San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency

Return to FY2011 and FY2012 Budget

Revenue Details with Narratives

Fiscal Years 2010-11 and 2011-12

Subobject Subobject Title 2009-2010 Amended Budget 2009-2010 Unaudited Actual Results (As of 9/22/10) 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget 2011-2012 Board Adopted Budget 2010-2011 Compared to 2009-2010 Amended Budget Increase/(Decrease) 2011-2012 Compared to 2010-2011 Board Adopted Budget Increase/(Decrease)
66502VEHICLE ADVERTISING04,219,0670000
This line item records the revenue from advertisement on SFMTA buses. The amount is based on a vehicle advertising agreement that includes a minimum annual guarantee and a split of revenues above the minimum annual guarantee threshold.
This line item records shared revenues from advertisement at MUNI-BART joint train stations. The amount is calculated based on the formula defined in an agreement between the SFMTA and BART.
This line item records the revenue from advertisement at SFMTA’s transit shelters. The amount is calculated based on an agreement between the SFMTA and its current contractor Clear Channel.
66601TRANSIT TOKENS800,000879,281800,000800,00000
Transit Tokens and Token Coupon Booklet are currently priced at $20 per bag/booklet of ten tokens. The SFMTA Board approved a $1 increase in FY 2012 to $21 per bag/booklet and the rate is calculated based on the Automatic Indexing Implementation Plan approved by the SFMTA Board on April 21, 2009.
66602ADULT FARE - 10 SINGLE RIDE BOOKS0712,7570000
The single-ride tickets sell in booklet of 10 rides for $20 or $2 each ride. The single-ride tickets may have time expiration, and riders get a free transfer/fare receipt when they use them.
66701PARATRANSIT REVENUE2,100,0001,676,5421,900,0001,900,000(200,000)0
Paratransit services are provided at $2 per trip for SF Access and Group Van trips and $5.00 for $30 worth of Paratransit taxi services paid by the Paratransit users.
66999MISC TRANSIT OPERATING REVENUES221,432355,984221,432221,43200
This line item records miscellaneous transit-related revenues.
69901CUSTOMER SVC TRANSACTION FEES036,681648,000648,000648,0000
Approved by the SFMTA Board, a $3 Customer Service Transaction Fee is charged in FY 2011 to reimburse the SFMTA the administrative cost for processing in-person transaction requests at the SFMTA Customer Service Center.
69902ONLINE COMPUTER TRANSACTION FEES0220,412552,000552,000552,0000
Approved by the SFMTA Board, a $2.5 Online Computer Transaction Fee is charged in FY 2011 to reimburse the SFMTA the cost of processing on-line transactions made through the SFMTA website.
This line item records revenue received from sales of retired fixed assets such as scrap metals and old vehicles.
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