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At a special meeting on April 30, 2009, the SFMTA Board of Directors received a report on the input provided by the public relative to the options considered to balance the budget and then acted on an amended FY 2009-2010 Operating Budget. On May 19th there will be a public hearing to add a $3 surcharge on the parking citations. Fare and Fee IncreasesService Reductions and ModificationsThe meeting also included a presentation on a service reduction proposal. Please note that the service reductions developed in response to the SFMTA’s unprecedented budget deficit do not represent the implementation of the Transit Effectiveness Project (TEP). However, the proposed reductions and other modifications have been informed by the data collected and the extensive public input received during the TEP planning phase. Taxi MedallionsIt also was proposed that 100 taxi Medallions be auctioned on a pilot basis. Public Review, Comment and InputThe April 7 meeting of the SFMTA Board of Directors (agenda) (minutes) included a public hearing on a possible declaration of a “fiscal emergency” for the SFMTA for the next fiscal year, which would allow the service reductions and fare and fee increases under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). View information on the declaration of fiscal emergency. It is important to note that a declaration of fiscal emergency does not by itself implement service reductions or changes to fares, fees, fines, rates and charges that support transit service. The SFMTA last declared a fiscal emergency in 2005. Additional meetings and opportunities for public comment were held as follows: Tuesday, April 14, 9 a.m. Tuesday, April 21, 2 p.m. In addition to encouraging attendance at the meetings, the SFMTA requested public feedback on the budget balancing options and proposed service reductions and modifications via e-mail, telephone, facsimile or U.S. Mail. All written comments on the declaration of a fiscal emergency on the Board’s April 7 agenda had to be received at the SFMTA by Friday, April 10. Copies of the service reduction and modification proposals have been available at the 7th Floor Reception Desk at the SFMTA, One South Van Ness Avenue and at the Main Library, 100 Larkin Street. Following the SFMTA Board of Directors submittal of an Amended Operating Budget to the Mayor and the Board of Supervisors on May 1, the Board of Supervisors has 30 days to allow it to take effect or to reject the entirety of the Amended Budget with seven or more votes. For details on these proposals in languages other than English please call 311. Outside San Francisco: 415.701.2311. TTY: 415.701.2323. See also:
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The San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (SFMTA) manages transportation in San Francisco, California. Copyright © 2000-2012 SFMTA. All rights reserved. Updated February 8, 2012 |