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In accordance with Proposition A (2007), the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency has developed the Draft 2011 Climate Action Strategy (CAS) for San Francisco’s Transportation System and the FY 2009-2010 Departmental Climate Action Plan (DepCAP). The Draft 2011 CAS serves as the transportation chapter of the City’s upcoming Community Climate Action Plan and details the six key strategies and related policies, programs, goals, funding and relationships with other City departments to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in the transportation sector. The DepCAP updates the Agency’s GHG emissions from electricity, fuels, water and waste and is submitted annually to the Department of the Environment (SFEnvironment) as part of the Municipal GHG emissions inventory.

Climate Change at SFEnvironment website

Members of the public are encouraged to review and provide feedback to the 2011 Climate Action Plan Draft for Public Review and may review the document at the SFMTA offices, One South Van Ness Avenue, 7th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103 or online on this Web page. Feedback can be mailed to the above address, attention: Climate Action Plan or you can submit comments online.

2010-2011 Climate Action Documents

2009 Climate Action Plan

2009 Climate Action Plan, PDF For accessibility assistance with this file, please contact Peter Brown at 415.701.5485.

For further information

For further information, please contact Peter Brown, Capital and Climate Action Project Manager at 415.701.5485.

Submit comments about the Climate Action Plan

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