SFMTA home > About Us > Meetings > Taxicab Commission > March 11, 2008 | |||
TAXICAB COMMISSION MINUTES March 11, 2008 at 6:30 p.m. STAFF IN ATTENDENCE: Executive Director Heidi Machen, Deputy Director Jordanna Thigpen, Executive Secretary Tamara Odisho – Taxi Commission, Sergeant Ron Reynolds, City Attorney Tom Owen Heidi Machen, Executive Director: Turn-off cell-phones, interferes with phone systems and we get feedback. 1. Call to Order/ Roll Call · Present: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter 2. Consent Calendar [ACTION] Public Comments: · Reza Ghorbani: Has been a owner/driver for 20 years in the tri-bay area. · Thomas Stern: Has stopped driving for 10 years ago and has not contacted the Commission with his new address. · Ron Fishman: Why is American allowing Best Cab to leave, that shouldn’t be a decision up to the Commission. · Barry Taranto: Studies show that American dispatch did not do any service. Best cab should move to a dispatch company that provides service to ramp vehicles. · Jim Gillespie: Compliments Rashad Ahmed and Luis Lavagnino for receiving medallions. · Tariq Mehmood: Rashad is a good driver and knows he doesn’t have any background problems. · Com Benjamin: Motion to approve consent items: A- minutes; B-Public Passenger permits; C1- Sherry Giorgetti, C2 Thomas Stern, C4- Pascal Consentino; D1- CS change for · Com Oneto: 2nd motion · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 · Com Breslin: Remove item C3-Reza Gorbani for failure to respond or submit an application · Com Benjamin: 2nd motion · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 · Com Benjamin: Approve pending DOJ background clearance items E1- Rashad Ahmed and E2- Luis Lavagnino · Com Paek: 2nd motion · AYES: Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 · Com Oneto: Waiver requirement for Item F- Best cab dispatch change to be placed on notice. · Com Benjamin: 2nd motion · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 · Com Benjamin: Approve dispatch change for Best Cab from American to Town taxi · Com Oneto: 2nd motion · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 SPECIAL ORDER 7:00 – 7:30 PM 3. Public Comment: (Please limit public comment to items NOT on the agenda) · Charles Rathbone: Resigned as Treasurer from Medallion Holders Association · Barry Taranto: Staff is meeting with SFMTA to discuss folding of agencies. Someone from the SFMTA should be invited to update the Commission on merger meetings occurring. · Jim Gillespie: Address the issue of bandit taxis affecting the industry. Would like Commission to write a support letter in favor of the bill. Doesn’t seem to have any opposition. · Chuffa: Would like the Commission to reconsider the requirement for the medallion holders to drive 156 hours their first year of receiving medallions. · Jaswinder: UTW sued and asked drivers to not drive Welch medallions. UTW settled the lawsuit and took those medallions leaving yellow drivers without a job. · Name: UTW abused the Taxi law and created more layers than allowed. · Mohammed Booya: Why doesn’t UTW show their financial records to their members. Where does the collected money go? · Bill Mounsey: Drivers received a gas increase last year but now there’s a gas and gate increase leaving the drivers in the red. · Robert Cezano: Smart card was not created to track medallion holders there is no identification on the card. There should be some system created · Tariq Mehmood: Need some basic healthcare plan. There’s a violation of the layer clause with the Welch medallions and should be addressed by the Commission. A station wagon · Ron Fishman: As a driver had more money in 1980 than today. Meter should be increased. Higher driver turnover due to less competitive salary. Pay doesn’t keep up with inflation. 4. Election for a President and Vice President of the San Francisco Taxi Commission [ACTION] Public Comment: · Barry Taranto: Commission to re-elect a new president. · Peter Witt: Does not support President Gillespie. · Tariq Mehmood: There are so many bad drivers out there. Commission and President should be proud of what they do. · Anne McVeigh: Would like to support Com Breslin for her role and would like to see her stay in her role or elected as President. · Mark Gruberg: No longer supports President Gillespie as president. · Chuffa: Commissioners are regular people caught between people. What’s the importance of this election if the Commission will move to the SFMTA? · Hansu Kim: Supports President Gillespie’s nomination. Difficult industry and hard to reach a consensus. · Bill Mounsey: Supports President Gillespie’s nomination because he is the only driver on the commission. · Dan Hinds: Supports President Gillespie’s nomination. Over the few months has exercised leadership. · Name: Would like to support President Gillespie. · Carl Macmurdo: Any commissioners would make good president. · Name: Approves of Pres Gillespie and wishes him well. · Barry Korengold: Supports Paul although he doesn’t