009-2010 Amended Budget 2009-2010 Unaudited Actual Results (As of 9/22/10) 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget 2011-2012 Board Adopted Budget 2010-2011 Compared to 2009-2010 Amended Budget Increase/(Decrease) 2011-2012 Compared to 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget Increase/(Decrease)
Under the State Transit Assistance (STA) program, a portion of gasoline sales tax revenue is appropriated by the State Legislature to the State Transportation Planning and Development Account for certain transit and energy-related purposes. Funds are allocated on the basis of population (50 percent) and the amount of local funds used to support transit operations (50 percent) - this line item reflects the population-based portion allocated specially for Paratransit service in the Bay Area. The appropriation is removed from FY 2010 amended budget due to the elimination of the Transit Assistance Funding in the State Budget.
49999OTHER LOCAL/REGIONAL GRANTS009,600,0001,800,0009,600,000(7,800,000)
This appropriation includes one time award of $7 million in redirected Federal 5307 Formula Funds in FY 2011, 1.6 million Lifeline Grant for service restoration, and $1 million for TransLink projects.
66101ADULT MONTHLY PASS74,222,00053,957,97871,222,00075,622,000(3,000,000)4,400,000
The budget includes revenues from two types of monthly passes: Adult Fast Pass (includes ride on BART within San Francisco), which is now only sold in Clipper Card, and Adult Muni- Only Monthly Pass. The Adult Fast Pass is currently priced at $70 and the Adult Muni-Only Monthly Pass at $60. The SFMTA Board approved a $2 increase in FY 2012 for both passes and the rate is calculated based on the Automatic Indexing Implementation Plan approved by the SFMTA Board on April 21, 2009. Revenues are budgeted based on projected ridership. For FY 2010, the actual revenue from Adult Muni-Only Monthly Pass is recorded under the sub-object code 66113/MUNI-ONLY ADULT MONTHLY PASS.   The SFMTA is currently in the process of transitioning all monthly paper passes/stickers to Clipper Card, the one-in-all reloadable transit payment card, and plans to complete this process by April 2011.
66102REGIONAL TRANSIT STICKER1,588,4922,200,4501,588,4921,588,49200
Transit Regional Tickets are monthly stickers equivalent to a Fast Pass sold to other Transit Agencies for riders who originate from their systems and wish to transfer to Muni services. The participating agencies include Sam Trans, Cal Train, AC Transit, and Golden Gate Transit. The stickers are not valid for rides on BART and Cable Cars. A single sticker currently sells for $55. The SFMTA Board approved a $2 increase in FY 2012 and the rate is calculated based on the Automatic Indexing Implementation Plan approved by the SFMTA Board on
66103MUNI FEEDER SERVICE TO BART STATIONS2,400,0002,904,0922,400,0002,400,00000
Feeder Service to BART Stations is a formula-driven rate based on ridership and paid by BART for Muni services to BART stations. The SFMTA bills BART at the end of each fiscal year.
66104YOUTH MONTHLY PASS4,752,0583,387,7654,752,0584,752,05800
As approved by the SFMTA Board of Directors, effective May 1, 2010, the discounted Youth Monthly Pass includes two types of passes instead of one: Youth Monthly Pass (includes ride on BART within San Francisco) and Youth Muni-Only Monthly Pass. The Youth Monthly Pass is currently priced at $25 and the Youth Muni-Only Monthly Pass at $20. The SFMTA Board approved a $1 increase in FY 2012 and the rate is calculated based on the Automatic Indexing Implementation Plan approved by the SFMTA Board on April 21, 2009. Transit users currently also have the option to purchase the pass on Clipper Card.
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