San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Return to FY2011 and FY2012 Budget

Revenue Details with Narratives

Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12

Subobject Subobject Title 2009-2010 Amended Budget 2009-2010 Unaudited Actual Results (As of 9/22/10) 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget 2011-2012 Board Adopted Budget 2010-2011 Compared to 2009-2010 Amended Budget Increase/(Decrease) 2011-2012 Compared to 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget Increase/(Decrease)
20311TRUCK PERMITS037,9330000
This line item records revenues from Truck Permit Fee.
20330NEIGHBORHOOD PARKING PERMITS5,480,1467,905,0516,140,9479,490,947660,8013,350,000
The preferential residential parking program was established in 1976 to provide more parking spaces for residents by discouraging long-term parking by people who do not live in the area. There are currently 28 residential permit areas in the City and the SFMTA issues various types of permits including annual permit, temporary permit, visitor’s permit, business permit, and contractor permit. Fee rates for these permits are reviewed and adjusted annually to ensure full-cost recovery for running the program. The budget increase in FY 2011 and FY 2012 reflects an upward adjustment in permit rate based on the projected program cost for each year. It also includes a budget transfer-in of the permit revenues previously budgeted
The appropriation for this line item is moved to subfund 5NGTFRDN in FY 2010 budget.
25111RED LIGHT FINE - CAMERA VIOLATION01,4271,860,0001,860,0001,860,0000
Red Light Camera Violation is governed by Section 21455.5 of the California Vehicle Code. The fine rate is set and reviewed annually by the State Judicial Council of California. The most recent adjustment that became effective June 10, 2010 is a rate increase from $446 to $465 per violation. The SFMTA receives a portion of the fine based on a set formula. This line item records revenues from violations captured by cameras installed at street intersections in San Francisco.
25112RED LIGHT FINE - POLICE TICKET ISSUANCE00690,000690,000690,0000
Red Light Camera Violation is governed by Section 21455.5 of the California Vehicle Code. The fine rate is set and reviewed annually by the State Judicial Council of California. The most recent adjustment that became effective June 10, 2010 is a rate increase from $446 to $465 per violation. The SFMTA receives a portion of the fine based on a set formula. This line item records revenues from citations issued by the San Francisco Police Department.
25130TRAFFIC FINES - BOOT PROGRAM966,0001,368,131966,000966,00000
A vehicle with five or more outstanding citations is bootable and towable. Once a vehicle is booted, the registered owner has seventy-two (72) hours to pay the outstanding citations on the vehicle, including any late penalties, in full amount before it is going to be towed. Additionally, to arrange for boot removal, a boot removal fee is charged. This fee is reviewed and adjusted annually to ensure full-cost recovery for running the program. The adopted boot removal fee for FY 2011 is $272 and for FY 2012, $280.
30150INTEREST EARNED - POOLED CASH1,275,000330,274637,500875,000(637,500)237,500
This line item records interest earned from City’s Treasurer pooled funds on cash balances.
35110PARKING METER COLLECTIONS33,985,60323,984,98631,243,51736,072,889(2,742,086)4,829,372
This line item reflects the parking meter revenues budgeted and recorded in SFMTA’s Parking and Traffic Operating Fund 5NAAAAAA. The budget amounts for FY 2011 and FY 2012 have been adjusted to reflect changes in revenue flow based on projected timeline for implementing the SFpark and new meter expansion program.
35111PARKING METER CARD1,029,2766,945,8171,700,1301,700,130670,8540
This appropriation is for meter revenues received from sales of pre-paid parking meter cards at SFMTA’s locations or through SFMTA’s website.
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