San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Return to FY2011 and FY2012 Budget

Expenditure By Sub-Fund With Narratives

Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12

Object Object Title 2009-2010 Amended Budget 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget 2011-2012 Board Adopted Budget 2010-2011 Compared to 2009-2010 Amended Budget Increase/(Decrease) 2011-2012 Compared to 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget Increase/(Decrease)
017UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE12,00715,11517,9763,10825.9%2,86118.9%
Unemployment insurance coverage is mandated by the State of California. For FY 2010-2011 the rate for unemployment insurance will increase from 0.20% to 0.25%. In FY 2011-2012, the rate is projected to increase from 0.25% to 0.30%. These amounts are calculated by the Controller's Office.
019OTHER FRINGE BENEFITS73,31678,53682,7635,2207.1%4,2275.4%
Other Fringe Benefits include the cost of flexible benefit plans that are currently authorized for Municipal Executive Association (MEA) represented employees. Costs of Long Term Disability Insurance are also included in this appropriation. These amounts are calculated by the Controller’s Office.
TOTAL MANDATORY FRINGE BENEFITS2,025,4222,322,2402,413,656296,81814.7%91,4163.9%
This appropriation funds the travel costs associated with participation in annual American Public Transit Association (APTA) Legislative Conference in Washington and participation as SFMTA representative on California Transit Association (CTA) Executive Committee (6 meetings statewide per year). Attendance at these regular events is critical to ensure representation of SFMTA’s interest in transportation related issues both statewide and nationally. This appropriation also funds travel to seminars, conferences, investigations and out of town business meetings such as conferences and seminars relating to employment and human resource issues. Increase is due to reallocation of budget from the Executive Director’s Office.
The budget for training enables employees to acquire, enhance, or improve their work-related knowledge and skills. Staff is also required to attend ongoing training to remain current with licenses and professional service standards. This item is reduced as part of cost saving strategy to close the budget deficit.
023EMPLOYEE EXPENSES01,5951,5951,595100.0%00.0%
This line item funds employee expenses such as auto mileage, bridge toll, and parking at off-site locations while representing the SFMTA at meetings with the public or other governmental agencies or in performance of job related duties. Increase is due to reallocation of budget from the Executive Director’s Office.
024MEMBERSHIP FEES1,5975,3375,3373,740234.2%00.0%
This line item funds annual membership in New Starts Working Group. This group comprised of transit properties with Federal New Starts projects, such as San Francisco’s Third Street LRT-Phase 2. It actively monitors and advocates directly on policy issues related to New Starts funding, which is the anticipated primary funding source for Third Street LRT- Phase 2 projects. Additionally, this appropriation funds membership fees in the International Personnel Management Association (IPMA), the IPMA Assessment Council, the Northern California Chapter IPMA, California Association of Equal Rights Professionals and the Society for Human Resource Management. Increase is due to reallocation of budget from the Executive Director’s Office.
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