agree with him. Only cab driver on the Commission. · Name: Would like to support Paul Gillespie as president. · Commissioner Breslin: Paul you have served as vice president under several executive directors and as president you have done and accomplished a lot. I am not suggesting · Com Slaughter: The Commission’s working very well and there are a lot of things coming up. Stability is something this commission could use. · Com Paek: Electing a new president, would rock the boat. There is a lot that needs to get done and to learn for someone in a new position. · Com Benjamin: Appreciates the nomination but would like to support Paul as president and Patricia as vice president. · Com Paek: Motion to elect Paul Gillespie as President of the Taxi Commission. · Com Oneto: 2nd motion. · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 · Com Oneto: Motion to elect Patricia Breslin as Vice President of the Taxi Commission. · Com Benjamin: 2nd motion. · AYES: Gillespie, Breslin, Benjamin, Paek, Oneto, Slaughter NO: 0 5. Establishing Dispatch Standards [DISCUSSION and POSSIBLE ACTION] · Dir Machen: Overview of the item · Mark Soto, Veolia Transportation: Provided historic context for MTA setting minimum number of taxis per dispatch companies to contract with paratransit broker. · Pres Gillespie: We have not had a minimum requirement for a particular color scheme. · Mark Soto: Creating a minimum would help aide the paratransit community. · Dir Machen: Overview of the number of ramps at each dispatch company. The requirement would be to have at least 4 ramp vans per dispatch company. There are 11 dispatch Public Comment: · Name: By doing this you will eliminate small businesses which is against what SF stands for. When starting a business, it would be impossible to line up 50 cabs. · Ron Fishman: There’s no way to line up 50 taxis and is discriminatory in a small business progressive city. · Bill Mounsey: This is a step in the right direction. Most ramp cabs are not being used as ramp vehicles. B&W checker does a good job picking up the disabled community. · Charles Rathbone: Approves of this resolution and hopes the Commission approves this. American is a mockery of dispatch service. Commission shouldn’t allow any dispatch · Name: American is a mismanaged company that operates other types of business. It’s a mismanaged and over extended company and doesn’t deserve ramp vans. · Robert Vitcha: Small but a step in the right direction. Should strengthen standards on ramp dispatch. · Barry Taranto: Happy this resolution is coming before the Commission. But should wait to vote on this until the next meeting. The minimum should be 30 and there should be at least · Anne McVeigh: Decisions are being made on the surveys conducted by staff. Industry didn’t approve of those results. Commissioner should consider this. · Dan Hinds: National doesn’t accept ramp vans because they cannot provide good service to disabled community. · Name: This legislation is anti competitive and anti small business. · Andy Snaiku: Radio dispatcher for DeSoto and drove a ramp for a few months. Minimum requirement of 50 medallions is high. A lot of cooperation among the larger companies to · Hansu Kim: Long over due to improve public service and availability. Dispatch companies are important for public service and are different than owning a small business and · Rich Hybels: Servicing the community is difficult with 30 cabs. Most of them are at the airport. We work off Citywide’s dispatch. · Ruah Graffis: Interesting that Commission is taking this on after so much technology coming out to make this easier off one phone number. Against this resolution · Chuffa: Ramp service is improving but for some reason orders are not being posted on gps / radio orders. Has spoken to drivers at other companies that are wondering where the · Peter Witt: Agenda doesn’t mention ramp taxis so shouldn’t be discussing this issue. This is not a solution to this problem. · Mark Gruberg: Supports this idea but not sure this resolution is the best way of approaching this issue. Unfair for the Commission to set a 50 cab standard to be met within a few · Tariq Mehmood: Dispatch to the disabled community is a serious issue. The resolution will not solve the issue. Ramp drivers should have monetary incentives since picking up ramps · Com Benjamin: Approves and agrees with this resolution. · Com Oneto: As a consumer, who would call a dispatch company with a small number of taxis? A better number would be at least 75. Would like to hear from PCC on this. · Com Paek: This is more complicated then just numbers and would like to hear more discussion on this. Would like to realize incentives for ramp drivers since this is touching on a · Pres Gillespie: Would like to hear from the PCC community and the rules committee. · Com Slaughter: Ramps and regular taxis are different conversations. This resolution doesn’t address the ramp problem. 