San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Return to FY2011 and FY2012 Budget

Revenue Details with Narratives

Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12

Subobject Subobject Title 2009-2010 Amended Budget 2009-2010 Unaudited Actual Results (As of 9/22/10) 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget 2011-2012 Board Adopted Budget 2010-2011 Compared to 2009-2010 Amended Budget Increase/(Decrease) 2011-2012 Compared to 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget Increase/(Decrease)
35112PARKING CARD METER REV-VENDORS670,85410,80000(670,854)0
This appropriation is for meter revenues received from sales of pre-paid parking meter cards by SFMTA’s contracted vendors.
This line item records fees paid by construction companies for blocking parking meters due to their construction projects.
35232EMPLOYEE PARKING001,049,3046,417,3161,049,3045,368,012
The SFMTA Board approved the proposal to eliminate in FY 2011 all free reserved on-street parking and free permit parking spaces for employees of the City and of other government agencies and to replace them with paid parking spaces. This proposal will bring the SFMTA additional revenues in the next two fiscal years.
39899OTHER CITY PROPERTY RENTALS1,333,0211,655,6511,362,1501,365,17129,1293,021
This line item is a rental pass-through for the SFMTA. The SFMTA receives rental payment, on a monthly basis, from its vehicle towing service contractor located at Pier 70. The SFMTA in turn pays San Francisco Port a rental fee for using the space at Pier 70.
60199OTHER GENERAL GOVERNMENT CHARGES329,3593,349329,359329,35900
The lien holders of vehicles, such as financial institutions, pay a $15 vehicle repossession fee to the City when a vehicle is towed and the registered owner does not retrieve it.
60652STREET CLOSING FEE114,700142,990114,700114,70000
Temporary Street Closing Fee is governed by Article 6, Section 6.2 (a) of the San Francisco Transportation Code. Any person seeking permission for the temporary use or occupancy of a public street within the City is required to file an application with, and on a form provided by, the SFMTA, and shall pay the filing fee established by the SFMTA Board of Directors. The fee rates are set based on type of events, the number of street blocks for closure, and the number of days a notice is given in advance. The fee is also reviewed and adjusted annually to reflect the cost of the program. For FY 2011 and FY 2012, fees for neighborhood block events will stay the same within the range of $150 to $450 but the rates for all other events will increase slightly to meet anticipated cost increase.
60687CONTRACTOR'S PER TOW FEE1,337,7111,227,3361,337,7111,352,711015,000
The Contractor’s per Tow Fee is paid by the SFMTA’s towing contractor. For every vehicle towed, excluding tows ordered by the police and held as evidence, the towing contractor pays a fee to the City. The rate is adjusted annually based on CPI rate.
60688ABANDONED VEHICLE FEE485,000475,167485,000485,00000
Abandoned Vehicle Fee is governed by Article 4, Section 4.4 (b) of the San Francisco Transportation Code. The California DMV collects a $1 fee per vehicle registered with an address in the City and County of San Francisco and remits the amount collected to the City quarterly.
60689TOW SURCHARGE FEE5,122,0007,229,7067,122,0007,122,0002,000,0000
Citizens pay a surcharge fee to the City when they retrieve their towed vehicles. The fee rate is reviewed annually to ensure full-cost recovery for managing the program. The adjusted rate for FY 2011 is set at $186.50 per vehicle retrieval.
This line item records miscellaneous revenues received in this fund.
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