6. Consideration of Taxicab Rules and Regulations Section 4 Rule Changes [DISCUSSION and POSSIBLE ACTION]: · Com Breslin: Introduction of this item. Would like to dedicate one hour of tonight’s meeting to this discussion. · Deputy Director Thigpen: Review of 4.A.7- Leaser to have name on vehicle title and registration. · Com Oneto: Since the legislation was passed last week this would now double charge drivers. · Com Breslin: I don’t believe this will change anything for the drivers. Would like to send this back to the Rules committee. · Deputy Director Thigpen: Review of 4.A.9- shift changing ; 4.A.10- ; 4-A.11- notice when leaving for 30 days or more; 4.C.1- leases Public Comments: · Ron Fishman: 30 day notice burdensome and would like it eliminated. Shift changing on property causes accidents and safety problems. · Emil Lawrence: Shift changing on lot isn’t purposefully. 30 day notice shouldn’t be required. · Carl Macmurdo: Shift changing is an issue for people who live far off on the lot especially long term drivers. Drive your own medallion rule inhibited service esp during dot com · Barry Taranto: Drive your own medallion is important for vehicle maintenance. Should set up a procedure for shift changing to help better service the public. Broker language should · Robert Cezano: 30 day notice requirement is against rules. · Richard Hybels: leased drivers will pay for their own vehicles and have and will save money. Shift changing should occur off lot. · Jim Gillespie: Sees both sides of shift changing. The commission won’t be able to stop it but the parking on the street is negative. Maybe some regulations on taxis found parked on · Chuffa: Shift changing off site should be allowed. We need to service the city and how to improve it. 30 day notice is wrong. · Anne McVeigh: Agrees with Carl Macmurdo’s changes. · Hansu Kim: Current rules have not been updated to incorporate leased drivers. Shift changing off site should be allowed. Drive your own medallion rule shouldn’t be required either. · Barry Korengold: Drive your own medallion rule impractical. 30 day notice is infringement on rights. Shift changing off site should be allowed. · Tom Stanghellini: Shift changing off site happens all the time. How will commission obtain waybills if they shift change off the property? Drive your own medallion rule should be · Charles Rathbone: Shift changing on premises is best way to control a taxi. · Sgt Reynolds: Most drivers are honest and hard working people. Tried locating a taxi medallion and found out that the cab didn’t report to color scheme since November 2007. · Mark Gruberg: Drive your own medallion should be left in tact. · Ruah Graffis: Should keep shift changing on site. · Bill Mounsey: Problem is long term leases and someone should look into that. · Mary Maguire: What protection does medallion holder have for their drivers if they do not follow the rules? · Name: UTW is in violation of the rules. · Peter Witt: GTU should be addressing some of these issues. Long term leases, lots of drivers like them should ask why. 3 months notice sounds appropriate 30 days may not be · Tariq Mehood: There are a lot of taxis and drivers park their personal vehicles which get broken into off the lot. GPS makes it easy to locate taxis. · Com Oneto: The reason for the 30 day rule was placed on the books because the Commission needs to know where medallion holders are at all times. · Pres Gillespie: 4.A.3 and 4.A.7 should be revetted by the Rules subcommittee. 4A.9 to be added to resolution on the waybill portion of that rule. 4.A.10 to be considered and · Com Breslin: 4.A.11 resolution to get rid of this rule and add the new amendments. Change of residence address even if they are vacationing. The last sentence should go to the · Com Slaughter: Draw up a resolution as 2 separate resolutions eliminating 4.A.11. · Pres Gillespie: 4.B.3 also needs a resolution merging the language. 7. Staff Report and Commissioner Announcements [INFORMATION] · Deputy Director Thigpen: Read Ms. Machen’s staff update. · Sgt Reynolds: Update Commissioner Announcements: Com Benjamin: Received a memo from Tom Owen and would like it to be agendized. City Attorney: Allows a key personnel exemption to drivers. Public Comment: · Carl Macmurdo- Sup Elsbernd will be introducing an amendment to the key personnel legislation · Barry Korengold: Drivers didn’t get anything out of the gas and gate increase. Rec adding a .25 to drop. 8. Public Comment (Please limit public comment to items NOT on the agenda; also limited to public that did not speak during Special Order) · Richard Hybels- Make a rule that even numbered cabs are only allowed to the airports on certain days. · Mark Gruberg- Relentless attacks at UTW over and over again. Legislation recently passed worst taxi legislation created. · Hansu Kim- Update on debit card another time. 9. Adjournment – 11:35 pm Explore: |
The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) manages transportation in San Francisco, California. Copyright © 2000-2010 SFMTA. All rights reserved. Updated February 5, 2010 |